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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. The <deleted> WAGNER, of course...(I meant, the Vanker Vagner...) What Else on a STEAMING Monday Afternoon? Das Rheingold!
  2. You could be correct. But if so, then my neighbor, with his daily deliveries exceeding 4 or 5, must have a case of....the... INSATIABLE DRIVEL (This phrase now should be taken to mean: Unquenchable Appetite, (FYI...))
  3. Right! I picked up on this malapropism, too! What actually DOES "Insatiable Drive" look like, you may ask? I did ask. I asked Bard. I gave Bard this prompt: "I would like you to show me, or create for me, an image which best represents the nonexistent literal meaning of the two-word combination: "insatiable drivel" (if one were an artist, what image would an artist think of that might come closest to the phrase "insatiable drivel"?" Then, BARD replies with this: "Sure, here is an image that captures the nonsensical essence of "insatiable drivel":" And, then, Bard offers up his best imagery showing what Insatiable Drivel might look like in a less literal world: It seems to me that Bard REALLY DOES NOT LIKE the Insatiable Drivel phrase first coined here on our Forum. Bard offered other images but, since this is a Family Friendly Forum, I have chosen to NOT display some of Bard's more appropriate responses to the malapropism.... INSATIABLE DRIVEL.... Enjoy!
  4. a. I never use AI tools unless I specifically state that I have done so, on any single comment or Topic. And, the occasions when I have used AI tools is not to improve or change anything I have written, and it is not that I would ever use AI tools as a writing-aid, how foolish! But, I have posted output of/from AI machines just as examples of AI output. b. You seem to be a "very-literal reader". What I stated concerning comment counts, or counts of posted comments, was not intended to be taken as you seem to have taken the statement. You may have missed the implied meaning, and you seem to have only been able to glean the superficial literal meaning. c. I have been told, and I am aware, that there are those in this world who are unable to distinguish humor of irony, not to mention facetiousness, and facetious statements, from the rigidly literal meaning of what they read and hear. (The purpose of irony is often to elucidate truths that are less easy to communicate more directly.) If you are one of this group of readers, then I cannot help you, and you may be beyond help in this area. There exist many forms of humor in this world, and thus you are very fortunate. You are fortunate enough to be able to choose the narrow-band of humor and topics, from a much wider offering, that are more comprehensible to you. Some people are tone deaf. Some people have no sense of rhythm. And others, just do not get irony, or recognize cynicism, no matter that it is staring them in the face. This kind of humor just ....may...not.... Be for you. So solly. Maybe in the next life, you will be born with different talents and abilities than the ones you now have. And then, you can come back to reading the comments you seem to find objectionable. And, hopefully, after you have been reborn, you will see them in a new light.....But,.... I believe, it will always be HIGHLY UNLIKELY that you will ever see the light.
  5. Tell me about it! I just saw another funeral procession going by, outside my front gate. The grim reaper is the only one, presumably, enjoying this record hot spell. Heat stress is not something that I need worry about, fortunately. Wish it were the same for all gods creatures, young and old.
  6. There is NOTHING wrong with the Irish accent when spoken like this, and so... Let's show this "proper English" accent the respect that it deserves!... I could listen to the gentleman speak for days and never tire.
  7. My bill is usually Bt.3000. But, you are correct, and I worry what I will need to pay on May 20th, when they read my meter, once again. I would go out now and check the meter myself if it were not for the fact that I have developed a meter-phobia, during this year of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation.
  8. I thought that it was the Toronto-English accent which was most prized by Americans.
  9. How much cash do they keep aboard those American Navy vessels? Where do they keep the cash? Do they provide the sailors with Bt. or with USD for their shore leave? Are the girls allowed to board the vessels? I recall that, in Singapore, the girls would climb up the sides of large vessels using ropes thrown down to them by the onboard sailors. Still the same, these days, in Thailand?
  10. "Why Do you assume we are all bloody yanks here?" "Pretty much equivalent to walking around with a fake British accent. Its just viewed as cringeworthy and childish."
  11. I have another dumb question: Why are some solar power enthusiasts so rigidly gungho and bent upon the goal of removing themselves from the GRID? It's almost as if this was their religion, or something, like No-Grid-Good, and Some-Grid-Bad. In fact, it seems to me, that it is far better to continue to improve the grid, and to upgrade the grid, as soon as possible. The more people generating solar, locally and individually, the more we will all benefit as part of the social whole, collectively, if we are all connected to the grid. Feed the Grid, should be the Mantra, and not .... Off-Grid Good.
