You are starting to be ridiculous. Here we have underlying meaning of that I might be unhinged, that I am not well, have underlying frustrations and it might be something wrong with the brain chemistry. Let me tell you Richard, I am not angry, nor frustrated or wound up. I am calm and cool as a cucumber. Plainly, I just don´t like you, as you try to tell all people what is right or wrong or how to see and do things. Who made you the expert? Don´t bother to answer, as you just took it on yourself to claim that position. That´s the problem here, and not any unhinged thing, wound up people nor any frustrations or brain chemistry. That was simple, huh? Wasn´t it?
After that, you repeat yourself to death over biased, judgemental, sanctimonious and inhumane comments. Sure, that your opinion. However, repeating that as many times as you do is definitely not healthy. There we just have to remove judge from mental, because that´s what it is. But, as I informed. I will reply. At last, if you agree or not has no bearing, as that means right or wrong in your minimalistic world. That makes all the meaning of I agree disappear, and what you should be using is: That´s right and That´s wrong. Have a happy day.