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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. He gets triggered very easily and if a link is not on his desk within 5 minutes of asking out goes the Teddy. 🥴
  2. It has cost the tax payer 5 million for her legal fees to date and rising.🥴
  3. Why do you think as to why they are in Jail, it is not too difficult to hazard a guess. 🥴
  4. Your naivety and causticity is beginning to show, but keep the terrorist flag flying won't you!
  5. If you don't know who these vile monsters are, you have not been paying enough attention.
  6. "UK mess" surely is a moot point, unless you mean the "mess" began by letting her extremist parents into the UK in the first place. Nah, she's better off where she is, none of us want terrorists in our midst now do we.
  7. The British lawmakers have the power to remove citizenships in certain circumstances and Begin certainly fits into that criteria. "The government has the power to remove someone's UK citizenship in certain circumstances:" If it is "for the public good" and would not make them stateless The person obtained citizenship through fraud Their actions could harm UK interests and they could claim citizenship elsewhere https://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-53428191
  8. Fair point, probably the safest bet would be to ring your insurance company and ask.
  9. There are many Begins in the UK that show no loyalty and even hate the country and the population they chose to live in, we are far too tolerant as a nation, now our police have lost control of our streets.
  10. Does it worry you? She obviously doesn't belong in the UK or else she wouldn't have travelled to join an organisation that believes cutting peoples heads off is the norm. When she saw heads of decapitated westerners in a rubbish bin she was quoted as saying that it didn't "faze" her.
  11. Yes your wife will be legally allowed to drive in Europe with a Thai licence. I took my wife to France and she was allowed to drive there, she needs nothing but her licence. Bon voyage.
  12. Jackanory, tell us a story and seek help tout suite.🥴
  13. You are no Mystic Meg................oh wait, you are.😂😂😂
  14. You are like a record player that is stuck and just keeps repeating unworkable and unwanted solutions. And while we're on the subject of "other Arab countries" none of them seem too keen to accept Palestinians, I wonder why.
  15. And their we have more excuses for the Oct 7th massacre. You will never justify what happened on that bloody day but boy you're giving it your best shot.
  16. That would not be my message, my message would be don't blame Israel for a war that the Palestian terrorists started and furthermore have promised more 7/10s. Do you object to Israel defending itself, should they just lay down their weapons just to please people that don't think logically.
  17. Maybe you should be reminding Hamas of this loss of lives if the terrorists figures are anything to go by and not other posters, how many of the dead were terrorists. Running out of food eh, but not rockets, something for the terrorists supporters to celebrate I suppose.
  18. Your constant usage of your one moment in time history lessons does not negate the fact that Hamas did start this war on Oct 7th, for without the incursion there would be very little trouble, only the daily rocket attacks from Hamas of course. Stop making excuses for these vile monsters!
  19. You should be asking yourself 'why' is this happening and not running around trying to emulate John Pilger. Hamas started this bloody war and Israel has no other options but destroy the Terrorists in Gaza and try and secure the release of the hostages including "women and children". What is your answer to the war that Hamas started......Israel surrenders?
  20. A penis is like a cock but much smaller. 🤔
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