  12. What drives me mad is the way Peterson continually drops in the 'bloody' word, since it is obviously just an affectation for him, and used, presumably, to try to make himself sound more...."learned". As Peterson states, "Evil Bloody Well Exists". (Well, in my opinion, that's all bloody-well for him to say. But, for sure, I do not personally believe in Good and Evil, not by a bloody longshot!) This guy is not even British, for bloody sake!
  13. Thank you. Yes, and I really need to more seriously consider the solar option for myself, especially if, as is pointed out by the OP, cost of entry for solar will continue to decline.
  14. "It's all junk." Haha, yes. The American consumer movement, and the American compulsion to consume, is not about obtaining what one needs. Rather, the American Consumer derives pleasure solely from the very act of finding and obtaining anything (junk or not) that is for sale. When consuming, Americans, who are the consummate consumers of the world, rarely take Quality into consideration, nor do they care much about alliteration, it seems.
  15. Dear Men of Honor, Or, when an American Man of Honor refers to himself as such, why not just say: I am an honorable man? Why make things so florid and stilted? I am an Anglophile, and so there is no need to ask me whether or not British English is far superior to American English. And, this is not the point of this Topic, Moreover, the question of which, American English or British English, is superior is pointless, because... Such a judgement is merely a matter of taste. In English, they have more taste, obviously. Still, let's, temporarily, not quibble about it, and just assume, wrong as we may be, that... American Society is as genteel as English Society. The far more interesting pursuit is to find and discuss the many ways that English English and American English are the same, or are different. Here is an example of why American English is superior: British Example: a. She let her hair down. b. She let her pants down. American Example: a. She let her hair down. b. He took her pants down. You see? American English is both superior and far more interesting. Of course.... There are many more examples of differences. And, anytime I dream about letting her hair down, just before taking her pants down, I am reminded of the first few times, when I was young, reading D.H. Lawrence's book, Lady Chatterley's Lover, a book I highly recommend for young mothers to read to their boys,... Before bed,...Instead of ... Fanny Crosby: The Girl Who Couldn't See But Helped The World To Sing (Inspiring children's Christian biography of one of the world’s most famous hymn ... to gift kids 4-7) (Do Great Things for God). In the book, Lady Chatterley's Lover, we read about many interesting things, and we find many interesting examples of How/Why British English differs from American English. Surely the Irish readers on this Forum, being the Farang whose English Skills are peerlessly next to none, will have many examples of differences that make British English more interesting and sometiems more descriptive compared with American English. In closing, I will say that book covers are fun to look at, and I loved to look at book covers when books were books, and not bytes. Here are the covers of the two books mentioned above... The Fanny Book: And, The Chatterley Book: (before the days of the chattering classes) Regards, Gamma Note: I like this cover, too..... So unfortunately, here in Thailand, I have no space or climate-controlled environment... To keep my First Editions. ============= Lastly: This man, this "shaman" has referred to himself..... A Man of Honor, and not an honorable man....but why, I wonder....
  16. I recall a day in HK when police did not carry guns. Sometime since that day, HK police began carrying handguns which they wear on their belts in holsters. I prefer the UK system where police do not carry guns, but instead rely on the respect for their position among those in society as the means to project their authority. Of course, I would advise any UK police who intend to visit parts of the USA to carry a concealed weapon. In the USA, the police don't fool around. Why? Watch and learn.... American Ghetto Latino, speaking to USA Police Officer: "If you're going to shoot me, Dude, then just shoot me!" This particular American Ghetto Latino is such a wingnut. Can you imagine living in the same country as somebody like this?!!! Shots Fired! Shots Fired! Officer Needs Help! Oh, God! Help the Bombardier!
  17. When you say someone saw a Lotus on Therapist, did you mean something like a Lotus Super 7?
  18. Well, you know, of course, what Zelda famously remarked: "She refused to be bored chiefly because she wasn't boring." So, let me paraphrase for you, a bit, because I believe that you may be the type who is intellectually incapable of understanding Zelda's famous observation: What did Zelda mean? She meant that it is the BORING people who worry most about being bored, and finally end up bored and boring. And, as well, Zelda had real class... She would never have used words like "Nah". She was educated, and intelligent. Of course, unfortunately for some, there comes a time when it is just too late to patch-up one's lack of education. If one is not educated by age three or four, in things of importance, then it is probably just too late. The ship has sailed. "Nah," I hear you say... But you cannot know what you do not know you do not know, by definition. "Nah."
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