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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Such a syndrome....! Even the donkey has such a syndrome.
  2. Age-old question. Do you have a clue? What are we living for, anyway? Are you able to put it into words? What are we living for.... That is the question. Regards,...
  3. OK. Thank you for he Heads Up! Yachting is my kind of thing. This is not an easy race. Yachting is such a beautiful thing to watch.... The antithesis of golphing....
  4. I NEED YOU....Like no one has needed anyone before.... I NEED YOU!
  5. Regards, Gamma Note: Still Not Completely Free...but....Someday, I will be.... Note2: If you can't get free....then....
  6. Well, I guess I will not be returning to Philly, anytime soon. But, can you blame me? I mean, I haven't been back there since Rizzo.... Thanks to the Kinks..... One can find some humor in all this tragedy. Yeah.... The Kinks know something about a LOT of things. Thank God for the Kinks; I say! Gamma Note: This evening, I just noticed that I have worn out another computer keyboard. And, after I type this comment><> this keyboard is going to the trash bin>>>>
  7. I am a dull and simple lad. Regards, Gamma
  8. Coming from you, a Gold Star means that much more to me. Thank you.
  9. Even worse than the white waters...Is... Blackwater Fever. Best you sleep under a net, my friend.
  10. The older you get... The shorter it gets. Perception of time is not the same when one is old. How old are you?
  11. You don't say.... EAT, DRINK, MAN, WOMAN.. Grand Hotel Taipei, setting for the film... Ang Lee, DIRECTOR. I haven't had a truly SPECTACULAR meal since I left China.... Still, I could do OK if I could have just one 75,000 BTU burner on a tripod....outdoors. There is no cuisine as good as Chinese cuisine, anywhere, period. Why don't you hop a plane to GuangDong, Sichuan, and Beijing? If only you could leave your condo....
  12. Please do not say that I did not warn you. Last week, I felt the impending frigid temperatures in my Oracle Bones. I even posted a Topic warning to this effect. People thought I was nutzo, as usual. But, my Oracle Bones never lie.
  13. Three choices: animal mineral vegetable So, what's in it besides the vegetables?
  14. Right thread. Wrong author. Tom Wolfe (not Thomas Wolfe) wrote: “They chain it up, and they beat it, and they bait it, and they taunt it, and they beat it some more, until it turns and bares its fangs and is ready for the final fight every time it hears a sound. (...) Well, in that situation dogs are smarter than humans. The dog doesn’t cling to the notion that he’s a fabulous house pet in some terrific dog show, the way the man does. The dog gets the idea. The dog knows when it’s time to turn into an animal and fight.” ― Tom Wolfe, The Bonfire of the Vanities And then, there is Virginia Woolf, but that is yet another author. YALE University, PhD.... Yeah... Ivy League... My type of guy.
  15. Here in Thailand, I have success living with minimal (almost zero) contact with Farang. That's the way I like it, aha, aha...!
  16. a. I would never put myself in those old stinking shoes. I might get hoof and mouth disease. b. I am not against immigration and emigration. I think that all the poor and downtrodden should emigrate to America, meaning North America. c. If only all the poor would emigrate to America, then life, at least for me, would be far better in SE Asia. d. In Thailand, I seldom meet "poor people". On most days, I only meet Happy People. The majority of people in Thailand are very fortunate to have adequate resources to live good quality, and happy, lives. I know this from my experience here.
  17. I am just getting at the fact that I might be feeling a bit of pathos, both for me and others, at the realization that another year has passed us by. Maybe, I wish I could live forever, but not really. Thomas Wolfe is an amazing author who understood the concept of.... Did you ever have the feeling that you wanted to stay....or go.....
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