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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Thank you. I would buy a genuine version of Windows 11 PRO for 800 Baht. Where to buy? Please let me know. This would be a good deal. Also, the software must be fully registered with Microsoft Corp. Please update where to buy for this price. Tks.
  2. OK. So, I agree with you., in that, I will soon stop using Windows....forever. I just need to use a very few applications which are not yet ported to Linux. And, for these, I just need to find a workaround. You like Mint. OK. But, I like SUSE distro, and I like to use KDE for my desktop. I have been using SUSE for over two decades, I think...and so... This is what I am used to.... maybe.....
  3. Really? I am using over 24 Gmail accounts on my Windows computers. I have nine Gmail accounts named after the planets, ... Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter YOUR ANUS Saturn Neptune Etc..... I also am using other Gmail accounts on my Windows computer, such as: CPC.licks.Maos.Anus AT gmail.com Which, I might add, is my favorite.
  4. Interesting. So, do you like the Chromebook? The Chromebook was introduced quite some time ago, or at least, the concept of a Chromebook, which was intended to have much of its storage in the cloud, instead of on HD, itself. For sure, it seems that MS is attempting to reap more money from Windows users. And, it seems that some companies are hoping for a Monthly Subscription paid by users. Maybe YouTube is doing the same thing? And, WHO is running these companies, NOW, anyway? Maybe, these companies are being run by a totally different generation, compared to the generation who originally founded these companies. AND, maybe this new generation will drive these companies into the ground, if they continue to antagonize their users. Some day, if they keep this up, then the majority of their customer base will leave. However, what is the alternative? Apple OS Windows OS Linux OS Not much of a choice for the common computer user.
  5. I will go with Linux, for the future of my teaching. FK....Windows. This might require a bit of adaptation, though.
  6. You just need to be grounded... Unless... You want to fry your motherboard, in some cases.... But, normally, this issue is not a problem. The main concern is static electricity, if one is assembling a computer in a very LOW humidity environment. Just stand on a stone floor. Or,.... https://www.fiercepc.co.uk/blog/guides/grounding-methods https://www.fiercepc.co.uk/blog/guides/grounding-methods So far, I have never fried a motherboard, or a HDD, or whatever, in my life.
  7. Maybe I am NUTZO? But, maybe not so crazy, actually, as most here might think. And, who are the nuts, anyway???? Obviously, the nuts are the software companies who wish us to pay through the nose to boost profits in a diminishing market. THIS IS WHY I HAVE CHOSEN TO GO..... FULL OPENSOURCE. After almost a decade of shifting from Linux to Windows, .... Now, this is the time when I will shift back to installing Linux on my new computer. FK Windows. I can no longer pay the price of the intrusiveness of Windows, nor the price to install Windows on my computer. ............................ Just a very few years ago, one of my computers was dropped on the floor. And the hard drive crashed. And the Windows OS crashed with it..... I tried to call MS to get a new license, after providing the serial number for this machine. But, they made the entire process difficult. So difficult that I just gave up, since the time spent was not worth it. .......................... So, I say.... FK MS. Some day, this company will get the message. Meanwhile, I will go back to using Linux. There will be some tradeoffs, such as not being able to use some software programs, natively. But, then....FK them, because they are monopolies, and they act like NITWIT Czars. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Of course, using Linux is not for everyone. I have used Linux-Desktop for many years, and I like it. I don't use Gnome, that crappy Gnome. I use KDE, which is better. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll The guys at Windows are nothing but LICE who feed off of the blood of good human beings. And so, I will NOT be a party to this bloodsucking. Instead, I will just install Linux on my new computer...and.... FK Windows products. Regards.... Note: That guy Balmer was a TOTAL a-HOLE....truly. (I will do without that a-Hole, and I hope you will, too.) .............. There are some things you cannot easily do with the Linux Desktop. But, I can do everything I need to do with OpenSUSE, for sure. FK MS
  8. Thank you. Good Advice. However, during this discussion, strangely enough, I may very likely choose to install Linux on the new teaching computer, for several good reasons. My only hurdle might be to find something similar to Adobe Acrobat Pro which will run, natively, on Linux. So, after many years, this wish will not happen soon, if ever. So...FK Adobe. I will find some way to work around Adobe. But, I am now committed to going with Linux, on a new install, even though I know this might require a bit of extra effort. FK, MS, Fk Adobe..... Opensource and Free Software is the only way to go....because...as I have mentioned..... The software companies are trying to move towards Monthly Subscriptions, sort of like the New York Times..... So, then...FK THEM! ((I will be using completely FREE Software on my next computer. I will be going FOSS, and also opensource software, which is not the same thing. But, I will not be paying MONTHLY FEES to these Chicken SHT Software companies...for sure. These monthly fees are their new strategy to suck the blood out of us. No Way. I SHT upon these Vampires!)
