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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. As you just pointed out.... Perhaps it is Harris, herself, who is the Human-Vacuum...
  2. Not only taxes. Also, inflation. Inflation is good for the super rich. Inflation actually IS a tax on the less-than super rich. If you own a Mvnch painted by Edvard, then inflation is a non-issue, and even a boon for you.
  3. When I used the words Bread Box, I was secretly referring to the little known progress in the field of the CRISPR. What is CRISPR technology and why could it spell DOOM for ALL of Mankind...and I mean EVERY LAST LIVING HUMAN SOUL on Planet Earth. Years ago, we only read about the technology, which led to a Nobel.... But now, this tech is in the hands of High School Students....Haha! Don't you sleep well at night knowing that it will soon be possible for your teen to design a Death Virus able to kill ALL of humanity, and that your darling boy can do it from his bedroom? Maybe Harris should spend more time thinking about the proliferation of cheap tools which will enable young disgruntled teens to engage in bio-weapons production. There have been a few articles in recent years discussing CRISPR and Cas9..... Here is another one from The New Yorker, which is the rag that Cheever built. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/01/18/crispr-and-the-splice-to-survive Of course, Harris of Howard is such a nitwit that she has probably never thought about the implications of the proliferation of this technology. She is still stuck in her bubble fretting about EQUITY and Gender Issues and Abortion. But, in fact....SHE is the ABORTION! And, she may be responsible for the Destruction of the World, if only through her ignorance and inaction. Yes. Harris is the Real-Life Joker. Where is Batman when we need him?
  4. Yes, she will speak Tripe to Trump with forked tongue, a brand of tripe from an alternate universe. Let's wait to see if Trump will grab her by the Palosi in August. Trump never gives in...Never gives an inch. Finally, we have two equally disgusting people going head to head, and nobody feels sympathy for either.
  5. Such a wonderful photo of a younger and most handsome Noam. He has great bone structure. The quote is from an earlier time, and a time with different issues than those plaguing the world today. There are very few issues of real importance today, if anyone cares to preserve organized human civilization . Global Warming Ban on Nukes Solution to Proliferation of Cheap Bread Boxes. Gender Equality and Idiocy Equity are Alice in Wonderland fodder. Long Live life Noam. If we have a party, let it be a Third Tea Party, and we must invite Alice. I think she'll know.... And let's get the knights and knaves talking backwards, too.
  6. The Salad Woman is a total NUT Case.....honestly..... Yes, she really IS crazy...and Sowell tells in what ways.... https://www.cato.org/blog/kamala-harris-pursuit-equity The Salad Woman is living in a COMPLETE Fantasy World.... She is CRAZY.....Mentally Ill, for sure!
  7. 100 percent correct. No one has trashed it here. It is what it is.
  8. Dear Folks, If you have students in your family, or you know any students, or if you are a student, or if you have been reading ed-related news, then you will know that there exists a trend at many universities to ... GO Test Optional. This means that tests that once were considered mandatory are now being classed as OPTIONAL. This includes tests such as the SAT . There is no real equivalent, in the UK, to the American SAT tests dreamed up in Princeton, NJ. The SAT, the American test, used to be an IQ test, or an aptitude test, although that seems to have been changing recently...or I could be wrong about this point. ============== Anyway....THIS TOPIC is NOT about Test Taking. And, this Topic is really not about education, or taking tests for admittance to universities in the US or Canada, or anywhere. NO. This Topic is about some sort of SOCIAL MOVEMENT to Dumb Down almost everything about our Society. I just want to know.... WHY ARE PEOPLE AFRAID TO HAVE THEIR CHILDREN COMPETE, these days, in this ultra-competitive world? There seems to be this Fantasy, some WISH, among many that it might be possible to Level The Playing Field for everyone. Somehow, if we pass the right legislation, and put the right laws in place, then...somehow....everyone will have an equal chance in life to secure the American Dream. For some reason, schools today do not seem willing to recognize that all of us are different. And, any tests that might highlight the differences between us must be banned or made optional. I just want to know: Who ARE these people who wish to change reality through legislation? And, why do they think that this will work? Has there not always been inequality in life, and in every aspect of life? Why should we worry so much about trying to make everyone EQUAL? I do not understand these things. Do you? Best regards, Gamma NOTE: Here is just one example of this CRAZINESS found at Mount Holyoke. And, in case you want to know, this school is an all-women's uni. I just wonder what kind of girls go there? Probably the ones who are afraid to take the SAT test, I guess. https://www.mtholyoke.edu/ Note2: MH is actually one of the best schools in the nation.... It's not that we do not have great respect for colleges like MH that turn out gifted girl scientists....
