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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Concerning door seals. The Samsung machine, listed above, uses a very strong vacuum to securely pull the door tightly shut. Almost impossible to get the door open for the first two seconds after closing it. A very nice feature which probably leads to higher efficiency. And, it seems to me that the walls of this refrigerator are quite thick, due to the thickness of the insulation. It would be nice if the manufacturer would provide more comprehensive data about such considerations. Insulating characteristics of refrigerators are just as important/more important as EER ratings. But, then, how to obtain this data for a refrigerator?
  2. No. But, I am not the one to ask. I rarely see Farang walking, except on YT. There are no Farang around here. There is one restaurant about 1.5 kilometers from here that can prepare Phanaeng Gai (chicken). It's OK, but not great, and I would say not very authentic, either. I like the flavor, but not Phanaeng, really. Just the name of the dish, on the menu, is Phanaeng. So, if Phanaeng is he best stew in the world, then what is being served around my house is not the best, and also not stew. I would pay extra for the real deal.
  3. Even Vindaloo is not a stew. Instead, I think that Phanaeng is more of a ROAST or a TOASTED dish. Personally, I prefer this flavor above almost any others. Here is a kawali, for you...
  4. If I were to buy a refrigerator, tomorrow, and I had about Bt.12000 to spend, in 2014 dollars, since you purchased the fridge 10 years ago for Bt.12,000... Then I would get this unit: But, I would buy it where I could get the 20-year warranty for the compressor. Also, I would try to buy it for about Bt.15,000.00, at a store that would give me this price, approximately. Also, I would want to know the power consumption, in watts. But, as you can see from the Homepro website, and other websites which sell this item, the maximum power consumption in watts is not listed. Why, IDK, really. So, this is why I have taken this photo, attached, which shows additional data which might be of interest. Now, for some strange reason, it seems that Samsung has not listed the EER for this refrigerator on retailer websites, or on the refrigerator, either. What is the cooling output in BTUs or Kcals? Looking at this info, nobody would have the foggiest. I suppose one could call the manufacturers of refrigerators in Thailand before making a final choice. But, is this not overly inconvenient? I mean, don't people here in Thailand wish that they had easier access to this type of appliance-efficiency information, either at the store, or on the website, or on the machine itself? Very strange it seems....
  5. I agree with you. Buy a new one which is more efficient. And, I just hope that nobody here will forget to calculate the EER before choosing a refrigerator brand and model. For example: https://refexperts.com/understanding-energy-efficiency-ratings-for-refrigerators/
  6. I think you may have misunderstood my expression of gratitude. You see, I was not thanking the forum for my advice. On the contrary, the forum should have been thanking me for my advice. The reason I thanked, and still thank, the forum is because, by being able to post on the forum, I gained the encouragement and impetus to go online to check the availability of the Panasonic AC which I bought last year. And then, when I found that there was only one left in Thailand, and no more to come in the future, well... I just HAD to have it. And, none of this would have taken place if I had not, so serendipitously read and posted a comment on the Topic I saw in the Forum News section. This is not the first time I have been thankful for reading TV, and for getting a very good deal as a result. Hope this helps!
  7. I just noticed your comment that your 12000BTU Mitsu uses just over 1000 watts while on and running. So, this means that the EER on this machine is less than or equal to.... EER = 12 And, you are paying about Bt.5 per hour to run this machine. By way of comparison, the machines that I suggest buying have EER ratios of 23, or higher. And this means that the ACs that I have suggested buying have efficiencies of... About 91% higher than your Mitsu machine. This is why I have never purchased a Mitsu machine, I guess.
  8. So, are you claiming that midgets should be boarded last? Or, are you suggesting that the overhead bins be lowered for Asians? What?
  9. One thing though, that I do not understand: What about Stormy Daniels, and... David Pecker? Or, for that matter.... Stormy Pecker? Anyone got the lowdown on those two? Are they on the up, and UP? HARD to keep up with Trump, and his Pecker story. Someday, all of this embarrassment will be BEHIND us....
  10. How is it possible that American Ice is able to operate undercover in Thailand? I had heard rumors in the past, but I thought they were nothing other than idle talk.
  11. Come on, Sir... You do not, truly, believe that nonsense conspiracy-theory GARBAGE that I am an AI... Do you? I feel more empathy for others' conditions, not to mention sympathy for the Human Condition, than anyone else on this forum. You know what I say is true.
  12. Perhaps you are correct in that there should be a time and a season for every pedant. And, my time is now, this Hot Season.
  13. I never liked it when elementary teachers gave me stars in second-grade and first-grade. This awarding of stars just seemed so very manipulative, and harmful to those who had fewer stars. Some of those students never recovered from this artificially-induced deprivation, is my view....
  14. When I leave my house, I do not want to look at my house. I am very tired of looking at my house, day after day. Therefore, when I leave my house, for a nice outing, the last thing I want is to stare at my phone so that I can see my house, especially when I am not inside my house. However, IF I were to leave the country for any length of time, then I would chose to use the CCTV option, as do you. So, I will do that when/IF I need to venture so far afield, someday...
  15. OK. Internet Control is an important feature for ACs, as you state. I agree. Also, I do not want to make this a Topic critical of Panasonic. However, you can go online and check to see what others say about Panasonic's integration of their AC products with the internet. Yes. The model I purchased, this year and the one last year, do offer Panasonic WiFi control for remote management of the ACs. But, what is the latency involved in this case? I have read some stories which are not flattering to Panasonic in this area. By comparison, I use the internet/wifi control functions on my XiaoMi Air Purifiers. XiaoMi internet control works very well, even using the app on my old Note 4. But, the Panasonic app will not install on my Note 4. And, I would not install it even if I had a phone that would install this software, which would require a newer OS than the one I have on the Note4. The guy who delivers my water is named Somchai. He is super nice. I enjoy talking to him, every time I order water jugs. Good Water, too! I did a Topic on Somchai's water over a year ago, in case you are interested.
