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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Let's all keep in mind that much of what we "believe in", many of our basic preferences and biases... Are genetically determined. This means that we do not actively take part in, or make conscious decisions about, what we choose to believe. And let us not forget that it is not "we" who form the opinions that we hold. Rather, opinions that we hold are formed for us, through brain processes that are heavily influenced by genetics, and by environmental influences which remain below our conscious awareness, and beyond what we are able to consciously perceive. Nobody knows why, really, they vote for Trump. Their choice has been made for them, at the subconscious level, and therefore it's not, actually... A choice based on logic. Same with all political decisions, more or less...
  2. This experience that I described depends upon.... The experience. The setting. The onset, sudden or not. And, obviously and most importantly... The blood-level of adrenaline. Without sufficient sudden influx of adrenaline, this foreshortening of time will not occur. Also, if you are borderline Psychopath, you are less likely to experience what I described.
  3. Seriously? I could. Also, Trump DID! In the heat of the moment, it's possible to accomplish many feats of multitasking, simultaneously. Time slows down for the target. And, the target sees the world with SUPER CLARITY. Much more would have been possible if only Trump were not so old and decrepit. 79 is not an age to run for high office. I wonder if Trump has ever read any Piaget? Or studied any developmental Psychology? Trump believes that he will be Forever Young... Forever Young! Super Tramp! Forever !!!!!
  4. Humans are very depraved, you know.. Compared to all other animals.
  5. Wow. I never knew all this about her! She was both a... Survivor and a Sniper, too. For some reason, her name, at least among my generation, never seemed as prominent as, say.... Masters & Johnson. (of course, Johnson, was a good name to have for this kind of business....) Here is something from Columbia University, no less, which is rather informative on the life of Dr. Ruth... https://www.tc.columbia.edu/articles/2013/november/the-joy-of-dr-ruth/ I never read.... The Joy of Sex, however. Still, I understand the allusion, in the Title of the Article...
  6. One thing I do not understand is why so many here on TV seem to become so emotionally invested in the upcoming US election of Trump vs Somebody. For example, I had thought that most people on TV were living in Thailand, and Thailand is on the other side of the world from Washington DC. I really do not care what happens in November. Either Trump will win, or Trump will win. And, either way, I am already now way past caring. Some people say that Trump's reelection might lead to some global catastrophe, such as a WW3-induced Human Extinction event. If this were to happen, I doubt that Trump would be entirely the cause. I also doubt that Trump will single-handedly significantly increase the speed and onset of Global Warming to the extent that we will reach 3 degrees C much before we would have without Trump. Global Warming, to 3 degrees C above the postindustrial baseline is inevitable. Therefore, I am not really worried about Trump, who is just a small fry, and not even a french fry, by comparison. Do you really think Trump is so powerful that he can destroy the world? I do not. So... What, me worry?
  7. It might also be like Knights in White Satin, never seeing the end.... Listening at night with my first GF, to the Moody Blues, on a blue sheeted bed, With a blue couch against the opposite wall. And knowing, at that time, that those times would not last, And, knowing that .... Who knows, really, what I knew, back then? I just know that those days, maybe a month or so, no longer exist for me now. Fortunately, soon after those days ceased to exist, Her younger sister came to see me, and.. Then, we drove my new Pontiac Lemans, from the tri-state area... Up to the Chateau Frontenac, in Quebec City. Having bedded his only two daughters, The girls' father was hopping mad, and... For a few days after I returned, My poor parents believed that I would soon... Cease to exist. Whether or not I have been living in a virtual reality, or computer simulation, since my Girlfriends' Father killed me over five decades ago, I do not know.
  8. Well, I really enjoy staying at this hotel, especially when I used to visit HK. Always had super nice rooms, and I enjoyed the decor. The hotel was built decades ago, and it was solid and comfortable. I ain't 'fraid o; no ghosts.... If they will offer me a discount in BKK, the same "suite", I will be first in line, just as soon as they move the forensic equipment out, and spray a bit of air freshener around the place.
  9. The second part of my multi-part question: Let's say I manage to push a button on TV which allows me to ignore myself. And further, let's say that I then upload and submit a Topic to TV. Would I be able to edit the Topic? Would I be able to reply to my comments on the Topic? Would this Topic I had submitted to TV...just.....completely... Disappear for me? Sort of as if, for me, the Topic had never existed, except that I might still retain the memory of having posted a Topic which no longer, at least for me, exists?
