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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Did I say that? No, I did not. Now let your vivid imagination make you happy.
  2. So, slowly slowly Londonman. We barely know each other, and you are asking me for sensitive information.
  3. So, you choose to see everything like an isolated incident, right? You have totally missed that it´s not only one intoxicated lunatic, but almost 1 per day. At the moment there are too many foreigners behaving like 5h1t in Thailand. And MO, they are not going to issue ant special ID. If you just think little bit, you will surely understand that entering Thailand and getting visa will be harder in the long run, just because of these dorks. Let´s just hope that the guy does not own a British pass port. 😉
  4. She went too far, and should have satisfied with only feeding the ducks.
  5. No, it is what a call a mistake of a person who is not an English native. Or, maybe you think everyone talks English as a first language. You know, this with no brain comes to mind again.
  6. Nobody have to enlighten you. Your fantasy is already at a perfect stage.
  7. You are totally right! The reason for that, is they are so visible in all areas of problem. Almost every second day, it´s Brit making headlines, and mostly in a negative way.
  8. Sure, which in reality becomes your comment.
  9. It´s amazing that people can´t just stop and have an argument. They need to drive at the same time.
  10. It amazes me, that everyone who comes to Thailand, think they can drive anything as quick as possible. No experience needed!
  11. And what age am I in? You see, you are assuming a lot too.
  12. Yeah, I did. Thanks for pointing out you understood it.
  13. And you did not understand anyway. Read Soalbundy´s post above, and then you will also be in the game.
  14. Ok, thanks for the correction, and also showing me that you understood anyway. 🙂
  15. Yeah, let´s do that. Unfortunately we will never hear more about it. Most likely he missed to tuck in his last cigg.
  16. Compared to the banks exchange rates, they usually give soo much higher, that you still make a profit using them after all the fees.
  17. I tried a lot of them in the past, and also got a lot of messages. #years ago, I started using IOBit Malware Fighter, which includes Anti ransom engine and Bitdefender engine. Not a virus or malware has touched me since then. They also give great discounts and have setups for 3 units.
  18. Did this guy think they would take 3 step in 1 year? He better look at history. 1 step in 40 years 🙂
  19. The manors and the class was about the shirt, The no brain was about the anger and shouting. So, now you can understand too. 🙂
  20. No, I am not anti foreigner at all. I have no problem with the ones who can come to Thailand and respect the country and the people. Also they need to take care of themselves and don´t start fires. Do you think it was just a coincident that it was a foreigners room that the fire came from?
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