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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. But your link states that most people do not think a peace deal is possible, which most of us are saying. Hamas won't stop their carnage, they hate Israelis too much.🥴
  2. Thought not, most people are sick of these hate marches that are allowed every week than a war at the other side of the world.
  3. You have a link to "most people want a full ceasefire"?
  4. The only figure I could see on the internet was a few thousand, infact much less than last year, so it maybe safe to say that the figure of 500,000 may have been grossly exaggerated.
  5. That does not negate the terrible actions of Hamas. You always get appeasers in any country, are they a deciding factor, I would imagine not.
  6. With Israel it is work in progress, Hamas will be destroyed.
  7. Your beef is/or should be with Hamas and not Israel who are simply safe guarding against any future horrific attacks on their citizens.
  8. Get used to it, we're not going to stop telling the truth just to please you!
  9. You know exactly who I mean, stop trying to be Smart, one is enough!
  10. More lies, you have called Hamas "freedom fighters" You 'think' that "Hamas represents a small percentage of Palestinian people" we that's cleared that up then.🥴
  11. It gives Israel every right to rid this world of these disgusting creatures, Israel is defending itself, as long as we have Hamas they will continue to murder Israelis.
  12. You try to glorify these vile thugs by calling them "freedom fighters" your clip shows the daughter of the one man in Gaza that hates Hamas telling a different story and calling them for what they are.
  13. I would say that Hamas has a duty not to use their citizens has human shields, is some of these questions too difficult for you to work out yourself. My mother used to say that questions that needn't be asked, needn't be answered.
  14. That link of the one person in Gaza that hates Hamas also debunks many of your posts.😂😂😂
  15. Hamas hates the Palestians or else they would not be using them as human shields.
  16. You really hate the Israelis, your mask slips with every post.
  17. You lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink, just the same with the indoctrinated Palestinian terrorists they will never stop killing Israelis, the only answer is to remove the cancerous growth which is Hamas.🥴
  18. Link provided: https://x.com/CensoredMen/status/1761621240387629525?t=s2_e2NnHwL3skO4VcXm2Fw&s=09
  19. Listen I shall say this only once, in your fantasy world there may be grounds for a ceasefire but in the real world Hamas doesn't want one, it wants to carry on killing Israelis!
  20. Not interested in your pathetic history lessons, I won't even bother reading the rest of your disingenuous feeble posts.🥴 All you do is excuse these vile creatures!
  21. Only someone with anti-Semitic views would suggest that! Time and time again you cannot seem to understand the realities of this war. 1. This war started on the 7th of October and to suggest otherwise is purely making excuses for these rabid excuses for human beings. 2. Hamas is on record as saying that it will never stop attacking Israel and will genocidal kill its citizens. 3. Israel has a duty to protect its citizens and make no mistake they will do. 4. Do you really want Israel to stop fighting so the Palestian terrorists can carry on killing them.......you know what, I really think you do.🥴
  22. How long do you normally give posters to respond before you start your tantrums, no need to answer as I am not interested in your periodically outbursts.
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