  9. There are some other partitioning software available, and other tools. However, these can get quite pricey!!!!!! I have pirated them in the past, just for testing. But, ....as I have just mentioned in a different topic.... a. I do not want to pirate software b. I want to try to go completely opensource and FREE c. I do not play games. d. Therefore, I am now planning to just do a new install on the new computer, using OpenSuse. e. This distro is quite good. And, free. Windows might be too expensive for me, for this purpose. Tks. Note: When you install Linux, you get that Great Feeling...... (Not Joking: When you install Linux.... You get...THAT SAME OLD FEELING!) Install Linux, and you feel FREE..... (I always feel Free when I do a new install of Linux.)
  10. I thought Pantip Plaza had changed radically, recently. But, yes, about 8 years ago, there were many computer shops there. Still, at Pantip Plaza, the best computer shops were actually not there, I think.
  11. Yes. Much work. So I had thought. ===== And so, I have been thinking about just not touching the old computer Samsung SSD...and.... Instead... I will just do a totally new install on the new computer, using Linux. (I am not so sure I want to take this more radical step to shift away, completely, from Windows OS. But, I think it might be time. Not sure.) For teaching purposes, this might not be possible Anyway. Thank you!
  12. Hi Folks, For many years, beginning around the year 2000, I used nothing but the Linux OS. Eight years ago, I went back to Windows OS for teaching purposes. However, now that I have a new computer, I think I will try installing a Linux OS, and I do NOT mean Dual Boot, either. I am not sure, but I think that I can use a Linux OS, exclusively, for teaching purposes. And, also, I cannot afford the big bucks for Windows 11, PRO. Also, I do not like the fact that Windows 11 requires some sort of SIGN-IN. With Linux, nobody asks you to provide so many personal details, or even an email address, or a telephone number, etc. ============ I am perfectly OK with Linux for teaching. But, there are a few applications, such as ADOBE Acrobat, which I might need, and which are not ported to Linux. Still, I can work around these hurdles, I think. ================= I am tired of being nickeled and dimed to death by software companies which think they can charge me, by the month, for lousy software that they control. Can I teach just as effectively without paying the Software Mafia? I know that I can. I just need to adapt. And, I just need to get used to alternative solutions. ============= This is not a philosophical post, and I do not care whether or not you might choose to wean yourselves off this TOXIC Software Bandwagon that many seem to be on. There is NO DOUBT in my mind that I can teach just as well using FOSS, or even the opensource software available on the internet, today. ============= Just be aware that FOSS and opensource software is NOT the same thing. =========== Anyway, Folks, .... Once I rid myself of the lousy software, such as Windows, and Adobe, I will feel FREE. I will feel better. I will never, again, worry about paying money to The MAN! Note: I will feel BETTER! And, I hope you will soon feel better....TOO...! FCK these lousy Software Companies who hold us HOSTAGE! ========== I will CONTINUE to Go with OPENSUSE.... But, I have heard rumors that the SUSE Enterprise project is now winding down, which can't be good. Still, maybe OpenSure community will remain strong? IDK.... I have always LOVED SUSE....
  13. Tks! Thank you for your suggestion. I am in CM. Anyway, no problem, I guess. I will probably buy from JIB, as usual. I guess I will opt for the Fractal R5, which has fans included. (I hate the glass window. But, beggars can't be choosers.) Thank you for your suggestion, however. Maybe, I will find an even better case for less money.... Hope so.
  14. Hi Folks, I operate on a limited budget for teaching. Windows Pro will cost me too much. Therefore, I will not experiment using SUSE (OpenSource Suse) for teaching purposes. This might be challenging, at first. But, I am sure that I can use OpenSuse to meet my needs.... Most of what I need is available from Google, such as Google Docs, Sheets, etc. I have used SUSE for over two decades, and it's COOL. I don't need to worry too much about the learning curve. Moving from Window to Linux will finally give me more peace of mind. Just because, as far as I know, Microsoft is.... Dithpicable.... There are always workarounds for almost everything. No doubt, teaching using a Linux OS can be done, even though there are applications which do not run, natively, on the Linux desktop. Still, it will be far worth it to finally rid myself of this despicable Window OS, and the MS Corporation, led by psychopaths.... What a total A-HOLE. There is really something wrong with this nutzo! ============ I just wish that Linux-Desktop had made much more progress in recent years. Balmer is a total A-hole, of course. is he even still alive? Regards, Gamma
  15. So. How to clone the Samsung SSD to the Samsung M.2? I think that even LAZADA does not have the answer. Maybe you don't know what I am talking about?
