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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. There is NOTHING to stop you from investing and building a high-tech manufacturing or research company here. Set up a biotech company, for example. If you set up enough of these, then we will need more uni grads. So, respectfully, instead of buying land, you should invest in high tech in Thailand, for the good of Thai people.
  2. If it is land reform you are after, then fine. Just seize the land from huge wealthy landowners, and distribute the land to those with no land. We do not need the help of Farang or other foreigners for this. No need to take land from those that are already poor. You just wish to see poor Thais pushed off of their land by buying at super cheap prices, and then pushing up the price of land, so that Farang can make a killing at the expense of poor Thai people.
  3. Most people should not attend university. Your argument is completely warped and skewed according to what is best, only for you, and it is not based on what is best for Thailand, or the Thai people.
  4. I completely agree with you, Sir. AND, this is actually an important issue, and one that is much more important than most issues, and I am referring to the useless US election, and may other similar hopeless issues.
  5. I just wish to see Thailand remain much the way it is. I happen to actually LIKE Thailand. The land around Chiang Mai has been rapidly rising in price. I do not like that. I want the land prices to return to what they were in the 1980s. I want to see the population density, around Chiang Mai, decrease to 2000 levels. People were much happier before rampant price rises for land and housing and high rents. MOST IMPORTANTLY: We need to save as much farm land as possible. We don't need no Farang or other foreigners leasing large tracts of land, and then converting farm land to housing and commercial rental properties. We need to protect our farm land, and land which has not yet been converted to either farm land or commercial land. Otherwise, we will just add to Global Warming. Anyway, the population here is crashing now. There will soon be no one to buy all the new housing that investors are hoping to build. Investing in housing projects is foolish short-term behavior. The population here in Thailand, just as in Japan, and everywhere else, is CRASHING. We are now looking at Human Extinction, as well. There is NO POINT for a 99-year lease, when humans will be extinct within 10 YEARS. So, no change is required now. No change!
  6. I agree with the 10-year lease for Farang. I don't want no Farang leasing land around my area. Thailand for Thai People! This is what I believe. Otherwise, Thailand will end up like the Virgin Islands, or somewhere. (Why does Thailand need overseas investors driving up land prices in Thailand? Sounds to me like Barnaby Canada, or just the entire west coast of Canada, and maybe Toronto, too. It's not good for Canadian people. And, it's not good for Thailand people, either.) The Digital Wallet Scheme will just cause inflation here in Thailand, similar to what Americans have been enjoying in their country.
  7. Maybe you meant that the girls go wild over them. If the girls went wild for them, then they would be consuming them, as in buying them, or using them. So, what you meant, obviously is that the girls go wild over you when you wear Rolex watches, one on each wrist. Also, if you want to wear a Rolex watch properly, as they do in Taiwan, then the band of the watch must be super loose so that the heavy watch will dangle from the wrist. Maybe it's just that Taiwan men have such small wrists, like girls? Yes, they do. But, this does not mean that the Taiwanese men could not go to the jeweler and have one or five links removed from the standard band of a Rolex, so that they could wear their Rolex watch as most men do, REAL men, from around the world.
  8. Only the voters. Hair is one of the most important characteristics of a successful politician.
  9. Remember, in the early 1970s, in the USA, the mantra oft repeated Through every Middlesex village and farm: Black is Beautiful! I remember it well. Everyone walked around with a HUGE Afro and an Afro comb. Those were the days.....!
  10. This is the first time I needed to look up a word I did not know on TV. What is detorial beauty. This is not a typo, and does not seem to be a mispelling. The closest thing I can think of might be something like Dictatorial Beauty. Mussolini had dictatorial beauty, IMHO, for example....maybe.... Trump, too, has his own style of authoritarian beauty. Kemala is not beautiful in any way. If Kemala were Thai/American, then I would vote for her, even if she spoke Pattaya English. Thai-American women have much more beauty than Indian-Puerto-Rican-American women, but this is only my personal eye for beauty...maybe... I forgot to mention Old Joe's sartorial beauty.
  11. I would have left Taiwan much earlier, to come to Thailand. I should have left Taiwan in Y2K.
  12. How do we know that this was not ketamine adulterated with Fentanyl?
  13. Only a reckless fool would have a young child (or older child) on a motosai. No doubt, they are therefore BOTH in the wrong.
  14. Absolutely. After living on The Isle Formosa, where everyone has Island Fever, I was thinking the same thing. Formosan people NEVER forget a slight such as this. The memory will fester until ..... One day....It will OUT!
  15. They look about the same as Salaryman (サラリーマン, sararīman) in the 1960s and 1970s. The Japanese once loved blue suits. Even today, Japanese men love to dress alike, like in the army, or like wearing their school uniforms, once more. And, they even like schoolgirls in school uniforms, too.
  16. I DO NOT understand this woman! a. I never cry when they tell me I cannot go home. b. I ONLY cry when they tell me I cannot stay. The last place I want to be is home in the USA with Trump and Biden, and all that Fentanyl Fun. Thailand is so much better. And I would NEVER CRY unless they told me I must go home. I do not get it. She should be happy to stay here. And, who would want to go to India, Either!!! It's too hot in India.
  17. Maybe born in England... But his heart is in India.
  18. Should never have happened in the first place. What a bounder.
  19. Yes. Biden was right. Trump has more lives than an alley cat.
  20. Dear Folks, Now that we know Biden is unfit for office, at least we have Trump, who, according to the NYT, is ALSO Unfit for Office! Hallelujah! But wait, it's not all bad news because: a. If Trump is America's CHILLING CHOICE...then.... b. Trump will also become our salvation from Global Warming!!!!!! What could be finer? This is the main reason to vote for Trump. A Vote for Trump is a Vote to Cool Planet Earth! https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/07/11/opinion/editorials/donald-trump-2024-unfit.html For some reason, the NYT chose to use white script on a black background for this OpED! What? Are they in mourning or something???? Why? Regards, Gamma Note: Very Chilling, Indeed!
  21. Yes. Very familiar. It reminds me of Act IV, Scene 1, Macbeth. And that boiling kettle. And the fillet of fenny snake. And all the trouble, trouble, lying just below the surface.
  22. Here is more recent data from a different source showing overdose-related death, by country, compiled in 2020...a much more recent bit of data. https://www.commonwealthfund.org/blog/2022/too-many-lives-lost-comparing-overdose-mortality-rates-policy-solutions a. So then what is the factor(s) causing this huge disparity between the US/Scotland and the rest of the world? b. The differences between countries is incredible! Why? THE report/paper/article linked here provides many possible factors causing what is seen in the above data.
  23. In China, we say WAN-SUI !!! WANSUI, WANSUI !!!! 10.000 years. Like XiJinPing WanSui. However, if you say, WanShui...it means SLEEP for 10,000 years....which is NG! This Jap-Dude seems to have been out of his gourd on something. Maybe his GF sold him some problematic DouFu, or something.
  24. Drug overdoes in the USA began rising exponentially the year I left America. But, not sure if there is any correlation. Still, the question remains: WHY? https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aau1184
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