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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. We were at the Feb 2011 concert @ Impact Arena ...
  2. You have idiots run a company, then you file bankruptcy. I see major reasons why not to have EVs for rental cars. EVs are for people who can charge at home. On business trip or holiday, yea, where do I plug in ? Relying on the CS network isn't a good selling point, as time is money for the business person, and families want to be at Disney, not down the street charging. Loss income, as they can no longer charge silly price to top up your petrol on return, though guessing they had some silly charge for charging if not brought back full up. With supply chain issues the past few years, or so I read, the ones that did get damaged, probably sat idle longer than necessary, before back on the road. Possible higher insurance cost. With such a small percentage of population owning EVs at home, there is a learning curve, first week or 2, with charging, registering on vendor apps, and knowing CS networks. Apparently, the ignorant folks, if forum is anything to go buy, simply don't have the intelligence or patience to want to bother with. Sometimes the simplest things to learn, aren't for simple people. Then there is the other idiot factor, as with any inexperience driver, and giving them the keys to a 'muscle car' ... lets punch it and see what it can do. So many have done that in ICEVs and crashed them. EVs is pretty much the same scenario. Lets put the 0-100 in 3 secs Tesla to the test ... 'No officer, I was speeding, a dog ran out in front of me" ... Seriously, what were the bean counters thinking. Their naïve customers would all the sudden become intelligent ? And yea, I used to beat the sh!t out of rentals. It's what we do They always push the full coverage, so who cares. Also, how old are the EVs, as Hertz doesn't keep their fleet that long anyway. If downsizing, to meet less demand, and replacing stock, yea, then go back to ICEVs, for a higher profit margin, and less hassle with inexperienced EV drivers who can't get pass the learning curve.
  3. Only the lowest of owners/drivers will not tax, insure & register their vehicles. As now in the system, so next checkpoint, without the window badge, they'll get pulled aside and hopefully, not be allowed to leave till they pay up.
  4. Possibly to prevent people from riding with a shaded face shield, as the eye adjustment to the different lighting, when enter/exiting tunnels. Why many suggest remove sunglasses. Just think if people obeyed the traffic laws. Just a guess, but doubt if he was doing the speed limit, as all of 50 kph. At that speed, unless an unlucky, bad bounce (maybe no helmet) it really is hard to kill yourself, going that slow. I thought that tunnel was one of the safest places to drive on Phuket. Way too young ... R I P
  5. Saving 2.3 baht per km = 300k kms for ROI, IF no other expenses. How much is that BYD Dolphin ...
  6. Outrageous. Ours was 5 baht on 2 rai, up at Udon Thani (rural area) Not sure what it is here for our 2X 100 tw lots. edit: just asked wife, and same 5 baht for one 100 tw lot here in PKK. Other isn't due till later this year, so probably 5 baht also, since being used for 'farming'. Idle land cost more. One house in USA, was shy of $4000 USD yearly (25 yrs ago, local, county, school tax), all in, and I never had kids. But I got a 'free' education. Actually, 2/3 of the tax was the school tax. Living here puts a little extra jingle in the pocket every month.
  7. @Will B Good We travel with our dog all the time, fuzzy Jack Russel, and tell the accommodations only 10kg, though about 12kg. Many have limits of 10kg, though most don't even take that, and just pocketbook dogs. Do you have a destination in mind ? Also sites, Gmap, Fido, PF bla bla bla, are consistently inaccurate with info. Don't book or pay for anything, until you confirm the info by phone. Booking.com is good for info, as usually accurate for pet friendly, and can get the approx. rate for room booking before calling. Also tells you if pet charge or 'maybe charges apply'. They can range from 'free' to 1500 was the funniest so far. But 1-2-300 is a standard charge. Some don't charge, but have specific room only for dogs, usually at higher rate than one you may want, or the dumpiest room. Ma/pa guesthouses/bungalows usually work out better, but many not listed on booking sites. Wife does a lot of calling around when we're O&A. Some, most don't want dog on bed. We travel with a top sheet, and broom, and leave the room spotless when checking out. We bring a bed/mat, for optics if the state no dog on bed. Some want dog in cage. No thanks. Ibis hotels are pet friendly. Ibis Styles, not so, maybe a few. But 20m² is there standard room. If using a booking.com or other site for info purposes, they won't have Ph#s, so just cross reference with Gmap or FB for ph #s. As always, verify location, and Gmap sat. view & streetview will help to let you know if a decent area to walk the dog. Gmap will show more hotels, but lack 'pet friendly' info, but...will usually have a ph# to call. Most Nat. Parks do NOT accept dogs, if camping there crossed your mind. TH as a whole is not very pet friendly. And lack any green areas in metro areas. Anything you can think of, feel free to ask.
  8. Yes ... from wiki: "All of DeSantis's great-grandparents immigrated from Southern Italy[a] during the first Italian diaspora. His parents and all of his grandparents were born and grew up in Western Pennsylvania and Northeast Ohio'
  9. Got to love a system that works, finally Delinquent traffic fines now integrated with vehicle tax renewals "Unexpected traffic fines surprise vehicle owners at tax renewal in Prachuap Khiri Khan" I guess I'll no longer be the slowest car on the road
  10. I don't know about govt, but our 2 Toyotas & 1 Mazda advised us of recalls on the 3 of those we had here in TH. Only other brand we've had/have is MG, and nothing yet from them.
