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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. I've turned off the news and have a huge library of shows like Brooklynn Nine-Nine and Superstore. They're basically light background noise I have on while preparing lessons.
  2. How can ANYONE go on such an adventure without obtaining travel insurance? DAN insurance is not expensive and covers these types of tragedies.
  3. I hear Tulsi is making herself available.
  4. Fckin backpacker losers. The man bun is a dead giveaway.
  5. That man-child really is an uncouth boor.
  6. Well, yeah, but they will be the most ATTRACTIVE workers ever. Perfect hair and wet, puffy lips (in case the felon ever visits their workplace) will be mandatory, along with a signed loyalty oath. Constitution? Who needs that when you have a supreme leader?
  7. Haven't we realized yet the only two qualifications needed: superb ass-kissery and great hair?
  8. Stock in private prisoners skyrocketed the minute it was announced Harris lost.
  9. My initial thought was, "Yes, you are right. Textbook definition of an oligarchy unfolding before our very eyes. And you're just NOW realizing this?!?" He had four years to put measures in place to protect the US against the obvious oncoming looting and did nothing to prevent it. Now the wolves are in charge and we're all basically screwed (unless you're a billionaire, then it's your time to shine).
  10. Some may not know this, but I tend to lean to the left, and this makes PERFECT sense to me. Women in women's sports, men in men's, and let there be a category for the transgenders.
  11. I would he happy if they'd ALL stop lying, left AND right, but that's slipping further and further away every day. FB isn't even trying to hide it any more. Free press is dying and the incoming administration will be MORE than happy to put the final nail in the coffin.
  12. Can this technically be called a chick fight? No way in HELL would I ever try to intervene, those trannies are LETHAL with high heel spikes!
  13. No, they DON'T. This has been evidenced by the convicted felon suing the Des Moines Register over a pre-election poll. Wake up ferchrissake.
  14. They can't wear them if they're never received.
  15. They were supposed to ship in 2024. "According to GetTrumpSneakers.com, Trump Sneakers are “made to order” and “are expected to start shipping July 2024" https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/absolutely-everything-we-know-about-the-trump-sneakers.html
  16. What are you going on about? I never bought those trashy things.
  17. A Google search only returns that they were sold out, but not that even one pair was ever delivered. Did those people get suckered AGAIN?
  18. There are many fools in this world (what a shocker, right?).
  19. Whether you like it or not, we're all in the same boat. You know - the wings of an eagle are right and left, and if one fails, the bird dies. You are cheering for harm to us all, US citizen or not.
  20. I knew a Thai gal - absolute stunner! - who was juggling 5 sponsors at the time. I always thought, "Good for her."
  21. But his HAIR looked great, didn't it?
  22. This is the FIRST time in the history of US politics that a secretary of defense has been politicised. In the past, the selection was based on the virtue of the candidate. This bozo is in NO way qualified to run the most powerful military in the world. The cowardice of the Republicans is on full display. When a billionaire can threaten them that they better vote the way he wants under threat of being "primaried," he's essentially purchased this seat. People are being lead to the slaughter and are either unaware or just don't care.
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