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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. It might even be some entity created by an AI to plague Mankind, and also those in Thailand....mostly Farang people.... ((Personally, I consider myself to be a LONGTIME FanBoy of TV. And, knowing myself, this is just the way it will ALWAYS BE. I am not about to change horses in mid-race....not by a longshot.))
  2. This worm, "by T-Thaiger" has turned. So strange how things evolve. Never in my wildest dreams! I guess you must feel the same? aa. These past few years, inclusive of our favorite Pandemic, and much more.... Have been very unsettling. And... Now....THIS abomination? Just joking. bb One must be ready to adapt in this life, if one is to survive. cc. I am still on the fence. dd. My love, my reverence, my nostalgia, still resides with TV...and....this is the way.... It will ALWAYS be. You just can't teach an old dog new tricks, I guess....maybe... Regards, Gamma NOTE: I guess I am only voicing my regret, as I finally reach the final endpoint of my timeline on planet Earth, that I wish TV were still here, just as it once was. I have such fond memories of the guys who posted, and the CULTURE of TV, too. I am sure that you might not understand, unless your thinking is usually like mine, which is something that I do not recommend. Sometimes, you just would not believe how nostalgic I become, at times, for things like the TV Forum, as it once was. I just wish that I were a better writer in order to better communicate my innermost feelings, about this, to you.... Soon, I will meet my maker. And, what will I have to tell Him about TV, and my contributions to TV? So much to ponder, and so little time...too! NOTE2: Should these existential thoughts bother anyone, then....please contact your local HOTLINE for support..... Thank you.
  3. Hey Man.... What do you think? Do you think I am some sort to TRAINED MONKEY that provides Photos on Demand, at the whim of some TV poster? Just Joking, Son.... Because, although I may not be smart, I am intelligent enough to recognize that you have provided accurate information about openSUSE.... Therefore, I will just humor you, this one time, and never again, by uploading the photos you requested. By the way... As I say, your thoughts of using Tumbleweed vs openSUSE (Stable) are correct. You are no Linux NITWIT, IMHO, by any means! And this is the ONLY reason I now bend to your demands to upload two trivial images.... And, YES, you are right that I have NOT built some sort of SUPER COMPUTER. I told you from the very beginning that I am building a budget machine, using the i5-13600K, for socket 1700, a socket which, I think, still has several years of use. I do not know who you are. But, I know that you know something about SUSE, obviously. You can take this as flattery from a pig, I guess. Since, most people here believe I am dimmer than most. Hopefully, in the attached images, you will not see any serial numbers or bar codes, etc. IF I had access to unlimited financial means, then I might have chosen the required components to build a semi-SUPER Computer. But....alas... I must be satisfied with what I have..... And, I am sure you know this fact of life, by the way: LINUX is now my best option. Windows is beginning to FREAK ME OUT.... So the Bible tells us.... Note: Most of the components you see here were sent to me from Chicago..... NOTE2: My SHOUT OUT to JIB, these days! JIB is improving. Such nice people. And, I really appreciate the NEW JIB, just in case anyone might be listening....!
  4. Of course, we know the correct pronunciation of the name van Gogh. The problem occurs when we pronounce the name to others from places like America, and then get funny stares, which I find embarrassing.
  5. My pleasure. In the future, please feel free to TUNE-IN to GAMMA for all the latest HITs....
  6. Thank you. Concerning Tumbleweed, yes, I had considered it, but have never used Tumbleweed. Since this is not for casual use, and needed for daily work, I had thought, perhaps mistakenly, that I would be better served using the STABLE version instead of the rolling update version, or whatever they call it. I might share a photo, or two. But, nothing to look at. Just boxes of components.
  7. If you are locked out of your PC, or if you want to do anything without an OS on your system, and you have a USB port...then.... There is almost NOTHING you cannot do using Knoppix. https://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html
  8. Did I ever mention to you my experiences during and after my lobotomy? It happened to me completely without any anesthesia, whatsoever. I cannot say that I would highly recommend a lobotomy to just anyone.
