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Everything posted by BE88

  1. It is very funny that all countries accept these 179 days to not file the tax declaration, well this is due thanks to the rich globalist elite who do not pay taxes in any country and therefore have pushed and obtained that there is this general international rule. And this is the reason they generally have more villas in different parts of the world. So we poor globalists can use it to our profit and reside in a minimum of three countries per year simply by renting, extending our holidays in pleasant places to discover where we can live with many advantages.
  2. Finally it is good news because it pushes me to change my way of life, after having lived 10 years in Thailand the time has come to live in Thailand as a tourist for the winter months and the rest in another country making my life more active and interesting out of the current boredom.
  3. It's a good summary of what they want to do with pensioners who don't pay taxes in their country.
  4. Yes, it's like Russian roulette, the pleasure of risk wherever you put it, you take the risk but you take the risk anyway. The same comparison as climbing a mountain, everyone is well aware that a fall can be fatal but the taste for risk is stronger. I have a car that I rarely use because I prefer the motorbike, and I am aware of the risk but I love the freedom of moving more freely with the motorbike in narrow streets in the city where many cars close the road, overtaking them makes me feel freer to move than to 'be locked in a metal box. If I had a serious accident I would change my view maybe or maybe it's too later. I fervently believe that a life without risk is not a life worth living.
  5. Are you in Kyoto and you're wasting your time behind your book, but don't you see those wonderful girls you can meet waiting for you if you come out of your shell? And so you can help Japan raise the average born. Japan thank you.
  6. This story is a little different in reality. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/3/northern-offensive-brings-new-energy-to-myanmars-anti-coup-resistance
  7. ""Something more modest but meaningful. "" A well done massage, all free.
  8. OK then I hope to finally turn off my air conditioners.
  9. We had a very nice similar experience before Covid, the funniest was when we were in a bus at the back when suddenly the bus stopped and the driver approached us and told us that we had arrived.
  10. And when they find out they have cancer, the doctors will say you weren't lucky
  11. Having faith in your GF is good but consulting a good lawyer to protect yourself from any future disputes is better. Good luck
  12. Our goal is to attract rich people to Thailand. TAT objective achieved
  13. We must be clear if the police shows up with a warrant even in your country you cannot oppose the search of your home, but I don't see any report of the immigration visit to check that you live in that home with your wife and take some photos that confirm what you stated. We are well ahead of a search of your home by immigration. However, if one day you receive a visit for a search in your home,you will also receive the documents describing the law and the reason for the search of your home, the same thing happened to the Big Joke recently.
  14. If they comes I have no problem if he opens my cupboard, what does he have in the cupboards that worries him so much? An inflatable love baby ?
  15. Happy to note that now those criminals who are one day past their visa expiration date will receive a visit from the combined force of over 30 officers from the SWAT unit. I feel more confident now living in Thailand.
  16. This project was completed incorrectly in wanting to copy the Suez Canal and there are two reasons, while in the Suez Canal the material had to be removed which was mainly sand, in the case of Thailand mountains of rock would have to be removed with incalculable costs. The least expensive and most quickly built solution is only the bridge where it can be foreseen in the projects that will allow high-speed trains direction Ranong.
  17. And wait for the sentence of a Thai judge? And be waiting to await the sentence in prison maybe in the next two years? I would have cancellated Thailand out of my travel plans forever.
  18. If you have a recent mobile phone then simply block the numbers you don't want to receive text messages or phone calls
  19. "" I've never owned a motorcycle in my life"" The best advice I can give you is buy a car.
  20. I see many Thai trucks and cars that have this device of intermittent flash lamps on the back, Thais know this problem, I suppose it is the higher percentage of accidents. I also put them on my motorbike, I hope they will bring me luck.🙂
  21. Oops another one who thinks he speaks for me, who told you about conspiracy? Business as usual made many billions of benefits for shareholders but now even Pfizer recognizes that there were many side effects but I think you missed this one. I hope your research is helpful in opening your eyes to the medicinal business. Good luck
  22. You can see that he lacks power, but a consolation ice cream doesn't hurt.😋
  23. I think you're joking, after millions of side effects you still believe the bull<deleted> Santa Claus tells you.
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