  10. a. Have you forgotten that you already posted this comment four times before this, your 5th time? b. The wetware of the human brain makes memory unreliable. I wonder if the girls you mention ever remember their boyfriends from German, or the UK, more than a week or so. c. The girls forget the guys. But, the guys who fall in love with the bar girls remember the girls for the rest of their days. Those are the memories they never forget.
  11. If those young Farang want to behave in that fashion, why come here? Instead, why don't they just go to South Beach, nor far from Miami. They would be happier there. And, Pai People would be happier here. Also, those bikinis they are wearing in Pai are pretty ugly. I doubt they would be welcome at South Beach, overdressed that way.... Those young female Farang infesting Pai, these days... They think they are Hot. But, they are NOT! No respect for local mores. Seemingly no respect for themselves, either. If I want to see HOT... I go to South Beach, or... I head for Brazil. Never....Pai! Note: I have not linked the video here. Reason: This Topic is about Pai...not South Beach.
  12. It is not that YOU cannot be fooled anymore which is most important to you. What is important is that YOU can FOOL the Girls into thinking that you can be fooled. Otherwise, if they are of the opinion that you cannot be fooled, then they will do what.....? They will Ignore you..... Years ago, when I enjoyed visiting the bars in Taiwan, it became impossible for me to continue to fool the girls. And then... I gave up going to the bars. No point in it, after that....
  13. Are you sure that only CN was found in just one blood sample? Or, not sure what you mean here. You mean there should have been more samples? Or, there should have been more foreign substances/chemicals found in the one sample? Anyway, here is what they have found through some preliminary blood examination....it seems.... https://www.npr.org/2024/07/17/nx-s1-5043269/6-americans-and-vietnamese-are-found-dead-in-a-bangkok-hotel-poisoning-is-suspected Also, as you say, it would be QUITE INTERESTING ....if.... There were no other drugs in the samples from all 5 "victims". There is much more chemical analysis that should and will be done, no doubt.
  14. OK. I already thought about that question. Here is how I would do it.... a. There was only one teacup on the table with the food. b. There were 5 teacups all placed together, in another area of the "suite" c. I would fingerprint the lone cup. d. There was only one plate of food that had been unwrapped of plastic wrap. e. I would fingerprint that plate. f. Most importantly, I would check to see if there was any food residue on any of the utensils, such as forks, etc. g. If I found that only one fork had been used, then I would fingerprint the fork. h. I would also take DNA samples from said fork. I. Then, I would compare the evidence from the lone cup, the fork, and the plate. If the DNA and fingerprints pointed to one individual, and no others, then I would make the presumption that I had found the poisoner. But, that's just me. You might have some other preferred method.
  15. Hi Folks, The basic mechanics and functions of the forum seem to have changed very slightly, if I am not mistaken, during recent times. And so, I just noticed that when I hover over a member's profile photo/image, there is this button that allows a shortcut to "ignoring" that member. I do not recall seeing this before, but this is NOT the question that I have been asking myself this evening. The thing is that, when I hover over MY OWN Profile Image, I do NOT see an IGNORE Button, and no suitable shortcut for the purpose of Ignoring Myself? So, then, I ask you... Is this fair? And, just from a technical perspective.... And here is the REAL question.... WHAT would happen IF.... A member IGNORED himself??!!!! Would the member disappear from his workstation? Would the member still remain on TV in the virtual world, but vanish from the Real World? Would it be like Falling into a BLACK Hole? I wonder..... If I ignored myself in Everyday Life.....then what? This might actually be a good idea, in fact. Sometimes we become overly self-reflective, and we begin to forget that there is the real world outside of ourselves, a world of beauty... Outside this... Twilight Zone... Best regards, Gamma Note: Surely you have an answer for me....
  16. She could have been even GREATER if.... As a teacher, and also as a role model.... She had not smoked tobacco products.
