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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. why not? i have a thai trans friend, she had a foreign bf who didn;t know she was trans, fair enough i thought, maybe he knows maybe he doesn;t, but if they are both happy in the relationship does it really matter? then she told me that he wants to have children, at this point i suggested she needs to be clear with him that this is not possible - the same way an infertile man/woman should be up front in a similar situation so they can discuss alternative options. however, my friend disagreed and said it was her human right not to tell him she couldn't have children, i said isn;t it his human right to know she is unable to conceive? we never managed to agree on this topic but i suggested when he finds out he may feel she has not been 100% honest/clear with him. we agreed to disagree.
  2. OP is obviously fresh off the boat, this has been going on for donkey's years.
  3. Don't get stupid drunk next time. and/or try to impress with money
  4. speak for yourself, i find thai's generally friendly, polite, tolerant and good humoured.
  5. Are they cheaper from Studio 7 than the Apple Store......wife is pestering for the iPhone 16 pro max......(annoyingly she only ever uses it for FB....) if it's original it will be the same price, apple wouldn't allow undercutting. re your wife, just refuse.
  6. we live and learn, flew LKM, never again, flew finnair, never again.
  7. your train of thought and words
  8. i have noticed the bigger the loser you are the hotter the women. Rotund shirtless Thai men with incredible women. not my experience, though some older thai men, with means, have minor wives (mia noi).
  9. indeed, when i was at school there was one one 'fat' boy, but not unhealthy as he was an effective prop in the rugby team. the obese state of much of the population in my home country is shocking, thailand by comparison has a long way to go.
  10. that's five minutes of my life i'll never get back
  11. sorry to take the wind out of your thai bashing sails, but fraud and fraudulent investment schemes occur in many countries around the world, ponzi?
  12. why are so many foreigners in thailand fat and bald?
  13. had been charged with inappropriate behaviour that could endanger public safety. throw the book at him, as opposed to people who ride/drive the wrong way on public roads, or ride motorcycles on pavements.
  14. Nord always has, and currently does, work for me
  15. Vasectomy. Weeks holiday with mates. Then, say yes to another baby, just to keep her happy.
  16. all your reply achieves is to clearly display your bigotry and ignorance.
  17. don't do the crime if you can't do the time. harsh but true.
  18. Six of my very good friends have had enough of Phuket and all six are leaving because of traffic. Another friend and his family of four just bought a house a relocated here from the UK. After just a few months, they are already looking for ways to leave. it puzzles me why people seem to feel the need to make a song and dance about leaving thailand. if you want to go , go. if you don't, don't. quite honestly, the world really doesn't care.
  19. life's too short.
  20. tbh, i'd be contacting porsche for info rather than random people on this site. depends how much you value your car's engine i guess.
  21. where's your evidence that this guy was only able to visit thailand because of changes to visa rules?!
  22. fail to understand why this is still an issue, i understood the bangkok air pollution problem was to be solved years ago with the implementation of air cleaning machines...
  23. does anyone have an actual example of an airline refusing to board someone going visa exempt but with no onward flight within 60 days? or is it a hypothetical situation, unlikely to occur(?) especially if the return flight is within 90 days?
  24. ah, don't assume, accountability will be the result of a comprehensive investigation, quite the opposite is equally, or possibly more likely, to be the result.
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