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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Sorry about that. I will try to be less boring, and more shocking, in future. You have not answered the question re Google Voice USA telephone number. I did not ask you anything about when was the last time you were in America, or the US. And, I do not understand why you say that you have not had a US number in 14 years, while you also say that you have a Google voice number. Maybe you do not understand what a Google Voice (United States) number, one where you can choose a local telephone number, such as a telephone number local to any part of the USA, such as Florida, with a Florida area code, actually is. So, THIS is what it is: https://support.google.com/voice/answer/115061?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop#:~:text=Google Voice gives you a,can choose your own number. a. If you did not know before, then now you know. b. If this US Telephone number is not used, or if there is no Google Voice activity in 90 days, then one is warned of possible "taking back" of the telephone number, by Google. c. I just hope that you do not find this information too shocking.
  2. It seems that some fraction of people who wish to install solar power are sort of in the PREPPER category. They are most interested in making a political statement, or in preparing for Armageddon, and are therefore PURISTS whose goal is to cut themselves completely from the public electrical grid. I am NOT of this Camp, for sure. In my opinion, this type of PREPPER Movement is extremely juvenile and shortsighted. This Prepper Movement has become evermore popular as the average citizen increasingly feels himself to be "not in control", or to be losing control in our world which continues to become more and more complex and technologically based. PREPPING provides the average Joe Blow with a feeling that he is regaining control over his world, his environment, and, most importantly, his life. Unfortunately, Joe Blow continues to lose the control he cherishes, bit by bit, as it is chipped away by our interconnected world. Poor Joe Blow, he had such pride in his Individualism, which, he now realizes, was a Myth, all along.
  3. You seem a bit angry, this morning. Anything I can help with?
  4. Will you please inform us what happens when your US number, tied to Google Voice, has not been used for more than 90 days? I had two Google Voice numbers in the US. Both were cancelled, about two years ago, when I did not notice a notification from Google warning that my US numbers would be "taken back" by Google. After these numbers are "taken back" by Google, they cannot be recovered for use by the user. Then, all the history and activity for each number, is not available or usable, either.
  5. Of course, I do intend using power supplied by the local power company.... And, I will use power from the local power company anytime it is needed to cover my electric power requirements at any time there is a shortfall in what is being generated from solar panels. I will not be running the meter backward, probably, since I will be, in most cases, using more power than the solar panels will generate, at any given time. Maybe, during the Cold Season, I will sometimes be generating from solar panels (2000 watts) more than I will be drawing to run 2 refrigerators, 2 air purifiers, 3 ACs, and 3 PCs... But I doubt that this will often be the case.
  6. Enjoying Google Search, these days, are you? How is Google Podcast working for you? What happened to your Google Voice landline connected with Google Voice? Still working well, is it? Pffffftttttttt! To you, too! Why not provide a bit of evidence to back up your claim, next time?
  7. Maybe time to get rid of... The Star(s) of India? (At Google and elsewhere) How do we know the difference between a Good Star of India and a Bad Star of India? Easy: a. Good Star (refer to linked photo) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_of_India_(gem)#/media/File:Star_of_India_Gem.JPG b. Bad Stars of India (refer to linked photos) 1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raghavan_(actor)#/media/File:RAGHAVAN.jpg 2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundar_Pichai#/media/File:Sundar_Pichai_-_2023_(cropped).jpg How important is CULTURE in our everyday lives? Do we REALLY want guys from India running our world? And, who runs Google, and companies like Google, runs the World. Utter stupidity to have anyone who was born in, and is a cultural product of, India....running governments or super-corporations. Wait and see. Culture, and cultural roots, are even more important than blood, and blood-ties. Kick them out of office. And, kick them out of the higher echelons of corporation management. And, beware the Chamaeleon Effect! Mark My Words, Folks....
  8. Thanks for the info. I will continue to look into this possibility. If I were able to install solar, even a limited solution, then I could run the ACs until my heart's content. I have enough cooling capacity to keep the temps inside at about 21 or 22 degrees, even on the hottest of days, .....I think. Total cooling capacity I have now: 62000 BTU I just don't want to pay for all that cooling, and so I keep the temps higher than 22, and only cool the bedroom down to 20...at night.
