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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. And while it's idling to warm up, you'll have condensation collecting in the exhaust system, leading to that rusting out in the future
  2. Reading comprehension must not be your strong suit. If they didn't have to pass threw metal detectors to enter the school, then probably not from the same inner city schools I'm thinking of, where the drop out rate of 25% or more isn't a rare occurrence. That's Philadelphia. Come out to suburbia, Chester, PA, USA. "The graduation rate of Chester High School can be as low as 46%"
  3. I'm more of a Caesar, Cassius, Mark Anthony kind of a guy. Depths of imagined power & Senate conflict. Thieves in the night & conspiracies. Pre industrial English folks come off as too uppity for me. If going to dissect the social perception of common, real folks, I'll just watch "Stagecoach" or "12 Angry Men" for a good ol' baring of souls.
  4. Your ignorance and prejudice really does shine. You talk of a subject you know nothing about. You wouldn't know a gay person if he/she was standing or sitting right next to you. I'm not, but have been around them for decades, by preference, and to clubs, and trust me, that truck driver, bricklayer that you thought just couldn't find the right woman, but has a best bud (days past before being out was acceptable) was gay. Typical joke (days past) ... What do call a single person, never married over 30 or 40 yrs old .... ... Gay.
  5. I can't help, as I'm a LUX fan. You might try Amway soaps, as I know they don't (didn't) add the chemicals that make soap foam up, as soap doesn't naturally do that. Pricing in TH, I haven't a clue. USA it was more expensive per bar, but not per use, as they also don't melt away like the rest. Disclaimer: haven't used in decades, as in 3 at least.
  6. also a Farm Frites Finest / 10mm fan from Makro Can't be bothered with making my own, and just not as good anyway.
  7. Log in to Orchid Plus and all will be explained. I used all mine (TG & UA (Star Alliance) via flights and hotel stay @ BKK.
  8. I think most members are Brits & Aussies. I don't recall ever really talking about politics when in the USA, with family and friends, or now. I'd like to say never, but who knows, might have had a conversation I forgot about. I've never asked someone who they voted for, and don't recall someone ever asking me. If not for the forum, I'd never give a thought about politics. Entertaining as all hell, listening to non Yanks yakking away about it. It'd be like me talking about Euro soccer, and y'all be laughing your butts off about my ignorance
  9. The topic is Chinese, and I replied to a post about someone opinion of. Also added, my thoughts on food, of lack of. Yes, I know all large countries, have regional differences in food, since being from a large country. Even very small countries like TH, and the regional difference run the spectrum. My opinion, and common sense. But thanks anyway.
  10. RAM & memory are too inexpensive to buy fakes. Why would you ? Just deal with the manufacturer or authorized resellers.
  11. Doesn't fit the MSM spin of things, so I couldn't find much. One speaker stated the world economies will crash before the earth starts to have major issues. That's entirely believable, as people aren't going to keep believing their countries aren't bankrupt already, as they come up with new taxes to suck the last bit from your paychecks. I think everyone has had enough of the BS. Does anyone believe any of it, but yet they comply. Carbon tax .. what next, water & air tax. You weight 100 kg, so you suck up X cubic meters of air, your air tax is $$$
  12. I'll be spending the kids inheritance and the wife and I won't need my oops or her retirement fund. Go out with a BLAST
  13. Except for these 5 ex presidents: ... Jimmy Carter, 39th U.S. President. ... Bill Clinton, 42nd U.S. President. ... George W. Bush, 43rd U.S. President. ... Barack Obama, 44th U.S. President. ... Donald Trump, 45th U.S. President. anyone of the other ex presidents could do as poorly and certainly not any worse of a job than biden ...
  14. I'm guessing not just TH. Helped raise 2 kids in the USA (only other experience), and public schools there are a joke. Took them out and placed them in private (Catholic of all thing) school. Now a whole lot better, but at least the safe. That was in suburbia. Forget inner city schools, stay home, stay alive.
