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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Your world of terrorist propaganda is alien to me, so I will not he replying to your nonsense!
  2. Your 'get out of jail card for free' has been refused, have you got any other method to excuse these terrorists on you. No matter how much you try and make heroes of these barbaric maniacs you will never succeed and plucking random dates from history will not excuse the acts committed on the real day this war started.
  3. One side started this war and it wasn't Israel, start blaming the cause for a change. Hamas has no intention of releasing the hostages and you know it! All Hamas has to do is release the hostages!
  4. Comical how that poster blames Palestinians for not wanting peace - totally biased! Committing heinous barbaric acts in Israel is hardly a recipe for peace, forgot about the hostages have we, Israel hasn't, nor will they!
  5. Only a fool would believe anything that comes out of a terrorist mouth, but the Gazan Amateur Dramatic Society is getting much practice in these days and their productions goes out to all the Hamas gullible followers.
  6. Remember your marriage vows, you promised to love her in 'plumpness and in health till death do us part' 🤥
  7. I notice you failed to offer a link to your bobbie bombshell, would you like to provide a link?
  8. Any roof work and I use the local Burmese builders, when I ask them "how much" it's a case of "up to you", they know I will always pay them more than what they dare ask for. The older you get the harder you fall. 🥴
  9. So the solution is to import more into the country without any means of identification, Jesus wept.🥴
  10. Not bad for a temporarily occupied country without a navy as such. 😂
  11. Make sure you make an appointment, Thais can get a licence on the same day foreigners need to book, I booked my appointment 2 weeks ago and I still have 2 weeks to go.
  12. It was not meant as a compliment, you are out of control with your vitriol posting. All Hamas has to do is to return the hostages and the murderers of the Israelis and no more war, but you and many like you are just useful helpers to the Palestinian terrorists and you are not probabably even aware of it. 😕
  13. Yes I suppose it is up to the ability of the person doing the work. I think the doors I saw in the Mega store were around the 1000 baht price.
  14. We bought some paint that the salesman recommended from a builders merchant to paint the wifes daughters bathroom door, and it was painstaking to paint, the paint ran better than Sebastian Coe, It did look better but not great. I would go with your idea and buy a new door, not expensive to buy if my memory serves me well.
  15. You don't listen, you have been caught out so many times but like the Black Knight you keep coming back for more punishment. You purposely use the word "genocide" to flame these boards, you know as well as anybody on here that Israel is not committing Genocide, you use the expression to fuel the fire, just the same as your vitriol use of the word Zionist.
  16. You are making excuses for these people which in itself is despicable, they started this war now they are losing this war, and they are suddenly playing the victim, they are not the victim, they are the instigators.
  17. Bought and sold on F/B Market Place and never a problem. Baht/Sold doesn't seem as popular as it used to be, never bother with it now.
  18. I thought 'free banking' only is applicable to your province your bank is located. Don't we get charged a fee when we leave that province?
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