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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Another vanishing act? I hope he is found, if he wishes to be found, and that he is found... Safe and Sound. This news sort of reminds me of the film.... Deer Hunter...except... Not the same country, of course. The guy in Deer Hunter didn't seem to want to be found, even though his friends cared about him most deeply. What was his name.... Christopher Walken? Sometimes travels begin with the best of intentions....and then.... One becomes immersed in a foreign environment, an exotic environment that one is ill-equipped to deal with, and then.... The unexpected happens. One ventures into foreign habitats, and the local flora and fauna eat one alive. Fortunately, this has never happened to me... Or I should say, so fortunate for my family that this never happened to me...although....I DID....once... Vanish into Mainland China for a spell, without staying in touch, and it was, to say the least....rather... Difficult for my family to be subjected to the suspense of not knowing..... What had become of me. NEVER DO THIS....! This is my caution and warning to younger men who entertain the idea of....doing a ..... Vanishing Act.... Intentionally. Let's hope, for his family that.... All will end well for everyone involved....not to mention.... Even for those of us on TV who have now become involved, and worried.... Caught up in this drama... Just by a random headline. Walken, where are you now when we need you most, in order to shed your interesting/unique perspective on this disappearance?
  2. And, the icing on the cake, I suppose, is that she feels no need to sport Dreadlocks.
  3. When dumping...and after completion.... Please do not forget to say your obligatory BLESSING....!
  4. Speaking of Baby Doll..... I wish I could return to the good old days.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was when...in the 1950s... Movies were movies Lovers were lovers And Women were....WOMEN!!!!!! Baby Doll didn't take no garbage from no man....for SURE!!!!!!!!!! No matter what kind of lover he might have been....
  5. Sorry. I haven't the time to interact with them, long enough to show them.... My.... Anything.
  6. Yes. But, do you know why? Or, is your hatred just due to some.... Nebulous, queasy feeling in your GUT...?
  7. Nobody is a China-Hater, here...least of all....ME. I am a China LOVER, as well as being one of the last great lovers, since Rudy, as I explained in the Topic. I like the tiny-Chinese-Chili personality-type, myself....
  8. Yes. I am aware of these types. I was only trying to respectfully point out that the BIG FIVE seem much more useful when choosing a partner (male or female). If I were emperor, then I would mandate that ALL partners be subjected to a thorough testing using some sort of very valid PERSONALITY INVENTORY..BEFORE hooking-up, or marriage. Nobody should be allowed on TINDER without first being screened and assigned a score. The cost of testing would be born by Tinder. Tinder is a dastardly company which cares only about profits, and not about harm reduction. Think of all the human suffering that could be avoided or ameliorated just through very extensive testing prior to marriage, and/or Tinder-facilitated Hooking-Up....!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. You are completely correct that the women who are trying to be WH reporters are not journalists but rather activists. This is why they keep talking way past the point that they have coughed up one of their questions. They are not there to collect information, but rather to spew their agenda all over everyone, including the hapless real reporters that are attending in order to do their important work. They do not think before they open their mouths to vomit forth their garbage like the parrots they are. Whatever happened to asking good questions? Do they mistakenly believe they are there for a debate? If they want a debate, why not organize a debate?
  10. I agree. Why aren't women these days (and men too) able to engage in a bit of daily introspection? Why do they tattoo themselves for no reason other than they heard that someone on the other side of the continent might have done it, and also for little reason. Maybe this is the age of reason, but minus the reason. This is not the age of book reading, but book burning. Reading a book in a quiet place might require too much introspection and self-reflection. If we were to continue to act one way, but also begin to think a different way due to the reading of books, then this might just cause too much stress for us to handle.
  11. As far as I know, there are only five major personality traits of interest, and 16 types is just too many to be reasonably useful: Please beware of women who score high on neuroticism and paranoia. Same goes for men of this bent. Because, truly, they are bent. Keeping in mind that these are scored on a continuum from very low to very high, we all exhibit all five of these factors.