  9. No. I was merely pointing out that gun possession does not guarantee safety. Therefore, always best to shoot first and ask questions later. If Trump had come out shooting, at the beginning of his speech, instead of talking, Then he would not have had his ear shot off.
  10. You gotta be smarter to be admitted to Temple, is my guess.... So, Harris became diverted to Howard. HOWARD: Temple is a great school in a great city. A prof friend of mine taught Linguistics there.... A very respected prof, too....!
  11. Right... So, as soon as he relinquished his Right to bear arms....as a felon....then.... He had his Right ear shot off.....
  12. What you might not recall is that when Temple decided to radically improve its academic standing...before the 1970s.... Temple radically lowered its tuition, or provided much better financial support to students.... Which allowed a much wider and diverse admissions policy... And this was the move that improved the scholastic standing of undergrads at Temple. So, yes... Temple is a great university.
  13. What was Trump doing with a gun? What type? Where would he use it? On his golf course?
  14. Temple in Philly is a far better school.
  15. Perhaps the quiz I tried is too short? On the plus side, I found my answers to be consistent. Concerning what type of quiz I might find interesting here, I think some sort of Psychological Inventory Test/Quiz might be most popular with members. Second choice for a type of quiz? I think that a shortened version of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Test would make a good and interesting Quiz. Of course, you would need to introduce some additional questions to detect lying on these quizzes. There are several ways to detect valid answers vs faking. But, on any quiz here, such detection of valid answers vs faking might not be so important. Also, maybe there should be a prize for the best and worst quiz scores. Most members seem to love prizes.
  16. I stopped using my NOTE4 for internet banking when my bank refused to allow the use of the Marshmallow 6.01 Android OS. This has been a good thing, since I have spent less and saved more during this period of inactivity brought on by Forced Obsolescence. I will not buy a new phone until my present phone dies.
  17. Concerning decriminalizing Yabba, most likely: It won't be his wont to make it legal. His wont is more likely to be his acting according to his wants.
  18. HOWARD University,,, As I have already posted several times. (Not Harvard, of course.)
  19. The fundamental problem with raincoats, today, as with just about everything else is Quality Control and Quality Assurance. Most Garbage People, or trash collectors, judging by the way they look while walking on the streets of this world... No longer care about what they wear. They have no sense of self-respect, or self-worth. Just looking at what they wear on the streets, which I would not consider to be street clothes, then they might just as well go naked. How far has the world fallen! Our entire world is becoming crammed with Junk, and nothing but. This is caused by deteriorating Culture and increasing stupidity. The question is... How can these downward trends be corrected....?
  20. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.... And this is obviously true, judging by the photo. (Head is too long for my tastes...)
  21. That's more like it. You are a good contributor... But only when you choose to be.
  22. You seem easily bored this Saturday. Or, are you just enjoying your tea....
  23. Just a note which should have been added... Seeing Marcus Welby seated so uncomfortably and STIFF, behind Hendrix, during this interview... is such a... Drag.... Brings back so many memories of that Generation Gap, which actually DID exist at the time. Hendrix would die just months after the interview... Quite a waste of talent and a good life ahead.
  24. Look at the BELLY on him, will you...!!! Looks like he had just polished off about... FIVE Bowls of that Aussie National dish...The FLOATER...
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