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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. And then.... What, exactly, is The Veep saying about AI? Listen to his thoughts...here: Go..Musk...Go....!!!! Sammy, though, is Gone...Gone....GONE.....! YEAH....Sammy....She's Gone Gone Gone... Things are a'changin' It's a NEW WORLD, these days.... Go TRUMP Go.....
  2. Obviously, no uneducated clod should ever be given so much political clout as Sammy seems to have unjustifiably been given. No worries. The market will correct this injustice. And, poor Sammy Boy will be out on his duff.... Just as soon as Elon is finished with him. A pretender can only last so long before he is truly outed. Sammy Boy's days are numbered. He is already aware of this. He is running scared, about now. Just wait and watch.
  3. Finally....FINALLY....for just once on this blessed forum..... A SERIOUS thought worth pondering. And, what about this tune....Oh Sammy Boy......? Beautiful music....for a very bad situation. Sammy must go.... He shall follow her...... Maybe tomorrow.... Or, the next day. Wait and see.
  4. Strangely enough, for just ONCE in my lifetime on TV.... I have coughed up a rather serous Topic. But then, I get no feedback from members. Why is this? Does this mean that there is actually NOBODY here who wants to discuss things in a more serious vein? Where are the SERIOUS GUYS on TV, anyway? I want to know your thoughts! IMHO..... Things here, about this Topic, are really beginning to BOIL now....and yet.... NOT EVEN A thoughtful PEEP out of you guys....???? What's up with you people???? This is BIG news....BIG TIME.... Surely you guys must know by now.... Right?
  5. Very much...AGREE. But, ...... Although he says he is a PHILLY boy...... Sometimes I doubt it. I think he might come from the UK, and that he is just fooling me that he once danced around on the rooftops of the MainLine slate-roofed houses...as a ChimneySweep. Am I right, or am I wrong? I guess we shall never know.
  6. Yes. In this case, I agree with you that.... PATHETIC is the PERFECT word. AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Nice battery shot...for sure.... Better than the spider, even.
  8. Yes. I recall this fact, just from reading about it years ago. So sad. This was definitely an EXPERIMENTAL aircraft that he was flying, though.....
  9. CHANCE!!!!! Never say never. Musk give us Reason to Live, He gives me Reason to Live.... He gives me REASON TO LIVE.....
  10. The images is GREAT. The spider leaves much to be desired. I think I need to practice using the A55-5G photo app. Other than imaging, I am extremely pleased with this phone.. As I have stated previously, several times. (Meaning, I am please with the phone, but not the clerk who sold it to me.)
  11. OK. But, hopefully, someday soon... You WILL be.... Think..... MARS......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. You are the photographer. Therefore, no need for you to apologize for choosing your subject. All great photographers exercise this freedom. Note: Maybe I can borrow a spark plug from a neighbor. Will try.
  13. Also, if you watch the vid I linked... It seems that Elon plans to BURY Sammy. And, probably soon. So, let's all stay tuned to this drama. Elon has offered, maybe, about USD100 BILLION to buy OpenAI...? GO MUSK GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are behind you, 100%, Elon.... Please Bury that upstart-cretin !!!!!!!!!! Sammy MUST go.... For the good of the world, and also...for our collective.... Peace of Mind!
  14. Both images captured with the Macro Button On (they say it's a Macro Lens...but I think they are just joking.) This is not really a fair competition because: a. No tripod. (Tomorrow, I will order a tripod from Lazada, my go-to retailer.) b. Your cap is a different and better color. c. I forgot to capture image at High Noon, when there might have been decent and adequate light from the Sun. (Not enough light, in my case.) d. My hands were shaking from holding up heavy camera. e. Also, most importantly, the base of the bottle kept swaying back and forth. Not flat. I had to hold onto the bottle and the camera at the same time I used thumb to activate "shutter", even though my phone-camera has no shutter. Still, what should one expect from a very cheap phone. The phone is good for what Samsung intended....IMHO. Suggestion: If you really want a fair competition, then maybe use a smaller subject with more detail. THEN, we will be able to separate the Men from the Boys.... Just a suggestion. b.
  15. AGI may do-away-with Capitalism, within the year!!!! THEN where will Sammy be?
  16. Cough medicine makes me cough. Best to increase fluid intake and just hope for the best. Coughing is Good. This idea of Coughing is definitely an Evolutionary Advantage. Do not try to suppress that which is Natural, please.
  17. Dear Folks, So many predictions about 2025 and AGI: Sammy Boy says Labor will lose its power to Capital!!! The Veep says AGI and AI are Great without Safeguards. And, The RAND Corp also has so much to say about my TOPIC. So then: What do you think? Please first watch this short but good vid. Than, please weigh-in on this timely TOPIC>>>>!!!!! It may be too late for Mankind. Or, it might not be. My advice, don't let that little man, Sammy, worry you to much. He is, for one, just trying to hype up his position. He is definitely running scared, these days. And so, he might be trying to divert attention from what is really happening in the .... Real World. You decide. Best regards, Gamma
  18. And then, Trump could compete for customers with Harbin.
  19. YES! Goofing around. This is why this Topic is in the Farang Pub. And, this is why this Topic is NOT in any serious TV-sub-forum, such a the Farming forum.
  20. Next time, the Russians should just fly Tupolev-114 aircraft...
  21. I might buy some beer with very tiny bubbles, in advance.
  22. OK Will it be bottle caps, again? If bottle caps, then let's go for it. I will take a few images of bottle caps in direct sunlight, which should be bright enough for my purposes. Then we shall see what we shall see.
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