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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. You are using the word "Revenge" to justify this bloody war, Israel is not after revenge, the are trying to ensure that never again will their citizens be put through the barbaric torture and suffering that the world witnessed on 7 Oct. Hamas is totally responsible for the suffering that is happening in Gaza now and this war would be over tomorrow if what's left of the sexually abused hostages were to be returned. The world will not forget these unfortunate people that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that includes babies and children too, Israel certainly will not forget them, nor should they! Never again!
  2. Can you talk sense, obviously not, if somebody said water was wet you would argue to the contrary.
  3. I got plenty, unlike you that loves to argue. The gazan police are made up of Hamas terrorists and you are digging another hole for yourself, your waffling will not extract you from this hole, be honest! https://ecfr.eu/special/mapping_palestinian_politics/civil_police/#:~:text=In Gaza%2C the Civil Police,of smaller factions in Gaza.
  4. Any news of when the Gazan police will be repainting their panda cars in Gay Pride colours? 🚓
  5. The Gazan police force is actually made up of armed members of Hamas, nice try but no cigar. 😕
  6. "Islamophobia is a word created by fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons" [Christopher Hitchins] Your posts and name is very similar to WB Smart?
  7. You cannot speak for all Australians, I suggest you are again speaking for yourself. Thread is about Canada.
  8. Motorbike licence ran out 10 months ago, went to the local driving school to get the relevant docs, cost 200baht, passed the exam without sitting it😂. Got a medical for 200baht, did get thoroughly examined though. The driving school told me just to walk in at Pattaya test centre, walked in as instructed and was told by the lady behind the desk that an appointment is necessary. The next available date was 12th March. Incidentally Thais can just walk in, discrimination much. 😕
  9. I get it, you made it up just like most of your contemporaries and have to lie to make your point, try to be more honest!
  10. Don't hold your breath...... show a link that Hamas is not in charge of Gaza and stop being disingenuous.
  11. Nobody has seen this mythical link, is it a figment of your imagination and has it anything to do with what you are saying, go on prove us all wrong....I double dog dare you.
  12. You avoid English expats in Thailand and you have the audacity to call Clarkson a bigot, do you own a mirror, if so you might try using it! 🥴
  13. Gibberish nonsense, please provide a link or some people might think you are lying.
  14. Not to you it isn't, you'd move heaven and Earth to excuse these vile terrorists!
  15. I have just checked with Jeremy and he said that the feeling is mutual. 😂😂🤣
  16. Sadly the Palestinian people could have been living a palatial lifestyle by the kind (and as we know now...foolish) donations of other countries, instead of living like kings they chose to live like moles. Not the best choice they have ever made! Are you including Egypt in your definition of "apartheid", let's face it not even the Arab countries want them or is that Israels fault too? 😕
  17. People hate Clarkson because he speaks the truth and that won't do in our liberal PC society. He's a Yorkshireman, what do you expect! 🤔
  18. I had my name tattooed on my backside, well I had a B tattooed on each cheek and when I bend down it spells BOB.
  19. My guess is that the Israelis value their own citizens and to prevent another 7/10 harsh measures need to be taken, actions have consequences!
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