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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Yeah of course. In reality the bar stool hero in Pattaya that was sitting ringing the bell 3 time, last seen walking home with 2 mature bar girls and 1 ladyboy. Even that will have a chance to stay under 10k. 😂 You can probably throw in a half cooked t-bone and dessert there as well.
  2. It´s no eternal battle at all! It´s all soo simple. If you live alone, you can live on almost what you see fit as long as you have the economy for it. If you have family, like wife, children and costs regarding that such as school and so on..... Then it will be more expensive, but you still have to see to that you have the economy for it. If you wish to support your inlaws, up to you, then that will cost you extra. Are you paying your wife every moth, that will cost extra. Depending on choices a single person can live on all from about 12k to unlimited amount of baht. For a family it usually ranges from 25k up to 100k baht depending on the choices or costs. Here, the option unlimited is also available for the ones who have the economy for it. For me and my family the mount per month will differ, but it never dips below 100k baht, but mostly 150-200k and sometimes more depending on what we do.
  3. If they at least were millionaires! That could have been a very bad excuse. Now they not even have that. This is just silly mummy´s boys that saved 2 salaries and think they are kings.
  4. Yeah, but that was between 1965-75. Much have changed since then. 😉
  5. Made by: Japanese Deep Fake Studios 😂😂😂
  6. According to who? You and your definition of that? I am amazed that you want to fall so low and have a conversation when you thing it´s too low level to have one. Why do you bother?
  7. You are starting to be ridiculous. Here we have underlying meaning of that I might be unhinged, that I am not well, have underlying frustrations and it might be something wrong with the brain chemistry. Let me tell you Richard, I am not angry, nor frustrated or wound up. I am calm and cool as a cucumber. Plainly, I just don´t like you, as you try to tell all people what is right or wrong or how to see and do things. Who made you the expert? Don´t bother to answer, as you just took it on yourself to claim that position. That´s the problem here, and not any unhinged thing, wound up people nor any frustrations or brain chemistry. That was simple, huh? Wasn´t it? After that, you repeat yourself to death over biased, judgemental, sanctimonious and inhumane comments. Sure, that your opinion. However, repeating that as many times as you do is definitely not healthy. There we just have to remove judge from mental, because that´s what it is. But, as I informed. I will reply. At last, if you agree or not has no bearing, as that means right or wrong in your minimalistic world. That makes all the meaning of I agree disappear, and what you should be using is: That´s right and That´s wrong. Have a happy day.
  8. Yeah, and this was Steven´s way of protecting foreigners and blaming the Thais. Nothing to care about.
  9. Hopefully, the shop do not sell tobacco and alcohol. In that case you are both breaking the law, and being a very irresponsible parent. Shame one you!
  10. That´s like Monty Python and the shoe box story. That´s nothing. I took him to lunch 2 days ago. 😂
  11. What? 8 400 baht more per day??? How much are they paying before extra, as extra is mostly a fraction of the total amount. Does every high quality tourist (haven´t seen any) pay like 25k baht per day? 🤣
  12. That´s thank you for taking me under your wings, giving me a place to stay and grow up as well as food everyday. Tuinuinui is an ungrateful SOB
  13. Nah, that´s not true. She has learned it all from YouTube videos.
  14. Thai conflict resolution at it´s best.
  15. I think it´s totally awesome that 50 million baht is equivalent to THB 50 million. I would never had been able to figure that out. regarding the rule, it´s a totally silly one, that shouldn´t get any support in cabinet. Talking about horrendous amounts of 50 million baht for Thai people. It should be enough that they have 1 million and common sense, instead of protecting the people with big brother antics. The sum of it all, is that silly people have to learn the hard way.
  16. No nothing like oyu thought. You entered it in the virtual world. Then the quality hit rock bottom.
  17. No it would not cost me anything. It would cost you your freedom. We will never be on the same page. that´s just why I ask you to move on when you see my posts. You know, otherwise, you will continue to get replies.
  18. Ok, Richard! That´s enough. Now they must round you up, put you inside and throw away the key.
  19. And we all know who that will be. 😂
  20. AI engines mimic what they are fed to mimic by humans.
  21. Nah, you write too long and detailed stories for being the real Bob.
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