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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I'm think the opposite, as if I'm out of the house/building, then I'm living and experiencing life, exploring, and definitely, not reading a book of some other person's imaginary idea of life. And I've read my fair share of books, but 99% of the time, as simply time killers at work, a lot of time. A good bit of those, were financial books or magazines. Little reading at home, and never out of the house. That would equate to a waste of time, I'm never going to get back. A really poor meter for use of broader education.
  2. In the prepared (microwavable) food section. Shelf with the 'bowls', and doesn't need water added to it.
  3. For others, forgot, can't type last 3 letters. But brand and what it is, XiaomiTDSPen (total dissolved solids), and available on LAZ & Shopee. More info about testing pen, and local water (bottled), all good ... for link below, need to add the 3 letters inbetween Xiaomi & Pen , instead of <removed> in the link 🙄 https://www.richardbarrow.com/2019/03/review-of-xiaomi-mi-<removed>-water-quality-tester-pen/
  4. 7-11 ... not bad in a pinch
  5. new about dudes fighting where alcohol is served
  6. Pretty much ... takes out the chlorine smell & taste, and that's about it. Luckily we only had the 3 stage counter top thingy. Asked Pure if they offered anything that took out heavy metals, and answer was NO. Daughter has a fancy system, 3 stages, sand filter then RO as last stage. Was damn expensive and filters need changing more times than I'd want to do. Just drinking and cooking water so five 18+ jugs last us a while. A lot cheaper than the 6L for 29 baht we used to get from Makro. Wasted baht for couple years
  7. They are very accurate (brand dependent), and I have a Xiaomi <removed>. Our tap before & after Pure filter was 160+ One thing they don't do, is tell what the dissolved solids are 🙄 Just too many as far as I'm concerned. We now buy bottled RO water, and always < 5. 18+ liter jugs for ฿20, delivered. Also collect rain water, but not for drinking, just a stash for late April & May, when city pressure drops to silly low. Usually have stash of 18k liters on hand, till start using daily. Last till the rains stop. Last year, due to drought, they even shut the water off during the day, just before the rains kicked in. Tanks just got topped up today, as thunderstorm forecast was accurate. Along with solar panels now dust free
  8. Hard to pass up NY 2 for 1 ... too easy, too inexpensive 👍
  9. Just a self ruling district of the ol' USSR. As are these also now ... ... Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan.
  10. There's a difference ? They're woman, same everywhere ... Damn fun 😎
  11. Picked up another whole Beef Tenderloin, so Steak & Eggs for first meal. Oh yea, and slice of leftover cold pizza 😎
  12. Hopefully the wheels won't fall off, and they'll actually submit the real production cars for the safety test
  13. Wife ordered a couple things, no problems. BUT, you have to make sure it is the 'TEMU' site, as I see a lot, most of, the ads on sites, are not the TEMU site, even though listed as. The not so fine print points that out. Need to read the url address, same with all the fake ads of ridiculously low priced offerings.
  14. Of the only 2 I've lived in, I'd choose USA over TH. Growing up poor there, is definitely better than growing up poor in TH.
  15. Comparisons on this thread are skewed, even my own, as a retired expat. We don't really know what living here, born here poor is like. I've lived in a poor village, and wouldn't wish being born there on anyone. Living here for 25 years, and seeing, experiencing both sides of the coin, poor village life, and uppity income life with choices, and TBH, no different in the USA, as also lived both there, and TBH, I'd rather be born in the USA. Although same as the USA, many poor make it to middle class or rich here, I'm sure it's more of a struggle than someone born into poverty (myself) in the USA. Simply more opportunities in the USA from that viewpoint. For those with foresight & drive. If not having, then you're screwed no matter where you're born.
