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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Starting this month, the government intends to restructure communication cables in Bangkok, especially in affluent areas like Thon Lo, before tackling the issue in other areas
  2. Mmmm...someone mentioned concertinaed doors........that sounds good......we're looking at using those on a gazebo/summer house.
  3. Needs to keep the circus going........if she is genuinely concerned, she could pay for a private autopsy out of her 30 million baht.
  4. I get the impression he did his job (well) and it was causing a lot people a lot of headaches.....hence the attempt to get rid of him. His wealth seems to have come from his 22 biopower plants.......could he be a real policeman in the RTP?
  5. Second pic (Japanese?) looks good, not a fan of internal curtains.....look very dated. We did have large glass doors, but they were clear so they didn't provide any privacy.
  6. For sure......... the global economy getting back on its feet after covid and the markets responding to increased demand.
  7. For the prices to rise so quickly......price gouging definitely.......the fuel being dispensed now would have been bought months ago at 'normal' prices.
  8. Does anyone know?....do the 'big' players turn up to these events or are you effectively watching the reserves?
  9. Got to hand it to them......they are on top of this monitoring lark. I think we can all breathe easier knowing that.
  10. Pretty sure a significant number of 'shops' in Bangkok, which never seem to have customers, but still thrive, must be in the loop regarding dirty money. The alternative of course is to get yourself into the RTP and then you can have a billion dollars in a bank account and no one says diddly squat.
  11. Just in time to let in the new, virulent omicron sub-variant from HK.........So not only did we get covid from China, HK now seems to be the new breeding ground for its variants. Better hope those multi-millionaire Indians and Saudis get their act together.....god forbid Thailand has to rely on those ßloody Europeans.
  12. I attend every three months and find the service excellent.....which is understandable considering the price you pay. Stood outside I see Bentleys, Rolls Royce, Ferraris, Lamborghinis........these people, I assume, have the money to go anywhere in the world for medical treatment, yet choose Bumrungrad........I'd like to think they know what they are doing.
  13. Relax......all smoke and mirrors......his blood tests will show he has never drunk anything but camomile tea (in his life!) and the victim will be found culpable for no rear lights and not wearing a helmet.......I can see the victim's family having to pay for the repairs to his car.
  14. same here.....plus clothing and shoes.
  15. Yikes.....think I'll run an extension from the generator and live with a fan.....555
  16. For how long did you leave it on charge? Mine has thrown a wobbler a couple of times and did nothing whilst on charge for about two days before then suddenly springing into life.
  17. I have been banned from any expression of dissatisfaction with other people's capabilities on the road........the wife says the 'vast majority' of Thais have a gun in their glove compartment and will use it......and she is never wrong.
  18. He could maybe use the 'spoilt brat' defense......it worked like a dream for that kid in the US.
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