  16. PS: Thank you very much for your suggestions. I have used Adobe Acrobat for many years. However, I will not try to make do with the free version for Linux, in the future. Time will tell if this is enough for me. Thank you, once again, very much for your suggestions..... Tks.
  17. So, anyway, Guys... I am totally against this new idea of paying a subscription fee to use software such as Adobe software. Obviously, Adobe and other companies have realize that their sales have reached the saturation point where they are not able to find NEW customers for their software. And now, they have resorted to charging a monthly fee to their user-base, just in order to maintain income from present users. I cannot accept this. IF Adobe goes this way...then.... I must go some other way. F Adobe for this. I will find someway to adapt by using FOSS to meet my needs. And, I am sure that I can do this. Many years ago, I used completely opensource software, and free software, to meet my needs. I can do it again. (But, my only concern is how to harden my computer against Ransomware, in this new age.) Also, years ago, when using Linux, I never worried about viruses or such. Yet, Ransomware is something totally different than your average virus. And, I must find a solution using Linux. Fck Windows. Fck Apple. These companies have CHANGED.....Big Time. I could pay a REASONABLE fee for a decent OS. BUT.... I will NEVER pay such BIG BUCKS for such a very intrusive OS as Windows 11. ==================== IF there is no pushback from consumers, then these two companies will get away with MURDER..... There is NOTHING to stop them....unless....there is some pushback. (I will find a way to rid my computers of Windows.) And, maybe, you should....too! ============== These software companies will NEVER be satisfied. NEVER. These software companies are NOT human. And, they do not care about us humans, either! ============ I will find a way to adapt using FOSS. No problem.
  18. OK. There are certain functions of Adobe Acrobat which are not available in the Linux variety. MAYBE, the Adobe version for Linux has improved. Anyway, I am TOTALLY against any sort of monthly, or yearly, subscription fee for software. This is TOTAL BS. I will .... NEVER subscribe to this kind of thing.... NEVER!
  19. This distro is like great for me.... https://www.opensuse.org/ But, will this distro continue to be so well maintained? I had heard that the maintainers of this distro might have given up on it. I really do not know. Please Note: I can teach just as well on OpenSuse, I think, as long as I can protect my computer from Ransomware. Surely, there must be a way. Most Linux servers are hardened against Ransomware, at least as well as Windows servers, for example.... Tks.
  20. I am pretty much set upon returning to Linux. I have used OpenSuse (SUSE) for over 20 years. I asked Bard if OpenSuse would stop support soon. Bard's reply was this: So, anyway, for my teaching purposes, I think I can use Linux. My main concern is HOW TO harden my computer against Ransomware. Anyone have any ideas about this? Sorry for being so BORING, as usual. But.... IF I can use Linux, for teaching, just as I once used Linux for about everything... Then.... This would totally solve my OS problem with Windows. (I have used SUSE Linux for two decades. This is not a problem for me. And, I can save money by using SUSE Linux. And...I really like SUSE Linux, too.) Sorry to bother you guys.... but.... Windows is becoming ever increasingly difficult to pirate.....
  21. BUT, Guys.... I will tell you....for....FING sure..... I will NOT pay so much money to M$, or to Adobe, ....just to teach FOR FREE. There must be a better way. (Note: For very many years in the past, I have used SUSE, and I liked it. However, for teaching to students, there is some functionality which does not meat the needs.) STILL, now that I have a new computer, I have two options: a. Continue to use pirated software b. Go to FULL OpenSource software, and FOS I think my best choice would be to adapt to using: By the way: For teaching purposes, I really do not need to resort to using proprietary software. I just, mostly, need to use Google Tools, and things like Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Meet, etc. I cannot afford to pay for very expensive software, honestly, if I am teaching for free. This is what I am thinking, at the moment. And so, I am thinking that I should GO BACK TO Using Free Software, and a Free OS, like Linus. I am sure that I can adapt, quite easily. NOTE2: One important Consideration, However, is that I am worried about Ransomware. A few years ago, about six years ago, I opened, in Linux, a few Windows Files....and then.... My entire computer was locked by Ransomware. Therefore, is there any assurance, using more recent upgrades, that can protect against Ransomware? Of course, there must be. But, I am not so sure how to, using a Linux Desktop OS, protect against Ransomware.... This is my MAIN concern, actually... (Like a broken record, I can adapt easily to use a Linux-based OS for teaching.... BUT, I cannot risk getting my computer files WIPED OUT by ransomware. This would be a disaster, and THIS is why I have not gone back to Linux, during the past six years, in fact. Any thoughts about protection from Ransomware on Linux? What needs to be done to harden one's desktop against this? Tks.) Note3. I can use Linux OS to teach. No problems. But, I worry about a REPEAT of the ransomware fiasco I experienced six years ago.... Tks.
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