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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. The Samsung does very well on bottle caps, actually. One image is the MACRO setting. The other image is the default setting. I forget which is which. No tripod used. My hands were shaking from trying to hold the heavy Samsung. The cap was left unwashed and dusty, intentionally. Would have been better with more light, a tripod, and smaller aperture. But, the Samsung does well on bottle caps, which is what I mostly photograph, on an average day. This is a small image, meaning less than One MByte.
  2. I read, recently, on TV that lizards will stay still if you spray them a bit with Ant Spray.
  3. Trump is a very playful character who much enjoys mugging for the camera. He knows it drives the dems nutzo.
  4. Excellent photo of Trump!!! Although, this image is a bit devilish, in my view.
  5. I hate paper straws. We used to use paper straws in the 1950s. Never liked them. Paper cups! We need to ban paper cups, too. The worst paper cups are the ones you see by a drinking fountain. The triangular ones. They collapse and then the water soaks shirts and pants (trousers). These triangular paper cups should be banned FIRST.
  6. In one's right mind, did you say? Also, that spider was nice. But, do you have a macro image of a Chinese hourglass spider? How about a Brown Widow spider? IMHO, spiders make almost as good photographic subjects as birds. Also, easier to find.
  7. That must have been... The last time I enjoyed Lizard under glass. I will try this peaking thing, and then get back to you. ALSO... That is a BEAUTIFUL BUG. Very nice!
  8. I actually had no idea that it might be possible to mount such a lens on a phone.
  9. No worries. In due time, Israel will be wiped from the map. There will be push back. Wait and see. The State of Israel will cease to exist. But this has nothing to do with antisemitism. It only has to do with disagreeing that Israel, the illegitimate state in the desert, should exist. And, this has NOTHING to do with Thailand, or Thai people. Wait and see. It has been written.
  10. Anti-Semitic sentiments are feelings of prejudice, hostility, or discrimination towards Jewish people. Are you sure? I very much doubt it. On the Contrary.... Seems to me that Israel is giving Jews a bad name, these days.
  11. Actually, at the time I purchased my phone, I had been hoping to be able to capture images like this one. There are just so many interesting lizards around my house. Unfortunately, my phone's Macro lens doesn't seem to work like this one: This is a fairly cheap lens available on Lazada.... I just don't know how to add this lens to my phone. Maybe the phone requires a special add-on lens mount, or something?
  12. This is really not too bad for a very cheap phone. The Macro Lens seems not bad. However, what is wrong with it? a. Lighting is from the phone, primarily. b. Need to add much more light. c. Then, with more light, decrease aperture to get more depth of field? (But is this possible to do manually on this phone? IDK) d. Obviously, very little vibration this time: I used my pinko-finger to press the button. e. Great detail in the green stem of this blossom. Also, this blossom is unknown. Note, and Full Disclosure: LUX Soap, Soft Rose, was used to steady the phone. Note2: All rights to this image are hereby relinquished. I think there is no need for me to sign any release form at this time. Let's consider it Copy-Left.
  13. Yes. Even on two bars of soap...still...any slight vibration can drastically affect the image quality. Shutter speed, as well.
  14. Smaller aperture would give more depth of field, I know. However, this is easier said than done on one of these phone-cameras. Very easy to do on a real camera.
  15. Correct. This is why I used two bars of my favorite hand soap.
  16. I will definitely look into the info you have provided. I had never heard of peaking, until you mentioned it. For my molar photos: The phone was resting on two solid bars of Proctor and Gamble soap. Rock steady. Of course, with a macro lens, one expects that only part of the image would be in focus, at any given time. So, I think the camera did a quite good job of resolving the background texture. The molar, itself, was not quite in focus...and this is due to the fact that.... I don't have different thicknesses of bars of soap. Otherwise, I could have changed the working distance, in order to get my molar more in focus. Don't you think? So not bad, is my conclusion. I was an idiot to try to use the Macro Lens to photo a Mango Blossom without first measuring the exact distance from lens to object.