  9. You may be drooling, afterward. Best to suck on your popsicle now, While you are still able.
  10. Yes. Let's hope he is found. Nice photo. His family must be worried sick.
  11. Both "OPTIONS" are sad? Respectfully, I would have used the words "hypothetical scenarios" instead of the word OPTIONS, in order to convey your intended meaning. I would have rephrased your short sentence as follows: "Both hypothetical scenarios are sad." Capisce?
  12. You may...but... ONLY if you are fortunate to live as long as I, and... I am still going strong. As you know, the secret to my longevity is... Celibacy, practiced religiously. In addition, the main reason for your mistaken belief that our "walls of" text are incoherent is that.... People your age are no longer able to read English text written in full paragraphs, having spent most of your youth struggling with... Nothing more complex than the great literature and classics on Twitter. Judging from your profile photo here, you have a nice smile, which will stand you in good stead, only here in Thailand. But, in other parts of the world, where mango- and papaya-growing is not the main industry, just a smile will not get you far. How much of Philip Roth have you taken the time to read, for example? Have you, in all your days on Earth, ever read a well-crafted paragraph? I mean, paragraphs like these two, just for example: Paragraph One: Paragraph Two: Ever seen anything like this on TWITTER? Not exactly a wall of text.... Is it? No, it is more like something you would have seen from a Nobel laureate, except, Roth was unfairly passed over. Why he was passed over for the Nobel....? Maybe, a subject for another Topic....
  13. My only option now is to install openSUSE 15.5, now... And then, wait for 15.6, and do a new install in June. Of course, you know what is often said about a June bride, right?.... And, concerning the saying, MARRIED FOR LIFE? Once on SUSE....it's almost this bad....! Don't try the German Suse, For this reason. It's only the Germans that make the best sausages and software. You can't never go back. For example, have you ever tried SAP?
  14. Very GOOD Topic. I have NO insights, particularly. But, I would like to know. Specifically, I am curious about the service quality provided by MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS operating in Thailand. Why can't one get predictable quality of service which is, more or less, the same, no matter where one buys products from the multinational corps. It seems to me that there is DEFINITELY a difference in after-sales service. I thought it was just my own imagination, until.... Reading about others who seem to have the same view as mine. There is really no excuse for a multinational to provide service which is better in one country, compared to a different country. And then, what recourse does one have when encountering substandard service? Do you just pick up the phone and call the corps headquarters in .....whichever country the multinational is based? Trying to do this gets you NADA, in most cases.
  15. Yes, it is. It's already too late to lose my virginity, for example. And, too late to, once again, have my First French kiss. And, it's far too late for what? IS THERE REALLY anything for which it is too late? Yes. Because, as we know from our studies of Developmental Psychology, humans progress through life in stages of development. And, I guess it will be too late for me to now begin my next profession in life as a Brain Surgeon....unless.... You, STONER, wish to volunteer to be my first test subject.
  16. Those were the days... The good old days, when... Almost everyone in the USA feared the Bermuda Triangle. I have been around since....well....
  17. Sorry, Sir, but I really do consider this Topic to be, and I know you must admit that it truly is, my best Topic, thus far. This is not to say that I will not always strive to top this one...but.... I am sure that it will not be so easy. Take care, Sir. I wish you the best. Peace, Brother! Just one of my family photos from way back....in... The Summer of '69.
