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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. obsessed by his own glorification when he was well past being able to compete at the top level. used his position and influence to take plum slots, preventing the younger, next generation, upcoming talent getting invaluable experience. you also have to wonder why he was so keen to be away from his wife and children. it was all about himself. good riddance.
  2. in all my years arriving i've pretty much always chosen a female IO and never had any problem or issue whatsoever, i think it says more about the guys having issues than female IOs.
  3. well yea, if he wasn't a treat they wouldn't have banned him.
  4. i always wondered what the members of his family and friends, in particular the females, thought and felt about his open condoning and participation in the sex industry. for better or worse, people openly partaking in the sex industry are generally looked down on and regarded with contempt in society as a whole.
  5. i think many choose to be alone because, whether they are prepared to admit it or not, they intrinsically know they are in a pretty dire and humiliating situation when the only way they can get someone to give them any attention is to pay them. whatever way they dress it up they will have a friend or lover or, in their minds a gf, only as long as they keep paying. what must that do to someone's self esteem? some can rise above this feeling, many can't, so choose to be alone. it is very sad and i would guess many are not very happy.
  6. yea, definitely, 100%, lend the money, though you should interpret the word 'lend' as 'give'. sounds like you have a lot to learn about thailand, when you've been here longer you'll be able to answer such basic questions yourself.
  7. why do you engage? just ignore. problem solved.
  8. all due respect, thailand is simply too politically unpredictable and unstable, what do financial markets hate? unpredictability and lack of political stability.
  9. yea, i get that, you get that, but so many locals don;t seem to understand, they lend money and are surprised/upset when it's not repaid. bizarre.
  10. if you feel so strongly why on earth are you watching them? don;t watch them. it's hardly rocket science.
  11. not only in the countryside, you can get poisonous snakes in the city too
  12. absolutely, it happens back home too, but to a much lesser extent.
  13. and childishly call people names. it's, frankly, pathetic.
  14. eventually reaping the rewards from the 'tablet for every child' initiative. and not before time.
  15. as someone who has traveled, and loved, widely i can report from my extensive research that you get good, bad and amazing lovers in pretty much every country, surprisingly china and mongolia often punched above their weight in the bedroom department. though, for something just a little bit special, i'd always go for a french girl
  16. that's not food. she was probably distracted by the fact a foreigner, who she previously thought were a reasonably intelligent species, was going to eat such processed muck.
  17. here's a couple of tips, one) don't tip, if workers aren't happy with the remuneration for their job they should get another job, two) get another gf, she sounds a right pain. next.
  18. the only poll that matters in the one on election day. however, i do feel, on balance, it's Kamala's to lose
  19. to be honest, only one of them was fighting, the other was shopping.
  20. agree, go along with whatever they ask, i've never had a problem in thailand, but years ago i was working in japan and there was a small issue, i went along with the IO and he was extremely helpful in solving the problem. win win.
  21. sent my Coutts statement, no problems.
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