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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Never suffered from it, but feeling quite dizzy now having read that. Friend of mine has bouts.....doctor said he has bits and bats floating about in his semi-circular canals and he just has to avoid disturbing them.
  2. 100%. Went into my branch of the BKK bank....I felt sorry for all the staff.......all the girls had coats on.....ridiculous. As a farang I found it too cold and waited outside for the boss.
  3. I thought people just arrived, got their VOA and extended it at the IO? What type of visa are they applying for, Non-0?
  4. Reckon I am fodder then......(fodder girls this winter).
  5. The only ones any good must vent to the outside.....anything else is a waste of time and money......decent ones are not cheap by any means.
  6. Funnily enough .....yes. He said better to switch up the aircon than try to insulate the attic.
  7. Only just landed and he looks like he has struck lucky.....these girls don't mess about.
  8. You'll know if it is escaping into the air when you eat......your food will be quite crunchy .....seriously. I was warned off putting this in the attic as it would act as an inviting home for many nefarious creatures.
  9. How is the UK above Germany? Germany pay their pensions out at a much earlier age and at. much higher rate than the UK.
  10. You can't buy APC's, tanks, submarines, support a grossly inflated police and army force AND pay people a decent pension.
  11. I thought the only restaurants allowed to be open and serve alcohol were licensed restaurants and ones that are SHA (or SHA+?) approved........plus those that pay regular tea money of course.
  12. Banned on airlines (I think). The valve causes moisture to collect on the valve itself and the moisture is then expelled into the air.
  13. Anyone kind enough and knowledgable enough to explain the difference between SHA and SHA+ hotels? Thanks in advance.
  14. People are for ever complaining about being scammed, contracts not being honored, laws and rules not being complied with or being enforced........as one member on this forum said......just get on with it....."it is how we roll in Thailand". If you don't like it get out. This is pure sarcasm by the way............ mixed in with a dig at a certain poster.
  15. Scares me when you see all these apartments in the likes of BKK all caged in....deaths traps!
  16. Not too sure being married will make things much easier re: ILR for the UK......and if you are granted ILR you might find your wife is not free to travel abroad for any length of time.
  17. My thoughts exactly.....even if you have a plan...in a blind panic, smoke...it can all fall apart. I always have a PEP every place I go and make the kids do the same.
  18. Health insurance policy or anyone returning to Thailand: Expats living and working in Thailand with a valid visa or residential permit are also exempt if they can produce a Social Security card or certified letter from their employer. Otherwise, they are required to provide proof of health insurance coverage in Thailand, according to a detailed Q&A on the reopening process from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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