  16. Any comparisons would be location dependent. Not sure what the "West" is, G7/8 or G20 ??? As long as many, and there are many Thais, that don't own their land (not Chanoted), or even have water and or electric nearby, then yes, TH is still 3rd World, but, with many modern things. The infrastructure in many places leaves a lot to be desire. It's ahead in many aspects, for me, having affordable housing (which we can't own, except ccndos), BEV & solar system choices, all affordable. Healthcare (location dependent), affordable & accessible vs supposedly universal healthcare, some would consider barely accessible (location dependent) till life threatening, and then too late, in the so called 'West. Watched a YT'er couple from Nashville, TN, USA explain their hospital bill for having a 'no complication' baby delivery. Cost shy of $40k USD, and their paid insurance didn't even cover the first $11k USD of bill, with premium of $1000+ a month. Thank You Obame for destroying healthcare, in the USA. So the baby cost them over $21,000, with their universal healthcare, for a <$40k bill, and that had not complications I could sure find places in the USA, as nice and inexpensive (relative) to live as TH, but certainly wouldn't be a place any young couple would want to live, starting out in the world or trying to have and raise a family. Both countries USA & TH (my only reference) would be easy to retire in, once established financially, and getting established financially is still easy in both countries, for those with desire & drive. In the USA, healthcare will always be an issue, and from reading honest expats in here, seems the same crappy Qs in their universal, almost free healthcare in home country (location dependent), where you me die waiting for treatment.
  17. Last Updated: 4 February 2025 Fifth Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge Approaches Full Completion and Opening The fifth Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge spanning the Mekong River, connecting Borikhamxay province in Lao PDR with Bueng Kan province in Thailand, is now 96% complete. Its official opening is being planned for May 2025, coinciding with the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The new bridge will facilitate easier travel and trade between the two countries, as well as strengthen connections within the Greater Mekong Subregion, particularly benefiting businesses engaged in trade between Thailand and Viet Nam. The 1,350-meter bridge project began construction in January 2021, partially funded by a 1.38 billion baht loan from the Neighboring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency (NEDA) of Thailand. Borikhamxay province borders Viet Nam to the east, and is near the major city of Vinh, making it a crucial link in the GMS East-West Economic Corridor. https://greatermekong.org/g/fifth-lao-thai-friendship-bridge-approaches-full-completion-and-opening
  18. When I bought stocks, I never cared about the CEO's personality. Performance & profits all that matters. 100+% over 3.5 yrs, and that's way down. Hard to cry about that, even if you kept till this low point. Which a smart person wouldn't have. 20,4k= % ... seriously, WTF cares about the CEO with those returns, and again, that's down from the high. Wish I invested a mere $1000 in the IPO, as that would have made me a $20+ Millionaire The hate really is mind boggling Here's 20 Million $$$$ ... how do you like me now ?
  19. Take away order from yesterday's dinner restaurant 👍 Highly recommend if in the area ... 👍
  20. Sending email, and just need y'all to change my email in profile ... TIA
  21. Another report of the Dems insanity ... ... "During Donald Trump’s address to Congress, the president made reference to a young man in the audience who survived one of the medical scourges of all time. Yet that distinction could not get the Democrats off their feet. “Joining us in the gallery tonight is a young man who truly loves our police,” Trump began. “His name is D.J. Daniel, he is 13 years old and he has always dreamed of becoming a police officer. But in 2018, D.J. was diagnosed with brain cancer; the doctors gave him five months at most to live. That was more than six years ago.” Trump continued, saying he would grant the young man the greatest honor of them all by asking the new Secret Service director to make him an agent of the US Secret Service. Needless to say, it was not the time or place for political grandstanding. But the Democratic Party reared its ugly head and refused to stand for the young man who was seated in the president’s guest suite accompanied by his father, who held up his son with a proud smile. Social media quickly lit up across the board, condemning the Democrats. “A terminally ill child with brain cancer is given an honorary Secret Service award and the Democrats refuse to stand or clap for the child,” Trump administration official Ric Grennell tweeted regarding the magic moment between the 13-year-old and the president. “Democrats refused to stand for the brain cancer surviving kid! How awful can one party be?” Outkick founder Clay Travis tweeted. "
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