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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Obviously some sort of heat attack which happened just before falling out. Driver is not involved, obviously. This guy is HK Police. And, we recall much about the HK Police in Hong Kong, in recent years.
  2. Frank was also very hotheaded, and a drunkard, who would never back down. Strangers in the Night? So anyway, I guess the Knife Fight with the Stranger in the Night, which sent the Aussie to sleep, and from Krabi to Eternity, must have looked a bit like this: Who in their right mind gets into a knife fight? That's just dumb. And, who carries a large knife wherever they go? Still, a great scene on film.
  3. Just one of many politer euphemisms for the topic at hand. If still unclear, please ask Steven Pinker.
  4. My first question upon reading the news story was this: Is the ER where he was taken considered a LEVEL ONE trauma care center? And, could he have been saved? Philly has a Level One Trauma center. But, not so sure about Krabi.
  5. Why did they throw out the British, anyway? IF they had let the British stay in India, then India would be livable today, and... No need to emigrate to Canada. Very shortsighted to throw out the British, IMHO. Now, the Indians are paying for their folly.
  6. Greed can lead to irrational behavior. And, greed can also lead to increased public ridicule. Still, scammers are scum who should be shot down like the dogs that they are. I have recently been scammed by a multinational that did not supply products that lived up to the advertising promises. Not quite the same, but just as infuriating. I have never been interested in bitcoin, nor in tulips.
  7. OK. That sounds very effective. But, I had thought that you were trying to minimize noise, not increase it.
  8. So then, this kind of thing never happens to me. However, if I were so worried about it happening frequently, Then I would wear a chastity-belt, or something. Anyone trying to fool around with me would have missing fingers in no-time, just judging by the looks of this one.
  9. Just bought a can of SC Johnson Co's BayGonne. Yes, it kills them, dead! The thing is, I have never had cockroaches inside my rooms/houses before. This year, I have seen quite a few at night, outside, on the lawn. Then, at night, these cockroaches seem to come into the kitchen, under the door, but they do not enter the house. The kitchen is attached to the house, but there is a door separating house/kitchen. I plan to get the termite exterminator out here, and treat the OUTSIDE of the house, for termites. It's my thinking that this will solve all problems with ants/roaches, etc. This is what worked very effectively in the past.
  10. Obviously, what might have the most significant effect is driver education. Then, also, what about Radar Camera Ticketing? Also, no need to go to court, and no need to have the cops issue tickets. The fines can be automatically deducted from drivers' bank accounts. Therefore, drive slower, and get educated, might work...
  11. It is important to note that the kinetic energy of a projectile, such as you have imaged here, is proportional to the SQUARE of the velocity of the projectile. This is key. The bullet that grazed Trump's ear was travelling at about 3000 fps. This is far faster than one of those .22 LR cartridges that you also imaged. And then, since the energy is rises with the SQUARE of the the velocity, this is why the AR15 is so dangerous and lethal. This is why I would have chosen the 460 Weatherby Magnum, if I were hunting an elephant. https://cdn.revolutionise.com.au/cups/ssaa/files/iqz0jttps0xnohgs.pdf When I was young, I had several books with ballistics tables. These days, you can find much more info just by clicking on your keyboard, if connected to the net. Very convenient, the internet.
  12. This part of the article is confusing to me. Extremely sad case, and enough to provoke anger in almost anyone. If not the death penalty, then life without parole.
  13. I have always believed Hitachi makes great products, like motors, etc. So, if you suggest a new pump, then would you (personally) choose Hitachi or Mitsubishi. As for me, I would definitely choose Hitachi. However, I might not be as informed as others who make these choices all the time, if they are selling and servicing this equipment.
  14. Hi Folks, Some of you may be old enough to recall Jane visiting North Vietnam. Kamala strikes me as someone cut from the same cloth as Fonda, only better. There are those who are not able to see the goodness in Jane, or in Kamala, but I am not one who is so blind. So, the Question Is: If, this November, there were only two candidates running, and if Jane was running to be the next Republican president, which I must say, she would have to be, considering the politics of Kamala, then which honey would garner your vote? I do not mind telling you that I am a Fonda Fan, and she would get my vote, just as she always has had my unwavering support. What about you? Which girl is for you? Or, would you prefer both, at once... One for Prez, and one for V-Prez, and why. What is it about these pair that causes such utter fascination among the voting public? Just in case you forget which is which, here are two images I found. And, once again, Kamala is no match for Jane, as we can plainly see. You Jane, Me, Kamala.... Best regards, Gamma
  15. As one ages, and if one continues to smoke tobacco products, the inhalation of CO can cause even more noticeable loss of energy by displacing oxygen in the bloodstream, than for younger smokers...IMHO. CO binds very strongly, and more strongly, to hemoglobin than O2 Therefore, even if one is not worried by adverse long-term health effects of smoking, just the increased oxygen level in the bloodstream, when not inhaling carbon-monoxide, provides great benefits. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Mitochondrial-effects-of-CO-poisoning-Under-normal-conditions-hemoglobin-Hb-binds_fig3_349119811 This is why it is NEVER too late to stop smoking. There are amazing benefits...just 3 days after puffing on the last coffin nail. NOTE: As everybody knows.... The Mitochondria is the Power-House of the cell..... (haha....yet true)
  16. Good analysis. You have identified the problem with this governance.
  17. You mean, we will go full boar with Kamala in order to beat that hog, Trump?
  18. OK. Fine. And, I am merely pointing out that such behavior is considered acceptable in some cultures.
  19. Definitely, the Elite Visa could have a purpose for me. I would consider the Elite if the price were lowered very significantly. Definitely I would. Then, there would be a good purpose which would motivate me to buy.
  20. You stated: "But it isn't considered normal by our standards." I was just embellishing upon it, and clarifying it, a bit. We do not know what your standards might be. And, this is really all about culture. I have no idea concerning the culture in which you were immersed as a youth. And so, I have no idea what culturally-instilled standards you might be referring to.
  21. Yes. The Salad Woman steps forward. One step forward. 10-steps backward for Mankind.
  22. Here is a perfect example of being unfit for the job: Apparently, Biden was not fit enough to make an address on Sunday. So, he did the tweet. Similarly, if there had been a world crises on Sunday, he would have addressed the crises using a second tweet. This is no way to run a government.
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