  11. Had a mixed race President, and have a mixed race VP, so a Latino isn't a stretch at all, especially since shy of 20% of citizens identify as Latino or Hispanic. That's just the legal citizens. Guessing most of those are Dems, so that would hurt any Dem running.
  12. Haley can't win, and the US would never elect a non Christion (maybe a Jew). Leaves DeSantis, if Trump can't run. Dems ... who knows who will run. If Trump can't, would Biden drop out, or will he simple drop (over) out on his own, as another 1.5 of his antics, and the people will have had enough. If not for Harris as VP, Biden should be at home awaiting the inevitable. Hopefully not too many years of Alzheimer's before passing.
  13. Legacy auto manufacturer's quality ... oops
  14. When you hear some of these youngins play, your opinion of the greats kind of diminish Starts @ 1:36 w/great finish 🎸🎸🎸 Along with old bird ...
  15. Yea, pretty much, although once they realized how inexpensive the car & solar was here, think they were a bit envious, they couldn't do the same. USA prices for both are a bit silly. You can't get a decent BEV in states for <$30k, and solar, at least 3X as much in the Philly, PA area. THB at a high in Oct 2022, so the ZS was <$26k USD.
  16. I haven't followed any of it, especially the debates. I was really surprised Christie even considered running. Easy target for Trump to pick apart, and he certain couldn't run on his record as 2 term governor.
  17. Most products, I'll be thrifty, best product/value, for best price. Then the smile factor comes into it, and sometimes, you just don't care, as long as you get your smiles. I'll get from family & friends ... "man, that was good price" ... to ... "what are you nuts ?"
  18. Agree sort of, as days past, when my finances weren't as healthy, I bought what I could afford, and kept it till it died, or I killed it. Now, as of 2020, simply buy what I want, when I won't, since having very healthy finances, and can't take it with me. Prior to 2020, I spent as little as possible, on depreciating products, especially in TH, as TBH, wasn't always sure I was going to stay here. Deciding this will be my final resting place, I spend for my comfort & smile, and just don't care about anything else. Why we built the 3rd house, and stopped buying entry level POS sedans. Just after we liquidated all assets, and thought about .... what next.
  19. Cursor of name of, then info shows w/msg link:
  20. "He did not endorse anyone as he bowed out of the race. But on a hot mic moments before he announced he was ending his bid, Mr Christie predicted that Nikki Haley, who is gaining on Mr Trump in some polls, was "going to get smoked, and you and I both know it". "She's not up to this," he added."
  21. Same for me. In the past, cars owned, that was about my limit. Back in the USA, don't think I ever had a vehicle with 100k miles on it. Usually because I killed it, or it was a POS when I bought. Here/TH, I've had 4 new ICEVs, and sold 3 around the 125-150k mark, as warranty was expired, and I like to sell before the next timing belt or brakes/tires need replacing. Save a few baht, and still has decent resale value. Seem 7+ years here, and values drop quick, something to do with mechanical inspections needed for registration, though not really a big issue. 4th ICEV (2020 ZS) we sold at 40k kms, as upgraded to the EV version. Actually didn't take too bad of a hit on resale price, surprisingly. Our 5th, present and hopefully last car, is our MG ZS EV (2022). Was really hard not passing up the 240k baht govt incentive, along with having solar at the new house, contracted the same time we bought the ICE version of the ZS. So at the time, an EV wasn't in the game plan. Then come the govt incentive, and a nice ZS EV upgrade in 2022.
  22. Well lucky you, they have been ... so no time like the present. Depends on your age, what your driving now, your finances, life expectancy. How long do you keep cars, only 2 or 3 yrs, or over 5 yrs. Driving habits, patience level when O&A, along time management. Lots of factors. EVs not for everyone. Perfect for our lifestyle, maybe not for yours.
  23. I don't claim it, the research does. That's actually a negative number by some folks. That research stated 2500 cycles. Other research states 2000-10,000 cycles. I usually stick with negative numbers, as more realistic, and less disappointment. If wrong, then it's a very nice bonus. 900k kms, should last us our lifetime, IF, the rest of the car last. We'll (wife) probably won't put near 500k kms on it. If I live 10 more years, doubtful, we probably won't even hit 200k kms. After I crap out, she'll put less than 10k kms a year on it. She's better than me for following the maintenance schedule on cars, so it will be well maintained. I'm the driving force of our O&As, which last year was half of our kms (10k of 20k kms). I'm actually winding down myself on O&As. Don't think we'll put on 20k this year. She's 47, so if I crap out in 10 yrs, she'll be 57, and if she lives to 80, that's only another 230k kms, on top of 200k at most, while I'm alive. Far below 500k, and way below the low expectation of 900k kms.
  24. Seriously ... at our age, we should have learned by now the difference between marketing & independent research. Product research is our responsibility. Especially when spending for high ticket items; cars, and trust no salesperson. Need to read the extreme positives and negatives. The truth is usually somewhere in between.
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