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Everything posted by BE88

  1. I see you like to quote only what is convenient for you but you don't read what he said next, please read carefully "but tax the income in the year it is imported into Thailand" he didn't just say what is imported but all the income
  2. Wrong, if you are resident in Thailand all your income is taxable unless you can demonstrate that your income has already been taxed in another country that has an agreement with Thailand
  3. Thai air force will invade Israel and bring home 25,000 Thais, promise by Srettha Thavisin
  4. LazMall Khaokho Talaypu Khaokho Talaypu shampoo in pump bottle, kaffir lime and centella asiatica formula, reduces hair loss, accelerates hair growth (450 ml.)
  5. In ten years perhaps electric cars will be the norm, batteries will not explode, battery chargers will be found every 5 km, purchase costs will be at the level of a third of the current purchase price, the distance traveled on a single charge will be at least 1000 km, the pollution will be the same but with a clear conscience, so I will wait another 10 years to buy an EV.
  6. How to return Thailand to poverty, this government is on the right track, congratulations.
  7. Congratulations you won the prize for the best stupidity today
  8. National Soft Power Strategy "One Family, One Soft Power." National Soft Power Strategy Committee has been established Thailand’s soft power Thailand Creative Content Agency 11 key soft power industries. World Water Festival. Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin now tell me how do you create 20 million jobs with Songran festival and Thai restaurants because that's what your soft power means.
  9. I agree with a previous comment that the Thai government has created many tax accountant positions. Everything remains in absolute fog in many cases and therefore they will try to bring in as much capital as possible in these situations. Absolutely not, if you have already paid your taxes it would be against international conventions to make you pay another Thai tax on the same capital.
  10. Logic would prove you right, but Thai logic? With a savings account you shouldn't have any problems but if you have a tax declaration from your country it would be better, if you don't have one it's all subject to checks with probable requests for tax assistance from your country.
  11. I don't agree, if I have a bank account in my country and the certainty that all taxes have been paid, only if you have an undeclared account in some tax haven it is very likely that you have not paid taxes. But generally for people with a normal standard of living the question doesn't even arise.
  12. In principle, savings are not taxable in the West, while interest and dividends are taxable in every country. Now it will be your tax declaration if you are resident in Thailand which will indicate to the taxman which part is taxable and the big question that remains is whether the government will also tax your savings that you transfer to Thailand and which you will indicate that it is instead your savings? And how could you prove that it is only a saving from previous years and not a profit????
  13. Interesting question that you ask and I ask it in different terms, is a pension income a profit or a savings? The answer in our civilized countries is no. The pension is a savings and for this reason it is not taxed in our countries of origin because the contribution we have made in our years of work was a savings set aside to be received when one enters retirement and therefore I repeat the pension is a savings not a earnings and should not be taxed in Thailand. If the Thailand government wants to tax it, it is an abuse.
  14. From what I understand in the usual fog of declarations with what the Thai authorities want to declare and what they do NOT want to say is that: All expats who reside in Thailand for more than 180 days per year have become tax residents from 1 January 2024 and therefore everyone will have to complete the declaration to the Thai tax authorities and if you do not believe you are double taxed you could declare it with proof, if you are not taxed because in your country of origin because you do not have a tax declaration that proves it, you would pay the taxes to the Thai tax authorities
  15. It's impossible for it to work because the tax or immigration authorities will ask you "What income or earnings do you live on?"
  16. In other words I would be taxed on the amount you import into Thailand and it will be up to you to prove that it has already been taxed in your country of origin so as not to be taxed in Thailand, so all this when you go to ask for an extension of your visa. Good luck with this.
  17. In short, I haven't understood anything yet.
  18. Could it be that Nixon didn't withdraw the convertibility $ of gold because there was no more gold to sell? ""No public debt of any nation will be repaid. ""This has never happened in history, it always ends very badly.
  19. It's just environmental madness where crazy people are running rampant
  20. And to check that you haven't escaped from Thailand even all 90 days
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