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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. ???? What did you just post. Did my teachers not listen to you?
  2. Okay, so everyone that think different than you, is waging and internet war for ego needs., Good to know. Now go back to the Trump threads.
  3. No, you are not special. You were chosen. It would take too long time to read through everything, so I just took one out of the pile. Ignore list? What? You´re not that lucky. If you feel bothered you have a list as well. Or, only know the name and that it exists, not how to use it. 🤣
  4. You have to watch your door better? Are you here on retirement extension? Then you have time. 😉
  5. OMG! You are amazing! Thick as a brick. Like I said, you are totally insignificant to me. Better for you to play with people who appreciate you. By the way, what am I relying on? If you mean replying, I will do that as long as you don´t leave me alone.
  6. Just go back to you Trump threads now.
  7. Bangkok weekenders, Foreigners (India, Arabs aso....) and a lot of Chinese
  8. Like I said........ I don´t care what you have to say!
  9. What? Are you accepting people to throw their garbage outside your house. That´s weak! Where does the river come from? You do know things travel far in water, right?
  10. So, when I reply to your posts, then I am re-igniting. When you do same, then it´s right. Do have difficulties understanding? I don´t want anything to do with you. Go talk rubbish with other posters that appreciate your on top of everyone attitude. Stop act like a pre-school kid now. Man up and understand that your words mean nothing to me.
  11. The thing is that they don´t, but you missed the whole forest, as it was too many trees in the way.
  12. Just pack it up and get out! Stop circling around everything. This is a tread about Trump accusing Zelensky for starting the war with Russia. Please provide facts that support such claim, or dive back into the sand!
  13. Nah, If you don´t go back longer than 1979, they actually offered 1 year visa already. I assume you don´t go back longer than 1987, as you are talking about 30 day monthly runs, as that kind of visa/permission to stay was not available before that time. Nah, Immigration looked at your passport. The nationality was available on the first page, so they did not need to ask you. With todays over population and mass tourism, that would only lead to more accidents. Actually, I did only get a stamp in my passport. Everybody else gave me a wai. Regarding missing the bus, you didn´t need to worry too much about that either. In many cases they waved the fine for only a day or a couple of them. Otherwise I think it was still 200 a day and no problem at all.
  14. Like I said, I have been living there for about 7 months. What you think about that time, and what it means to you, is totally irrelevant for me. It gave me time to make up my mind and opinion. You know, some people understand quicker than others. So, now I disagree with you, and I will continue to do that. How long do you want to continue?
  15. Mr Witoon! You are hereby declared blind!
  16. Yeah, never make a stand! Too scared.
  17. I assume the local som tum chicken stand was closed
  18. In a normal country the municipality could handle a small thing like this. But that´s only in a country where the PM knows what the position means.
  19. This guy don´t have any shame! Heighten surveillance of foreign nationals, just because some of them party and a few gets out of line. All countries have this problem. Should not be necessary to explain to a national police chief. Seems like he is hell bent of destroying Thailand´s reputation all be himself. Seems to me that Thailand say they want tourism in one corner, and in the 3 others they are fighting to get rid of them with different actions. What this guy should do, is to think about looking into vote rigging and money laundry, as well as embezzlement in high positions. Not to even speak about cleaning up among his own. How many police do we hear about who do everything from dereliction of duty and extortion to actually break the law and kill?
  20. I never said I know all, but I have an opinion based on news, stories from other people as well as my 7 month there. Remember, It was you posting that I had not even been visiting. Lastly, what you think about my comment, and how much weight you decide they have???? Let´s say like this: Can´t care less.
  21. Out of the reason that you reply as you do. 😂 That kinda make it look like you care.
  22. You just don´t know when to stop, do you? Tell me, why in the world would I travel an unknown distance to meet up with somebody who insult me and other people who have a different opinion on an online forum? How old are you? You behavior right now, is telling something between an angry 12 year old up to 19 who tries to find his identity in life. I don´t have to fil any boots, just because you say say so. After that, you are probably older than me, and sitting as a keyboard warrior who´s lost all real life battles. Now, the only thing you can do, is agitate people you don´t now online. You see, you are still same insignificant to me. Now go play with people who appreciate the rubbish you post.
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