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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Reading the not so fine print, instead of the graphics ...
  2. Don' need the hookers, but no AC Off to Canada then 😎
  3. Actually more debt than above quote , now @ $36,218,605 billion, as of end of 2024 ... .... "What is the largest part of US debt? Of the $34.4 trillion in gross debt in 2023, $27.3 trillion (79%) was public debt borrowed from domestic and foreign investors, while $7.0 trillion (21%) was intragovernmental debt, reflecting internal government transactions.Dec 10, 2567 BE" ... Wish I could borrow money from myself, that I don't have to pay myself to live on. That's some creative financing ... I'm sure some people have CC to pay off other CC that they can't afford to pay off, before they eventually file bankruptcy. So once the USA hits bankruptcy, they can, like other countries, apply for IMF loans to not default on their loans. And here's the kicker .... So once again, they'll be borrowing off themselves to pay themselves Yes, it's one giant Ponzi scheme, and if he keeps saying it out loud, he'll end up like JFK.
  4. Since 2 July 2010 ... up 20.4 k+ % opened @ $1.28 Since 1 Oct 2021 ... only 3.5 yrs up 120% opened @ $9.94
  5. Don't need facts, as it IS common knowledge, they borrowed the Tresury Bond funds, which SS fund is funded by, to fund programs, thus it didn't have the principle to generate interest to self generate. Even though funds were borrowed to repay the borrowed funds from SS, adding to the deficit. The thieving scum politicians have destroyed the USA, and just a matter of time, when they are allowed to say it out loud ... "we're bankrupt" Hopefully I'll be dead, as it will hit the fan in about 10 years, when SS hits -0-.
  6. I guess I'll have to start a new account, as I can't even sign into my old email account. A yahoo account, that asks me to verify, but doesn't send a 'verification code' to the verifying email or sms to ph#, which both are active. Haven't got a clue what my AN password is to change that, and can't click on forgot, as can't sign in to the email I use
  7. Do what I want, when I want, how I want, and nobody cares. Cost of products from CN COL, and anything involving labor Inexpensive O&A No PC brigade No over regulation No Karens or male versions, though can't say I ever ran into any at USA
  8. There is truth to it, as one party, always wants the other party to fail, not matter what the consequences to the country, average working stiff is. They're rich, so they simply don't care. Job security, well, staying in power to rape the budget, is way more important. And as long as some idiots, too many idiots, simply vote straight party line, no matter if the candidate is qualified or not, the party, must win, so if present administration fails miserably, they win, not the people. I see the voting all time, divided by party. That's a bit too obvious. Only the blind, or those that don't pay attention at all, can't see the bias. Which is most of the voting public, and how they ended up in the situation that they are not. Idiots reelecting the same thieving politicians, and they expect some kind of change
  9. @black tabby12345 Another vid, simply using loaf pans.
  10. Actually there's some truth to that ...
  11. Sort of like a ... "Do I need to drive the speed limit ?" question. And as always ... UP2U
  12. No, did an edit to above, where to get tube.
  13. Yes Use this as a guide to make. 2 things different, use lean pork tenderloin (trimmed), and mince it down to paste like, in food processor. Find it binds together better than chunks, when slicing. Really simple to make. Want to try to make bologna next. I don't use any chems, just pork, salt, cure salt, brown sugar & milk powder. These ratios: Got the tube on LAZ, and not really needed, as you can simply use a loaf pan, with another on top with some weight, and bring up to temp in oven, instead of a pot of water. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i4584412256-s18729281636.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&tradePath=omItm&tradeOrderId=914302070069891&tradeOrderLineId=914302070169891&spm=spm%3Da2o42.order_details.item_title.1
  14. I only go to BKK now to see my daughter. Stay riverside, as hotel is pet friendly. Only 1 or 2 days, she'll pop over on day off, hang, do dinner, then we're done with our 'BKK visit'. No longer have an interest to stay any longer. Been there, done that, too many times and nothing new to perk my interest. Simply too congested, and even the public trans is way too congested, and getting around is a hassle and takes too long. Use to love exploring for a couple days each visit, no longer can be bothered. Along with hotel in silly price range. Don't think I could ever live there, as daily life is a hassle, trying to get anywhere, not even mentioning the pollution.
  15. If he understood 'rich', money would never enter a conversation. I know rich people (not me) and the one thing they never mention about themselves, is their money, prices, cost.
  16. if you use Google, scroll down and click that icon, then account name, then continue...done
  17. I could easily kill 4 hours in any one of, half of the districts of Krung Thep. If the weekend, pop up to Chit Beer for a few craft beers 🍻 So many places to knock around town ... most so easy to get to, rail and or bus ... https://photos.app.goo.gl/VSJsGphg7Vb9RFio8
  18. In which Iraq & Afghanistan had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Nor did they have WMD. Did have plenty of profits to be made, especially since privatizing the war ... GO CHENEY https://aseannow.com/topic/1325294-politics-pc-un-pc-any-subject-satire-via-meme-or-vid-shorts/page/11/#findComment-19636784
  19. I actually enjoy the bus, and one of the best ways to see the city. Especially at rush hour, all the activity as it craws along it's route. Lot of the later snaps were taken from the bus, after knocking round China Town ... https://photos.app.goo.gl/hPT3Gw9MEcC4fq16A
  20. Not sure what your point is. Think I was clear, when stating USA didn't need to be in any war, since WW II. None involved an attack on the USA. Korea, Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, or any other USA supported or was involved in, at any level.
  21. Too spicy is never a problem, as if not familiar with the venue, I'll order it not spicy, since I travel with cayenne pepper in my bag If I order SomTam, it's always SomTam Tai, and it's no chili, as I know plenty of residual chili will be in the bowl they make it in. Depending what ordered, I say 1 even a half a chili only. When specifying, they usually get it right. If saying not much or medium, they''ll fry your tongue. I can always add chili, and cayenne is half the Scoville level as the Thai bird's eye chili, 50k vs 100k. Way too acidic for me.
  22. Bernie ... Such a lying hypocrite.
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