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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Using your logic..... It is not your country it belongs to the indigenous Aboriginals.
  2. Totally brilliant, I've just bust a rib laughing.😂😂😂
  3. Never been about numbers, wars don't work like that, it is trying to make sure that another 7/10 never happens again to innocent Israelis again. Gone are the days where you can kill just Jews, they fight back now and the antisemitics don't like that.
  4. God help the UK if the nasty anti-Semitic Party get in and remember, young girls that have been groomed in Labours Red Wall "should keep their mouths shut in the interest of diversity".
  5. How about getting rid of those that threaten our freedoms and our very existence!
  6. Do we have to disguise ourselves to be safe on our streets now, idiot response to an idiot post.
  7. Wrong thread! If you're going to troll try doing on the George Galloway topic!
  8. Quite right and it help stops the brain going ting tong. 🏋️‍♀️
  9. I don't converse with posters who report other posters when they can't accept the truth.
  10. You are rejoicing at a probably the worlds biggest anti-Semitic degenerate and you expect other posters to share your enthusiasm over this vile creature, not going to happen. I will quote those who I consider to need some reality in their lives!
  11. I think your gibberish belongs with the likes of Retarius, please don't waste you causticity on me, it is not appreciated.
  12. Going off topic to make a rancid anti-Semitic comment is not always a good idea, but we do know what colours you have nailed to the mast. We love you George because you campaigned for Rochdale with a Palestine flag behind you, 'from the rivers to the sea Galloway pleases me', there's one born every minute.
  13. Maybe one day Nick Griffin will endorse you and then your life will be complete knowing you are up there with the likes of Galloway.🥴
  14. And Galloway was endorsed by BNP leader Nick Griffin, are you a fan of his too?
  15. He hates everybody apart from terrorists, he'd sell his own mother if it meant getting 2 extra votes. 🥴
  16. Yes there are laws and are the police implementing them, no they are not. So getting back to my post, hate marches and mob rule are not acceptable....or perhaps you think they are!
  17. Protesting is fine, hate marches and mob rule is not acceptable.....you should not need telling this!
  18. Still griping about Brexit, remainers never die, they just go on and on and on and on.😂😂😂
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