  15. Hell no ... that goes to the 'chosen ones' Strangely, not that familiar with their cuisine, although the very few things I've had I liked. Wouldn't go out of my way to find & order, but OK. I've been trying to sort their different sauce, but can't get my head around them yet.
  16. Agree, and my High School is an excellent example. Rated #2 in the state, when I went, couple years later, merged with 2 other towns, to form a 'district/bussed in' school, and a decade or less later, and it was rated #2 ... from the bottom in the state. Now, 30 yrs later, I can't imagine how far it's fallen. Gangs run it now.
  17. Same, my daughter did fine in Thai schools, applied herself, especially at Uni, now has the job she wants & likes (pay not so much), along with her online business, makes as much as her salary, and started RE investing. All of 24 yrs old, only 2 yrs out of Uni.
  18. Some school suck, some excel. If students don't apply themselves, then the best school won't help. Some of the smartest, most successful people never finished school. Going by some the intellect expressed on this forum, old school systems in US/UK/EU/AU fail and excel just as good or as bad in TH. I fortunately had decent school as a youngin, with a couple excellent teachers. Most everything else was self taught. That same school, same teachers, produce more smarter than myself, and sadly, way too many idiots, but can't fault the school or the teachers. From some of the YT vids I see (granted, select idiots), but TH isn't that far behind or ahead of the rest of the world. Those that apply themselves in life succeed. TBH, there isn't much I learned in school that I needed in life, except the very basics, and everyone gets that. The rest is up to us, or the Thai students, in this case.
  19. Thai students bag 30 awards in international mathematics contest Thai students have won 30 awards, including 11 gold medals, seven silvers and three bronzes, at the 2023 international mathematics contest held in Seoul, South Korea. Thai students among top winners at Regeneron ISEF 2023 Thai student teams took home several awards, including top prize Regeneron Young Scientist Award from the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (Regeneron ISEF 2023). Organized by the Regeneron and Society for Science, Regeneron ISEF 2023 was held from 13 to 19 May 2023 in Dallas, Texas, USA. Thai Students Win Innovative Marketing Awards at Global Level Two student teams from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand have won Gold Awards at the 2023 Global Brand Planning Competition (GBPC) in Singapore. Two Thai students wins Diploma of Excellence at Stockholm Junior Water Prize 2021 Thai students win international award for space technology A group of engineering students from Thailand’s has won an international award in Japan for their space technology project, which aims to develop a special drug to protect human DNA from cosmic rays. Thai student team wins Intel AI Global Impact Festival Grand Prize NSTDA President Prof. Dr. Sukit Limpijumnong recently offered his congratulations to Thai student team consisting of Tanapat Charunworphan, Noppawit Chunram and Matt Tanthai Cosh for winning the global grand prize at the Intel AI Global Impact Festival 2022. The Prince Royal's College students won the award for the 13- to 17-year-old age group with their innovation called CS-M Tool. THAI STUDENTS WIN FIVE MEDALS AT INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIAD ON ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, HOSTED BY THAILAND
  20. What country charges more for vitamins than TH ? I use to receive from USA, until shipping rates went up (doubled), and local prices came down 50%, and still more expensive here, but not if add the shipping. Even w/shipping it's still cheaper, most times, but not worth the hassle of asking my brother to Q up at post office.
  21. Hightlights (expire 29 Feb): ... free entry to National Parks ... 500 baht voucher @ Bangchak (good for 1 yr) ... select hotel discount .. minimal ... other vendors; restaurants, spas, water park & such Easy registration; ... just an email address (to log in w/pswd) ... issue voucher for what ever you choose https://expatprivileges.com Don't accept anything till ready to use (within 24 hrs) per conditions:
  22. Sandwich shop, pizza, wraps, Mexican munchies ... ... one day a week, maybe. Less stress.
  23. I'll get concerned when they start reporting a destructive earthquake every month somewhere.
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