  12. Dear Folks, As for me, all my GFs have stated that I am like…. One of the last of the great lovers, since Rudy died. How do I know that they were not just… Pulling my Leg? Well, for one, they often told me this AFTER we were either Divorced or Separated. So, I know this must be true. But, as for you guys: What makes you think you are great lovers? Tell us why your GFs think you are….if you do believe you are. Maybe you should ask them, once again, before replying here in great detail. I am always curious about what TV members say about members of the opposite sex, concerning what the women you know actually think of you, in this respect. I have been dying to ask for several years. But, in fact, I had been afraid of inviting too much Hot Air here. Now seems as good a chance as any to ask this question. Best regards, Gamma
  13. Would you say that this VIDEO provides a SKEWED view of the topic it covers? I am not saying that we should keep women down on the farm. Actually, at the time this was released, I was very impressed with this portrayal. Seems to me that women-womanhood in the USA these days can be somewhat described as a square peg in a round hole, in general. Why this is....I have not thought much about the question. I have zero interaction with the American Woman in Asia. Also, perhaps it is the very fact that I have NOT been living in the USA for so many years that helps me to recognize important differences between what things were like 50 years ago, and what they have become, today, or during the past two decades. Perhaps the radical change that I observe and have observed is a result of how women have been portrayed on popular television shows and films, or maybe this is the result of a concerted effort to change women to fit Women's Lib values of the 1960s, 1970s, and maybe it's a result of just too much bra-burning.
  14. No, but I would prefer that she quickly grow up and grow into her job. As I say, maybe she is just suffering temporary Impostor Syndrome. Underneath the veneer, she may be quaking in her boots, and maybe she will calm down.
  15. I recall Subway sandwiches. When was the moment I first ordered one, I do not know. I just knew at the time that they were overpriced for what you got. Still, they were decent sandwiches at Subway, at least in the USA they were. I would not complain about much but their price. How much of income went to the Franchise and how much was retained by the owner of the shop, the one that did all the work, I do not know. Subway sandwiches could never compare with those made by Hymies's Delicatessen, for sure. But, the Subway sandwiches are probably better than the 7-sandwitches....
  16. Dear Folks, Am I wrong or is the New American Suffragette even more insufferable than at any time in American history? Why is this? Why I say….!!!! Also, the new American female news “reporter”: Why do they HOUND us, instead of trying to just be HUMAN, and engage in meaningful social intercourse, for a change? (This is what happens when a perfectly nice Chinese girl from XiaMen moves to the USA at age 2. She turns into a hound, seemingly. In China, she would have grown and become a REAL woman, instead. But, in the USA, after growing up there, she turned into THIS!!!!) Yes, the new American female seems to HOUND instead of REPORT. Especially in recent news conferences with my friend Trump, they don’t even wait for an answer. Instead, they just Talk, Talk, TALK, instead of listen. Don’t they even want an answer to their questions? Seems that they do not. This is why I don’t want no American Woman in my life. Maybe what Trump and others, and even we, need is some sort of GONG we can use when interacting with them?...just to stop them from foaming at the mouth, or something. Strident is not the word for it. What we need is a NEW word to describe the new American Woman. Not sure what it might be… But, this phenomenon is not limited to just female American reporters, as you probably already know. Some new word we can add to our lexicon, is what we need. Thank goodness I moved to Asia over 45 years ago. And now, at least to me, the difference between the American Woman of the 1970s and the 2020s is like Night and Day. Where will this all end? Will these girls begin to just…. Explode on camera when they finally blow a gasket? Blow a gasket? That’s a phrase I will not soon forget. How do you guys who still live part-time in the USA tolerate this? Same in the UK? Bewildered, and, girls, PLEASE…. Keep your voices down, Gamma Note: American Woman, stay away from me, please… Stay away, please.....!!!
  17. Everybody knows that many Thai people hide from the Sun. They wear winter coats with hoods in the hottest times of the year, for example. Also, this may be one reason why many Thai people test low for serum vitamin D levels. Supplementation and testing is recommended. They hide from the Sun!!!
  18. EXACTLY the words that I was looking for, which best describe Shirley, at this time in her young life. ARROGANT AND NERVOUS, to a T.....!!!! This is why I cannot stand her. I believe that Trump chose her because she is less competent, and so that Trump, himself, can do most of the Talking. I am sure of it.
  19. EXACTLY....!!!!! Also, why are these "Bloody farangs" calling each other MATE? Are they both sailors, or something? This is why I rarely leave my compound when there is news of Farangs about. Some Farang are former policemen. Still, just from the Topic description, it is clear that this Farang was raising his voice when not necessary, and probably being impatient with the clerk, .... something which is actually inexcusable, IMHO. Unfortunately, it's not impossible to lose one's equanimity in all this heat. And sometimes we do become unintentionally impatient unless we learn how to COOL IT, and count to about 100, before saying things in a tone that we will later regret. I don't like policemen, because the intervention by such Farang police can quickly escalate, and sometimes to murder, which is often reported here on TV.
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