  9. Just from my user experience with Google Search, Google Search has increasingly become little more than a glorified Shopping Site, beginning about 5 years ago. Much of what I used to be able to search, in past years, is no longer visible, no matter what search techniques are used. A lot of the stuff, including photos, that might be of interest to those studying History is no longer seen. In order to appreciate this gradual erosion and loss one must have been old enough to have used Google Search beginning back in the days when Google Search was new, and when Alta Vista as king. Something to replace Google Search is now needed. Google Search is broken at its core. Also, it is impossible for a company such as Google, which relies so heavily on advertising, to provide unbiased and uncensored search to general users. There is also the problem of copyright interfering with search. And, much of what is on the internet that was once searchable and viewable by anyone is now behind walls. It's a very sad day and time for those few who are still curious about our world. Soon AI will completely erase any ability to validate history, and to verify what happened, and what did not happen.
  10. I really have to find a cheaper solution than the one you suggest. The reason is that I do not own the house I live in, but just rent. Therefore, I cannot justify anything that will not pay for itself quickly. Or, of course, I might think about a portable system, if there even is such a thing. Why can't I just buy 2000 watts of solar panels, PLUS an inverter, and then just be satisfied with that? My ACs run 24/7. I have 3 ACs. Total power required when operating at maximum is about 4500 watts. So, if I am getting 2000 watts from the solar panels during peak solar exposure, this should be enough to lower my monthly electric bill. (Or, this is what I had thought, anyway.)
  11. I lived in Taiwan for about 34 years. I really do not recall reading about crazy Farang behavior in Taiwan when I was there. Most Farang in Taiwan were either students or business types engaged in import/export, etc. There were a few English, too, but not many. And, I never met an English teacher while I was in Taiwan. Farang in Taiwan just never went CRAZY, and I really doubt that they do now, either. It's a puzzle. But I will tell you that I no longer associate with Farang in Thailand, AT ALL. Years ago, around 2013/2014, and then 2015, I lived in a GuestHouse where there were many Farang. The Topics of Discussion there, among Farang, were the PITS, and always the same two or three Topics. I left those Farang GuestHouse Hangouts, and chose living accommodations where there were no Farang, except for one...(me). Then, not wishing to continue condo living, I moved to a detached dwelling, and there simply are NO Farang that I have seen around these parts. I think the OLD Farang are OK, most of them: Their juices have pretty much dried up by age 70, and they rarely drink to excess, and so they are, behaviorally speaking, not likely to cause embarrassment to themselves or to other Farang, or to the local population. But, I still do not like to hang with them because their favorite 3 Topics of discussion never change: "Thai people are terrible drivers", which is their favorite, and two more. I do not need to listen to those old Farang hens, for sure. Why don't they discuss something interesting, for a change? That's impossible. Bottom line: Thailand is not Taiwan, and Crazy Farang prefer Thailand. You will not see Crazy Farang in Taiwan, because they have respect for the Chinese culture there, and also because they are students who want to study, or business people who want to make money. There are very few lazy bums about in Taiwan. (I think it might be because Taiwan has the ugliest beaches in Asia.) So, anyway... If anyone wants to know the differences to be expected living in Taiwan compared to Thailand, they should probably just ask me.
  12. Does Democracy even still exist in America? This seems like the more important question.
  13. Here is an even dumber question: I don't care about storage, per se: All I care about is installing about 2-thousand watts of solar generation, at peak sun exposure, so that I can partially power my ACs. I care most about having the least initial expenditure for solar panels that will do the job. My only motivation is to use solar to supplement what I will use from the grid, and thereby reduce my monthly power bill. So then, what might be the best panel to buy. And, what about installation cost? And, would such a system potentially damage electric appliances in use in the house, such as ACs and desktop PCs, etc.? So, I guess I cannot do without a Hybrid Inverter... And that will add cost, even though I need to do this on the cheap.