  17. Actually, I did see these reviews before I purchased this phone. STILL.... In complete honesty, I would definitely buy it again, for my needs. I do not buy phones with serious photography in mind....ever. And, also, I am an idiot, in this case. I should have recalled from my old photography days that.... a. Using a Macro Lens requires a tripod arrangement. b. Also, if one does not have an expensive Macro Lens, then the focal distance is critical. c. In this case, after checking the specs, I did see that the Macro Lens on this camera is designed to have a working distance of about 2 to 3 cm. I am an idiot for not first checking this. d. Therefore, I decided to try again, not with a flower blossom...but..... e. With some gold from my mouth. f. I just happened to have a gold crown previously removed by my wonderful dentist. And, here, you can see the results, with and without camera flash. g. Four images....as follows: Gold Crown inside view without Flash Gold Crown Inside View with Flash Gold Crown Outside View without Flash Gold Crown Outside View with Flash My conclusion is that my crown looks OK, based on these images. These images are definitely NOT lab quality. However, if one compares the price of a USD6000.00 camera (in today's dollars) to a USD500.00 Samsung phone of today....then which is the better deal? Hands down: Samsung RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would buy the A55-5G, any day....for my needs. If and when I return to my old work, as a professional photographer, then I will splurge and buy a new Digital Nikon camera. But I really don't think today's Nikons can compare to the beauty of a Nikon F2SA.... Do you? The Macro Lens on this Samsung is still out of focus, IMHO. But, what do you want/expect for peanuts?
  18. This is just the default-setting view on the screen of the phone camera. And, the following is what I would expect from a MACRO Lens on a camera, imaging a Mango Blossom: And here, once more, is my MACRO lens image of the Mango Blossom taken over an hour ago: Still, the phone is very CHEAP. Therefore, should I have expected this result? Or, should I have expected more? Actually, when I first purchased this phone, I never expected a rose garden.
  19. Peking China? I was referring to the crazy out-of-focus result in the image. The MACRO setting is garbage. This camera phone is OK for .....anything but semi-serious photography...unless...I might be doing something wrong which keeps the camera from focusing properly. So then, the MACRO setting, and MACRO lens in this phone is basically useless?
  20. I am familiar with what you are speaking of, and your concerns. However, in all honesty, I would be far more concerned with the UK going.... Clockwork Orange, rather than going "Orwell-1984". I also am familiar with the APPLE ad/commercial you are alluding to, which everyone thought magnificent. I did not like it, a bit. The ad you are alluding to is this one: JOBS and APPLE: An authoritarian company run by a control freak, even back then in 1984. And, nothing has changed much, even now in 2025. In fact, APPLE is even more authoritarian than it ever was. I hate Apple products, And, anyone using Apple products is a fool, or just someone who could not care less about being FREE.... Apple users have nothing to complain about, after making their decision to choose Apple for computers, phones, or anything else.... What about those tags that you love so much???? When someone shoots himself in the foot...then... It's bound to hurt a bit. So...why complain?
  21. Dear Folks, I am very, VERY pleased with the A55-5G phone, for what I normally use it for. Great amount of RAM, 12GB Adequate internal memory storage: 256GB Very reasonable cost, quite undeniably! However, when it comes to photography...haha....because... IMHO, it's still a JOKE compared to my old camera which I purchased...back in...1978. This is why, anytime anyone asks me why I use my camera phone to take, mostly, nothing but images of store-purchase receipts, or maybe the neighbor's cat in my yard, I just say that it does not measure up to my 50-year-old camera, made by Nikon. For example, just a few minutes ago, I noticed that my mango tree was blossoming early this year. I decided to document it by recording an image of said blossom. I turned the camera on the phone to MACRO, and got up close, but not too close. Still, here is what the phone camera recorded.... What's wrong with this picture? Or, what's wrong with the camera of the phone, for that matter? Here is an image of my Nikon F2AS, a camera which I loved....so deeply. Also, it was a film camera, another thing I loved....so deeply. Do you even think that a Nikon would take such as sorry photo of a mango blossom as you see, above you? It never would. It never did. On the phone-camera, there is no way to focus the lens. Everything seems automatic. And, so, sometimes, the images turn out like this. I am not one to take many photos, daily, as I once thought I might. Still, when a mango blossom image turns out like this...then...it's such a let-down. Also, just look at the difference in the size of the lens! This is a 50mm lens, a NORMAL lens, on the Nikon. Gods only know what kind of creepy lens is in my Samsung phone. I must admit, the Nikon F2AS, back in 1978, cost about.... Today, the price of the F2AS would be about.... Therefore, I have absolutely NOTHING to complain about. I am ONLY asking and wondering about.... What's wrong with this mango-blossom picture? Next time, I hope to do better. Thank you. Regards, Gamma Note: Although this might, at first, seem like an Agricultural Topic, or a Photography Topic, or even a PHONE Topic....still..... Please keep me in the Pub, where I belong.... Thank you.
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