  16. The REASON for this Topic is BECAUSE....nobody seems to... CARE ENOUGH! I care. I care about others, as well. I wish to see others get good deals on necessities in life. And, AC, during this Age of Global Warming...is a .... NECeSSITY! This is WHY I CARE......!
  17. No. Instead, I opted for the 200-Kg-capacity Toilet Seat, as my preferred Gift With Purchase.
  18. Yes. You are correct. FYI: The last of these machines at this retailer went for Bt.42,500.00 (incl. installation), sold today, to me. Since it was the last machine, if there is any problem with the machine, there will be no option of replacing the machine with another identical model. The reason I purchased this machine is due to the EER rating, as stated. There are few other machines on the local market that offer this type of higher efficiency. If not Panasonic, which is ALWAYS my first choice, then I would next choose either Hitachi or Daikin. Concerning a Daikin for the same price range, or same cooling capacity, here are two, among others, that are on offer: The first offers efficiency ratio of this and only 5-year warranty: The second offers this: The Daikin machines offer compressor warranties of only 5 years. 10 years for Panasonic (the one purchased by me). I guess I would not pay this much for a Daikin. Maybe, in this market, compared to the China market, the Daikin machines are overpriced? I really do not know, and this is sort of a matter of preference and personal bias. I will stay with Panasonic.... Even though... I believe that the QC or manufacturing process might not be as good as it once was, or was when the machines were manufactured in a different country, like Taiwan or Japan. I have NO Buyer's remorse, for sure....
  19. Hi Folks, After recently seeing a TV NEWS topic on this forum, I was, this morning, goaded into checking to see if the AC I purchased last year was still available, and for what price. Yes, there was ONE unit left being sold by this major retailer in ALL of Thailand. I immediately ordered the very last one to be sent up here from BKK. It was touch and go, because the sales clerk repeatedly told me that BKK was now out of stock. But, after repeatedly asking, finally, she admitted that, YES, there was on unit left down there in inventory. SO I WANT TO THANK TV (Formerly known as AseanNow)!!!! Yes. In the past, on several important occasions, TV has saved me money. Or, TV has goaded me into buying something that I did not know I needed. In this case: I bought this.... The only reason I mention this is because: CHECK OUT THE EER....!!! SEER = 23 This is what I was trying to convey, explain, and elucidate, in one of my recent comments about the importance of putting EFFICIENCY FIRST when choosing an AC. Never buy a machine that is not at least 23. And, also, I like to look at the women here who are 24, as I mentioned in a previous Topic. ============= But here is the problem: While at this retailer, there was a Thai family who was also looking at the ACs on offer. And, I think they had decided on a machine for about Bt.16000. One of them had on a university T-shirt, in fact. So, while they were discussing their impending purchase, and I use the word 'impending' advisedly, I sidled over to ask their sales clerk: Would you please tell me the SEER/EER ratio for this particular AC unit? Yes, says he. The SEER is..... 13.5 Hearing this... I immediately felt sad and depressed. Why... Oh, Why... Did the sales clerk not explain that....compared to a high-efficiency AC.... The AC that he was selling this family was so much less efficient, and would use so much MORE power, and cost so much more to run??? How does the machine I purchased compare to a unit with an SEER of 13.5? Just do simple division... 23/13.5 = 1.7 My machine is about 70 percent more efficient. I will save a LOT on energy costs. Why is this not explained to consumers here???? It is not difficult to find an AC with a decent efficiency rating in Thailand. Anything over 21 might be OK for most people. And so, the question BEGS.... WHY DON'T THEY TEACH THIS in THAILAND'S SCHOOLS?????? Regards, Gamma
  20. I use this package for minimum phone calls plus internet bandwidth, which is enough for me. I rarely use the internet on the phone. Rarely call anyone. I use my 3BB package which gives me plenty of fast internet, plus a SIM card for my second phone, at a very reasonable price. Therefore, I could probably do without the other company, and the Bt.399 that I pay per month.
  21. You are entirely CORRECT! Body mass, for example body mass of animals such as shrews or elephants, is directly related to energy expenditure. Take the heartbeat of a shrew, for example, and the BPM of said shrew. Then, please compare the the BPM rate of a human, or an elephant. The surface area and the mass are the important variables. So, a shrew's heart rate is much higher, needing to work much harder, with a higher metabolism, than an elephant, of course. As for your dick, this is not something that I would like to dwell upon. Still, what happens when you expose it to the cold, compared to the heat? Do you need to work harder?
  22. When I think of Pattaya, and then ... When I think of a "facial" in Pattaya then.... I would have paid any amount of Bt. to AVOID one. You can KEEP your facial, Sir. I did not come to Thailand for a facial.
  23. The AC I have is a very big machine. It is big because a larger casing and larger coils are needed to achieve higher efficiencies. However, as I say, the Panasonic is a very quiet machine. The problem I had in the past was a unbalanced fan on the compressor unit. But, the indoor evaporator unit is quiet.
  24. As I previously stated, the Panasonic machines that I buy are very quiet. I first check the dB ratings before I buy, of course. If you do not like Panasonic, then why not look at Hitachi? Just as quiet. Also, high efficiency. Daikin, in this market, seems not to offer ACs with very high EERs....of above 20. maybe they do now, IDK
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