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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. So then... You are not a proponent of conspicuous consumption? How unpatriotic of you!!!!
  2. No harm done. I just hope that you are not usually this confused about your purchases.... Or, maybe you are just buying TOO MUCH STUFF....???
  3. I have been purchasing from Amazon since...probably... Before you were born. I even purchased tons of stuff from Amazon China... Back in the day when I was living in China. How many years have you lived in China, or Greater China...? I have lived in Greater China, and Mainland China for.... OVER 45 years, Sir.... I know a thing or to about buying from Amazon in distant lands....
  4. You know...Sir.... You sound to me like one of those.... BIRTHERS..... The guys that believed that Obama was born in Africa, or someplace...and not... In America. Am I right, Sir? I very much enjoy reading your comments, just the same, Sir.
  5. Yes. II do want water-resistant... But, not willing to pay too much more for it. I will check pricing for A35....
  6. OK. Thank you for the info. I will check on the models that you have listed in your comment. My main concern is RAM...the more the better. But, for my budget, I guess I will not get more than 8GB of RAM. Also, the nice thing about the A25 5G is that it has a headphone jack, which I really like. Also, IMPORTANTLY.... I can add up to ONE TBYTE of Storage in MIRCRO SD. This will be GREAT....I think. I want to be able to use a MICRO SD for extra storage! TKS....
  7. Dear Folks, Unfortunately, my NOTE4 PowerButton just failed. Therefore, a new cheap phone is a must, obviously. BUT.... Is this the best phone for the money, at around Bt.10,000.00? If it were you, would you buy this phone, if this was your budget? Or, for approximately the same amount of money, would you choose a DIFFERENT Samsung phone? ONLY SAMSUNG. I will not buy any other brand. As you guys know.... I always trust the opinions of you guys. You guys have never steered me wrong.....so far. Thank you and regards, Gamma NOTE: If this phone, would you feel comfortable buying from SAMSUNG shop as well as from POWERBUY, and or....JIB? Or, better to buy from SAMSUNG shop? NOTE2: When I say I am ready to buy.... I ain't just whistlin' Dixie !!!
  8. I am. Very grateful. My only other human friend is also a famous Linguistics Prof...
  9. Do you mean the Noam Chomsky interview in which he speaks about the actual historical meaning, and present-day meaning, of "Woke"? If so....here is the link... Enjoy..because.... Unfortunately...Noam is really getting up there...in age... And, we are unlikely to see too many more interviews with Noam, in the future,,,is my guess.
  10. But, still, never as good as this... This is the only Pidgeon I can tolerate...
  11. No worries, Sir! I am happy to report that I am no longer in a wheelchair. I was able to recuperate from a hip fracture that kept me wheelchair-bound.....almost a decade ago. These days, I am fit as a fiddle. Of course, I am also thankful that I was able to make the journey to The Grotto, where they exposed me to the holy water, and, this helped me to, almost miraculously, stand up and walk, almost instantaneously. Before the Pandemic visited us all, I was walking up to 21 kilometers a day, in the afternoons, round and round CMU. What a wonderful campus has CMU, I must say. https://www.lourdes-france.com/en/day-pilgrims/the-grotto/ The Virgin Mary was good to me...Sir!
  12. Not only is your washing machine dirty...but... Your hose is not coiled properly, either. And, when you want to spin, you need to dig deep down inside, And then transfer the heavy wet clothes to the extractor. I used one of those, a few times, in Taiwan..... Before throwing it off the 5th floor balcony. Hate these machines!
  13. So.... Point of curiosity.... a. Were you laying in bed? If so, who? b. Were you just lying in bed? If so, how sad. There IS a difference, you know.... Always be clear. Grammar helps us communicate our intended meaning to others.
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