  18. Dear Fellow Extremophiles: I don't know about you, but, during these extremely HOT weeks, about 10, that we have suffered through, I have been more and more plagued by this concept of.... THE CURSE OF KNOWLEDGE aa. First of all, what, exactly, is an extremophile? An extremophile looks something like these.... I know. They are not handsome, unless they might be walking someplace in Pattaya. bb. So, an extremophile is any organism which exists and FKS and reproduces in extreme environments, and some of the above examples look, a bit, over the top, to me. (You can think vents six miles down.... Down, down, down.....) cc. Anytime HUMANS (who are not classified as extremophiles) are exposed to extreme environmental conditions, stress is always the name of the game. I have witnessed the stress among humans here, most likely due to high temperatures and high levels of pollutants which cloud the brain. I grew up with Pink Floyd, and I listened to Pink Floyd before the Crimson King was even on your horizon.... dd. So, the MAIN Goal of this Topic is to REMIND everyone that the Curse of Knowledge can affect even the dumbest amongst us. During the HEAT, there exists the possibility that we might be misunderstood, and then, due to the heat, we become more easily frazzled, and we lose our patience with others. Has this happened to YOU, during these weeks of almost unbearable heat, morning, noon, and though the night? ee. I would like to remind everyone that not everybody is as smart, nor well-informed, nor highly educated as we might be. And, therefore, we must practice patience, PATIENCE, every moment of the day, when interacting with others. THIS IS THE CURSE OF KNOWLEDGE. We forget that others do not know, or can never know, what we know...... And then, the SHT hits the fan. I guess many here have been wondering why we see so many FARANG during this HOT SEASON, going berserk, when....this has.... Not so very often happened during the Cold Season... Now you know. ff. But, before I end this cautionary tale, I would like to add a snippet from Wikipedia concerning this Curse of Knowledge, which is a BIAS that, I believe, we all suffer from, at various times in our lives..... So, here you go, and I just hope that you, too, as I sometimes have, be comparably intelligent enough to suffer from this.... CURSE OF KNOWLEDGE. Best regards, Sincerely yours, Gamma Note: Have patience, my fellow extremophiles. Let patience be your watchword during the remaining weeks of the Hot Season and the Smoking Season, ahead.... NOTE2: Please, above all....do your best to avoid the Curse of Knowledge. This BIAS will destroy you, in the end, and will help nobody.... IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do your best to heed my words....next time you find yourself talking to the local AC technician or plumber or electrician, in these parts. You will be very wise to heed my words....Not Joking.... (Let PATIENCE be the watchword during this HOT SEASON.)
  19. Stability, IMHO, is often overrated. For example, according to The Theory of Evolution, if there was too much stability in the replication of our DNA, then we might still be worms, like several others on this Forum, worms that I would prefer not to mention here. It's the instability of the DNA replication mechanism that provides for creativity and GENIUS in some humans. Have you ever watched DNA replicate? I have. It looks like THIS: And, by the way, when I was very young, I learned that the DNA transcription process requires a very HIGH rate of rotation, something almost unheard of in our daily lives. Probably, only GOD could think of something rotating at these speeds, is my guess. And, I guess that YOU can guess why I quoted this from PENN, right? That's right....! I was walking around the Moore School Building, at PENN, before you were ever born! Not to be drawn off-topic here... Let me show you a truly amazing vid of DNA transcription. You're gonna just love it.... Some people say there is some sort of great disconnect between computers and biology. Yes, in some ways. But, Nature is Nature. And, after all.... DNA is digital. I love openSUSE, and always have, and always will. Here is a video of the openSUSE Gecko, which is sometimes seen lurking around in Thailand, and scaring Farang, to death....(obviously produced by some geeko).... openSUSE is the best. Everybody knows this.... But, no one is FORCING YOU to use it.... NOTE: Does anyone here recall how GREAT Novell once was? What ever happened to Novell, anyway?
  20. I know the meaning of this Asian exclamation, mostly to be heard uttered by those raised from an early age in Chinese-speaking cultures, principally HK, but also Taiwan and China. Music to my ears!!!! Sir!
  21. Why do you need a facsimile machine, per se? Do you just like looking at it? Instead, have you thought about using fax-software, instead, installed on your computer? OH. I get it. You might also need a scanner which you might not have. But, in this case, if you do not require super-great quality of your transmitted faxes, then why not just use your phone to photo documents, and then send them using the cheap/free fax software on you phone. Of course, you will need a modem, I guess, which will connect to your PC. I have been using fax machines since 1980. I tried to google the same fax machine I once used, about 44 years ago...but.... There are no images available on Google Search (and this is not surprising because, these days, Google Search has become nothing more than a "Shopping Site", and much of what once was is no longer available, simply because history is no longer for sale.) The fax machine I first used was only available from the telecom company in Taiwan, in 1980. Later, our company bought a fax machine, which was a floor-standing model. Strange that Google Search is now becoming useless to human non-shoppers.....
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