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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. After a year of possible extreme embarrassment, hopefully he didn't off himself. Suspect that's the parents main concern.
  2. Giddy up 🐎 ❤️ 🐎 ❤️ 🐎
  3. Have the checked the stables ... Giddy up Don't think the gals on Bangla Rd interest him 🐎 ❤️ 🐎 ❤️ 🐎
  4. Agree ... and new safe haven ? Thai land, since not making any more. Along with our THB in Thai bank, since we live in TH
  5. Just replying to your 'text' in reply, as didn't have any photo, nor did post you replied to. Translated for you ...
  6. JP Yen to replace USD as safe haven, yet, holds ~$1T of USA debt ... hmm Let me think about that for sec 😎 Y'all smell that ... Oh yea ... along with this little tidbit ...
  7. Somehow you found this forum, but don't know how to post things on the internet. Surely 'go fund me' would assist in that endeavor, as benefits them also. "I have now created a Go Fund Me to try and raise the money ... I am not comfortable in asking others for help" ... hmm Good Luck anyway, seems you'll need it.
  8. If grass fed cows, that (beta carotene) would explain the yellow color ... ... or E number E102, C.I. 19140, FD&C Yellow 5 or 6
  9. Got to read the not so small fine print sometimes, especially when buying butter. Although the price is usually a good give away, if not real butter.
  10. "Min Buri (Thai: มีนบุรี, pronounced [mīːn būrīː]) is one of the 50 districts (khet) of Bangkok, Thailand." - wiki Why I use Krung Thep most times when referring to Bangkok Metro area. Most people, have never been to Bangkok (Noi or Yai), unless visiting Wat Arun. On the west side of the river, if you didn't know. Ignorance is Bliss
  11. Surely one would do a vid chat, before actually meeting in person. Though TBH, I never did, but that was decades past, when not really available like it is today. Though possible, but I just didn't bother. Back in the day, when Yahoo Chat was a thing. Just a current photo was enough, and actually needed, as they were picking my up at the airport when meeting.
  12. It's called a marriage, and just like in the USA, in my world anyway, we share everything. Doesn't matter who earns more money. Wife #2 made about the same, sometimes more than me, depending how many days I worked. Did take her 5 days, but only 2 for me, but hey, we shared everything. No my money, or her money, and no, here's money for you or me. All ours, and we make, made decisions on how to utilize it. Same here / TH. Our money to spend & invest, as 'we' decide to. If I want to buy a BEV pick up next week, I'll buy it. If we want to go to Japan for a week, we go. If she wants 10 more water storage tanks for her garden / greenhouse, she'll buy 'em. There's no asking permission, as long as we aren't going crazy. After 19 years, we know our 'iimits' and what needs to be jointly decided or considered on. What she contributes daily, weekly, monthly, you couldn't put a value on. What I contribute, monthly, financially, really has no value, except monetary.
  13. I take a lot of photos & vids, so my laptop's SSD was getting full. Now ~50% free, and ext SSD storing the prior few year of media. Ext SDD stay conx, so fast access to anything shot previously.
  14. Agree, and having enough, or just a wee bit more, allowing an oops fund, has always worked for me. I don't need a $1M USD. My 'free time' is way more important than making more money. I find making money is easy, but doesn't really add to my happiness. A wee bit of the opposite, as can be time consuming, at times.
  15. Hopefully Musk will cut UA off StarLink, if he hasn't already. That should bring an end to the war quickly.
  16. I have the SanDisk 1TB version for my ASUS (Win10) laptop, and they do make a 2TB, also for Apple. Thinking is should be compatible. Fan of SanDisk and they've yet to fail, owning about 8 of their drives. https://www.apple.com/shop/product/HRQ12ZM/A/sandisk-extreme-portable-ssd-2tb#:~:text=With the SanDisk Extreme Portable,your iPhone%2C iPad and MacBook. Bought mine from Advice Dist. the past year, on sale, about ฿3000, I think off sale, about ฿3500, for 1TB.
  17. Sort of both, retirement was well planned, but for 2 years later. Heavily researched a few countries, mostly in the Americas. Then on a whim, only because a timeshare trade was approved last minute for Phuket, and having 24 hrs to sort the flights, and first class being available, R/T, I accepted, and that changed 'the plan'. Had a great long week holiday, Oct 1999. Returned following year, Sept 2000 to do a retirement recon, at 45 yrs old, without any prior research, and decided to stay. Actually lived in hotels here / TH, and commuted back & forth to work, (MEM airport), for 6 months, spending more time here / TH, than at work. Burning all my holiday & sick time, along w/OJI sick time, and got fired for the OJI part. So retired 2 years earlier than planned The rest as they say, is history.
  18. I prefer this brand, over others, including imported. Buy from local bakery supply shop for ฿315 / 1 kg. Home Fresh Gold Butter (เนยโฮมเฟรชโกลด์), if out of stock, simply make our own, using heavy (whipping) cream, till restocked. "Home Fresh Gold Butter, salted, 1 kilogram, produced with the Sweet Cream Process method, using cream separated from fresh milk as the raw material, adding high quality butterfat imported from a famous source, adding a special strain of fermentation culture, and fermenting at temperature to extend the fermentation period for a longer time in order to increase the aroma and smooth, well-rounded flavor. Home Fresh Gold Butter is therefore the prototype of authentic fresh butter that still adheres to the raw materials used and the traditional production process."
  19. Just the wife & kid. Kid mainly, as wife may have met someone else, instead of myself, and been just as happy. Kid was born to a poor village, birth parents MIA, and grandparents couldn't even afford decent primary school for her. No way would she have made it to graduating Uni and becoming a successful business woman. I also had the pleasure of saving 3 youngins from certain drowning on Phuket, on 2 separate incidents. Kind of gives my life existence some kind of worth. If there's a God, reckon he/she/it, kept me around for a reason Minor contribution to the economy. Having 3 houses built, and owning my 5th car, 2nd MB. If I died tomorrow, nothing would change, wife & kid are set up, and wife doesn't need to buy anything new, as house & vehicles (car) will last as long as she does.
  20. Just tell them you are going on holiday to Indonesia ...
  21. to the title ... ... always been happy. sometimes not as happy as others, but could always think about that next orgasm, and that alone puts a smile on one's face 😎 when at one of them low points, it's always reassuring and makes one happy, when you realize, 'damn, things can't get much worse than this'
  22. Deestone .. worse tires I ever had on a car
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