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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. This incident happened about 11 years ago. Gross anti-Semitic George Galloway walked out of a debate at Oxford University after finding out that sharing the stage was an Israeli, anybody that shares the views of this vile individual needs to ask themselves some serious questions. Galloway interrupted the third-year philosophy, politics and economics student at Brasenose college when Aslan-Levy used the word "we" in reference to Israel. "You said 'we'," said Galloway. "Are you an Israeli?" "I am, yes," Aslan-Levy replied. "I don't debate with Israelis. I have been misled, sorry," Galloway said, standing and putting on his coat, then reiterating as he walked out: "I don't recognise Israel and I don't debate with Israelis." https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/feb/21/george-galloway-debate-israeli-oxford
  2. That has about as much relevance to this thread as my holier than holy socks. Whataboutery and off topic all rolled into one.🥴
  3. You'll be asking next to prove that water is wet, you lost the argument earlier on yet still prefer to talk nonsense. There is no mob rule in the UK you infer....... I put it to you that the police cannot control these inflammatory mobs on our streets and have to retreat when confronted by these screaming banshees. You prefer to bury your head in the sand and make excuses for these people, wake up. Your posts are just left wing cliques and you think that you are the only poster on this thread that is correct, again delusional or maybe just argumentative, either way you don't make any sense whatsoever. Anyway, keep that red flag flying!
  4. You said you have never seen mob rule inferring that it doesn't exist, that is totally delusional, it has been pointed out to you many times of the examples of "mob rule" in London especially. I suspect you are being disruptive, confrontational and argumentative, there is so much coverage of these events and happenings you would have to be blind not to see them.
  5. Though to be fair, 30p Lee Anderson was dog whistling, perhaps hoping to incite a mob. And all MPs have been given 32 million pounds for their personal security to protect themselves from the fairies at the bottom of their gardens. Do you suffer from delusion much and to call someone "30p" Lee could be construed as your imagination has greater control over your thoughts than you yourself. Do you actually read your posts before posting, if not, now would be a good time to start!
  6. I know what you were thinking, would it be fair to say that Lee has been reported and is under investigation by the police, but you have jumped the gun and reached a verdict before the police have, a perfect example of how mob rule works, to hell with law and order, we can scream the loudest!
  7. You like him even though he is a rancid anti-Semitic? Speaks volumes.
  8. Angela Rayners use of the word "scum" is fine for a lefty. And many more in the anti-Semitic Labour party. "Hate speech" your interpretation of such derogatory terminology and not others, telling the truth now has become "hate speech" for the liberal hurty feeling type. Did you notice any hate speech from the mob on your "from the river to the sea" marches.
  9. It was a rhetorical question anyway and it was used to explain that there are many mobs in the UK, but you probably knew that anyway if you were honest!🥴
  10. Did you happen to see the Batley school teacher that has gone into hiding by the angry mob outside his school or perhaps the young schoolboy that "scuffed" a copy of the Quran, all in hiding because of an angry brainwashed mob? Sunak is correct but he sacked Braverman for saying so months earlier, now the tax payer is having to pick up the bill for the MPs security for the problem that they themselves have created. The mob rules ok.🥴
  11. I've not seen it, so it isn't true! There doesn't appear to be any credible government in the UK, the country is lost to various mobs. 🥴
  12. I always thought that Thailand is the Pound Shop equivalent of tourist destinations anyway.🥴
  13. Was his post an appropriate post or not, stop trying to defend an ill written slur by deflecting!
  14. Tell the truth in politics today and you lose your job. MPs are afraid to face the elephant in the room. 🥴
  15. You are the one with problem, what kind of poster remarks that Israelis are like Nazis, there will be some Israelis that have lost family been in those death camps. Six million Jews murdered and you liken them to Nazis, anybody with any decency just would not do that and he asks me what my problem is, utterly disgusting and you shouldn't need telling!
  16. He couldn't predict the winner of a one horse race. Delusional. 😂
  17. Says the man that said Israelis are no better than the Nazis in world war 2.
  18. "I have predicted" Who are you to predict anything except a poster that has more excuses for these vile monsters than John Prescott has had hot dinners. Does your delusion really make you think that you are Henry Kissinger or the like. The ceasefire will not be permanent as Hamas has no intention of stop killing Israelis and that is my "prediction". You do not negotiate with terrorists...you kill them!
  19. Your definitions are vulgar, they are hostages and are being abused for the satisfaction of these satanic criminals, the ones you seem quite happy to call "freedom fighters". Disgusting posting!
  20. You are an apologist, you may believe you are not, but it is very evident that you are along with some others on this topic. I find your latest thoughtless reply in trading hostages for a ceasefire in very, very poor taste, they are not pawns to be moved around a board until Hamas gets its way.....disgusting!
  21. There is one technical detail you are failing to spot, Hamas doesn't want a ceasefire.
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