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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. Letitia......is she related to LaQueefa Washington?
  2. Abrakadabra, FETUS DELETUS~
  3. Deal with it, snowflake. I grew up in PI as an expat kid, speak Tagalog and know the culture. They do not give 2 flooks about being called flips. So typical, white westerner projecting moral outrage lol. Btw, 99.99% of flips would be very offended if you compare them to the American negros.
  4. You must have missed the part in the headline where it says "Brits"....
  5. Try to pork her/him/it and find out for sure. At the very least you can then let him know she/he/it is unfaithful.
  6. 3rd world problems, 3rd world solutions.
  7. Moohammutt "Pierre" Al Sheepshaggy
  8. Like every successful leader in history, Hitler wasn't all bad, so that's why I'm voting for the orange haired a-hole. Still better than the tranny loving economy killing commies.
  9. It "turned out" SOME were counterfeit? 555...ok... Did you get them as change from your Nigerian dope dealer back home in not so great Britain?
  10. I had massive/dangerous blood glucose spikes (into the high 200s) every time I ate a meal, no matter how low carb, after fasting. Be extremely careful if pre-diabetic or diabetic or in any way insulin resistant.
  11. I still enjoy a nice slow sloppy one now and again.
  12. Lol, ok now I don't feel like such a retarded monkey for forgetting where my car keys are this morning (they were in my pocket). Thanks AN^^
  13. I always have o giggle when I see this bank's sign because in my mind the only thing that comes up is the ubiquitous abbreviation linked to the porn industry.....C-I-Mouth or C-I-My-Butt 😂 Not that I look at that kind of stuff 555
  14. Imagine swimming through a giant blob of whale cum....
  15. Basic rule: Gasoline - car Gasohol - gullet
  16. When you live in a country that discourages free speech where even airlines sue passengers for posting opinions on Facebook, one learns to not directly name and shame the offending parties specifically if one has half a brain.
  17. Just realize that the moment you have a pink card, you also have a Thai tax ID # (the 13 digit # on top of the card). These days it's really an idiot move to get this otherwise useless card. I made the same mistake.
  18. One of the top 3 that sort of rhymes with vagina
  19. Street dog scratched my door with his claws. 1st class insurance didn't give AF. TiT
  20. I only wish more Aussies would follow your brave lead and f off.
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