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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. They are switching over to VP Harris but don't dare admit it for fear of retribution from their husbands.
  2. You're trying to apply western legal logic. These guys were flat out breaking the law and the BiB make the laws here.
  3. Where did you get that price? That's better than any Thai pharmacy I've seen including Fascino's where I'm a card-carrying member. I get a bottle of 100 .4 mg capsules for about ฿500 back in the states.
  4. In my younger days, I was quite the fan of soapy massages. There were always those few minutes while the girl was filling the tub when we would chat. I'd sometimes ask them about other customers, and when I did, they conisistently shared that guys from India were their least favorite. They told me many of the men didn't want to get washed in the bathtub and most just wanted to do butt sex.
  5. I take the Tamsulosin .4 mg (I believe this is what you are referring to). It costs 6x more in Thailand, so I order a one year supply in the US and bring it back with me on my annual US trip. It is a non-narcotic and is not on any list of meds customs is looking for. I just put it in my checked luggage and go through the "nothing to declare" aisle at Swampy. As it doesn't require a perscription to purchase in Thailand, I don't believe it would be a problem to bring it in.
  6. I can't quite tell, is this sarcasm or just a very lowbrow post?
  7. The two main reasons 45 said he won't do the interview: 1. He asked Lesley Stahl to apologize for something she never said. Cognative slippage to the max or made up bullsh!t. 2. He didn't want them fact checking. EVERYONE gets fact checked by 60 minutes. Harris was able to go through their interview process - you shouldn't be worried about fact checking if you DON'T LIE! This is beyond cult blindness, it's just plain ridiculous. Close your eyes and imagine if Obama had done ANY of the atrocities you people defend 45 of doing. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-2024-60-minutes-interview-what-happened/ Just click past the ad blocker question if you use one.
  8. This entire post so far is a legitimate argument for making pot illegal again.
  9. You CANNOT use "Fox" as a source. When you do, you lose all credibility (and you didn't have much to begin with). That dog don't hunt. You commiserate with proven liars, so guess what that makes you?
  10. My ex's village didn't have a 7/11, and there are many such places. Cashless is a less-than-ideal concept for them.
  11. I enjoy the convenience of aiming my phone at the QR code at Makro to pay for my purchase. There are still some things I DON'T want immigration sniffing around in, so I always bring back just under $10k USD cash during my annual family visit. I don't have to report that amount to either country. Like Walz is fond of saying, "Mind your own damned business."
  12. She's finally waking up to the fact her hubby may soon wind up broke and incarcerated, and if she wants to keep plopping her aging a$$ on gilded toilet seats, she'll have to start earning for herself. 555 sum num na!
  13. I knew immediately what he meant. Walz was either very nervous or over-caffeinated (perhaps both, credit: Stephen Colbert). Anyone who uses this gaffe against him only does so cuz they have nothing else. Smells like desperation.
  14. Witch hunt . . . right. When it's your own flying monkeys testifying against you, then yeah - this IS a witch hunt and he's the wicked witch.
  15. Neither won. What we expected to be a throw-down was a sissy schoolyard slap fight. The only real standout moment was when Vance got his wee wee caught in his zipper by his weak attempt at deflecting the question whether or not his devil slave master lost the 2020 election. Otherwise a decided yawn.
  16. Four years ago we were using freezer trucks for dead Covid victims and the store shelves were empty. Almost no toilet paper to be had for love nor money. You sure you wanna go there?
  17. OK, complete denial of what your eyes show you. Pure cultist reaction. Reply if you want, I don't care. You are incapable of rational thought so it's a waste of time.
  18. No, it's important to you to deflect on the real topic which is fitness for office. Forced out or volunteered - who cares? He's out. Now your lunatic should do the same. He's obviously nuts and going more over the edge each and every day. Again, watch that YouTube video just a few posts above then do some soul searching as to whether or not you can honestly support such a madman.
  19. He didn't have to go, he could very well have stayed. It was his choice to bow out gracefully. Your raving lunatic should do the same - fuel up his jet and relocate to a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US.
  20. What is STARK RAVING MAD is the Youtube video just two posts above this one. YOU watch it then try and defend that lunatic! Afterwards, ask yourself HONESTLY if that's the kind of person you REALLY want sitting in the oval office with access to the nuclear codes.
  21. Our boy had the good sense to bow out gracefully. Too bad "you [sic] boy" doesn't have the sense to do the same.
  22. Not like a cult, it is the textbook definition of a cult: "A misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader."
  23. By this time, saying you are undecided is like being on a flight, the attendant asking you if you want a plate of poop covered in ground glass or the chicken, and you ask "How is the chicken prepared?" Ferchrissake!
  24. I miss Bob. Where's he been?
  25. I used to travel frequently to The Dominican Republic (Puerta Plata/Sosúa) for some mongering. There was NOTHING that could get my soldier standing at attention better than listening to an angry Dominican chick going off on somebody.
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