  14. Still... The behavior of the Farang actor in the above video clip is quite brazen and shocking. Why does he even return to throw objects at the poor Thai people? So,... a. If you want to enjoy the antics of CRAZY Farang, then please come to Thailand. b. If you want to see normal Farang, albeit far fewer in number, then please go to Taiwan. c. Thailand and Taiwan might often be confused by some foreigners. However, the CRAZY Foreigners always, and unerringly, head for Thailand. In my view, Thailand boasts the CRAZIEST Farang in all of Asia. The Farang Crazies are attracted to Thailand's tourist areas like Sailors and Semen to Sirens. I will NEVER visit any tourist traps in Thailand, not today, nor tomorrow! (How do you like the alliteration? After watching this disgusting video, I must find some way to blow off steam....)
  15. So, you are here describing the difference between... a. General Intelligence and... b. Alien Intelligence
  16. In my view, at this point in time, and due to the approval processes, it almost seems like SHEER STUPIDITY to waste time on the process to sell to the power company. At least, sheer stupidity, compared to selling the electric power to a neighbor for Bt.3.0 per kWh. Or, why not just offer to recharge your neighbors' EVs for Bt.3.0 per kWh? Seems easier and more profitable,... At least, to me it does. Maybe I have not yet thought this through, however... (Why does one need the power company to act as a middleman? Nobody likes to pay commissions.)
  17. How many Grow Lights do you have connected to your batteries, and formerly to the grid?
  18. Yes. Correct. Thank you. Also, I did show this HomePro listing, previously. This model is no longer in stock. I purchased the AC unit, two days ago, for the price shown in your link. Good price. Decent machine, too! PLEASE NOTE: Out of Stock, just as I stated
  19. Google, meaning Google Voice, once gave me a USA landline telephone number. Then, Google changed its Google Voice customer policy. Finally, Google took my USA telephone number. Now, I have no land-line telephone number in the USA. Google took my number. And, I cannot forgive Google for this transgression.
  20. I would never abuse the English language by saying... "you sanity"... I think you edited what I wrote? "you sanity" if FOREIGN to me.... You see?: (I did not say you sanity. I wrote.. I worry for your sanity, and mine, as well.) Has anyone revised my original copyrighted words, without my permission? Orwell warned me this might happen. It's not an example of what is called... NEWSPEAK.... But, it IS a REVISION of History, in fact. NEWSPEAK examples include: Blackwhite Bellyfeel You can go to this linked site to see a nice NEWSPEAK Glossary.... https://www.translationdirectory.com/glossaries/glossary316.php QUACK QUACK QUACK Note, FYI: Of course, in a world such as ours, it's just too tiring to spend the time and effort to uncover what is real, and what is not real. And, now living in the age of AI, it is impossible to know what is ... Real Reality versus Virtual Reality (Therefore, I may have said what you said I said. Or, the bits and bytes may have become rearranged. We will never know, now. Will we.....? )
  21. My, Grandma... What a big NOSE you have. Darwin, Australia, is the place to look for world record holders,... Apparently. Anyway.... She certainly looks like a.... Happy Customer....
  22. a. True statement b. Also, your statement (insatiable drivel) is one of the best examples of a malapropism that I have seen on this forum, to date. c. Hilarious! Do keep them coming, Sir. Please!
  23. All interference is welcome. We here, the ones in the know, are protected from the worst effects of posters' interference. Nice HAT!!!
  24. Correct: Doll Houses for Rent. Doll Houses for Sale. I, too, would like to find just one very large room. One with good insulation on the walls. Separate kitchen. Separate toilet. Separate shower. I would have liked to have found: 100 square meters room. Normal size bathroom. Small shower area. Separate kitchen. With a room like this, one is free to arrange living space anyway one chooses. I would like to have mostly tables for computers, cooking items, etc. Living in one very large room is far more comfortable, and better for the soul... Conversely, living in those Doll-house Condos..... Or, you might also call them Bird houses.... If definitely.... For the birds. There are many similar bird houses/doll houses (called condos in the sales literature) being built everywhere. Who lives in them? Only those who, unlike THX1138, know no better. Very claustrophobic, in fact. Just ask THX-1138. Fortunately, I found a sort of compromise, in a house with fewer but larger rooms that can be connected. If I need to move, then I will be searching, again, for the single large room option.
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