  17. I agree with you that the NYT was once a much better rag, maybe about 50 years ago, when they had more money, and better journalists of some substance. This is why I no longer subscribe. Why should I pay for the drivel written by ill-informed 20-year-old people who have never lived. Also, the NYT tried to sort of "scam" me in one of it's sales promotions. They first offer super cheap subscriptions, and then, sneakily increase the rate when you least expect it. I was burned once. Now, I am very shy of subscriptions, especially in this modern day of the huckster. You are also correct that my hope will come to naught. I yearn for so many things that we have lost, just during the short time that I have been alive. Maybe this is why I love TV so much. TV never pretends to be what it is not. And, I always get what I pay for, when I read TV, or post Topics on TV. Yes.... TV is definitely for Me! NOTE: Also, whatever happened to great music like....AquaLung?
  18. It was reported that the group was scheduled to check out on Tuesday. The bodies were reported around Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Therefore, it makes sense, as you have pointed out, that the floor maid began to investigate sometimes in the late afternoon. Also, apparently, the 5 "victims" checked out of their rooms on Monday. They moved, with their "baggage", into the much larger accommodation inhabited by the Conch woman, the alleged poisoner. Then, who knows how they all spent the night, after being poisoned sometime on Monday afternoon. They had time to lie about from Monday afternoon to Tuesday at 7:30 PM, thereabouts, when the constabulary arrived, and when this news hit YouTube, and TV, and other media sites. This is a very interesting, intriguing, fascinating, and riveting mystery. There is bound to be a TV Movie about this, produced by someone here on TV, I would say....
  19. Because: CN degrades and disintegrates rapidly in the body after death, as this research/publication shows.. https://assets.cureus.com/uploads/case_report/pdf/260214/20240711-16844-14fn1pv.pdf But, frankly, I am just a bit disappointed that the poisoner, as far as we can tell, so far, chose to not use Fentanyl, which, from my perspective, might have been a far better choice, and more fun for the victims, too, for the moments before their deaths. CN can be painful, both psychologically and physically painful, in that it causes feelings of fear, apprehension, and other unpleasantness, including seizures, or what have you. But, with Fentanyl, the victim is in a state of bliss and pleasure, and just wants more, until unconsciousness overtakes the victim's brain. Therefore, if I ever become a victim of an intentional poisoning, where a murderer has planned to kill me, then.... Please, let it be Fentanyl. Thank you. Note: Even after just 24 hours, as far as I know, the CN has already disintegrated to levels that begin to make detection more difficult.
  20. Yes. I do agree, absolutely. Two of the individuals are from the US, and are citizens. In the US, I think that very few fairly well-to-do Asians would commit a crime such as this for only a USD286,000.00 debt. This would be a loss of face, BIG TIME, for their families. And then, why fly over here to commit the crime? Surely, for a lot less than this amount of money, one could hire several hit-men in Vietnam, to rub out five middle-aged people. And, if the supposed/alleged poisoner had hired a hit man in Vietnam, then culpability would have been very hard to prove.
  21. Yes. Very good information. AND, as you see, the article states: Therefore, I really DO question the assertion that they had been able to match DNA found on the drinking glasses to the victims, in less than 24 hours. I REALLY DO doubt that they could have. And, this chip technology that can do the workup in 4 hours is still in development, and not available here, I would expect.
  22. You are correct that the toast could have been with the sports drink, or a cola, for example. There were traces found of white powder in all of the tea cups. And, I guess you are correct that this white powder has not yet been definitively analysed and identified. So, a toast with some other drink is possible.
  23. Another thing: Just how fast are they able to sequence DNA, these days, in Thailand???? I am not up to speed on this, regarding the speed that this is possible. Anyone know?
  24. Yes. You are correct. But, I am not sure how this negates anything else that I have posted. Or, maybe I do not see what you are driving at. There were six tea cups there. One on the food table, and 5, as I recall, grouped together in another area. So this does support that 5 drank, together, first. Then, the lone poisoner, after having poisoned the first 5, sat down at the food table, and drank the the final solution of tea. But, another oddity... All plates of food were still covered in plastic wrap, except for one plate! So, there again, you have 5 plates covered. And you have one plate with the plastic wrap removed. I find this fact interesting, as well. Also, the seaweed dish was half-uncovered of its plastic wrap! So, maybe the 6th person, Chong, maybe, had a taste of seaweed or kelp, before downing her cup of poison?
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