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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Agree 100% We struggle just finding a place for her to do her business, as usually won't on concrete. Big consideration when choosing a hotel, need some green or be near/walking distance. Don't think I'd have a dog if living at Krung Thep, just ain't right, and not of fan of little pocketbook dogs.
  2. I walk with our dog, so they may not be interested with or deterred by treats. Usually local or rural, so not much of a problem, as I do get to pick my spots. Only in Krung Thep do I need to be a bit more careful & resourceful. Though surprisingly, have encountered so few dogs there, and most behind gates/walls. When and if, myself & dog are strolling & looking for those elusive green spots.
  3. I also carry a blade, so nothing will end badly for me or my dog. Common sense, know your surroundings & prepare for the worst. I have one walking stick that is actually a sheath, for the sword inside. A bit of overkill though. Using common sense works fine.
  4. Hot water sauna in cooler method for me. Similar to this, though mine much thicker than here end result:
  5. Assuming Thai wife, then that is correct, unless living in USA, for 3 or 5 years, forget which is applicable to you, married or green card holder. Then no, she will not be eligible. Children, yours, are eligible for SS, now and in the event of your death, till age 18, I think, unless containing in Uni, then possibly 20 or 22 yrs old. Current & accurate info on SS site, best to check there, as I may be a bit dated.
  6. Always carry a walking stick if suspect dogs may be a problem. If a pack & aggressive, hit the alpha, and the rest will whimper away with him. Usually just pointing a stick at them is enough, as they know. Only time I've had to use one, It broke in half, on the lead dogs head charging toward me & dog while walking ... they (3) scurried off. That hurt, as it wasn't a thin walking stick.
  7. Very thick skinned, obviously needed on AN. Not just quantity pig out, their NY Style was damn tasty, and 18", I think, same as SoHo, also excellent but ฿650 last time ordered, and also a bargain. ฿399 @ Pizza Co ????
  8. Lovely indeed, and found a very nice Chicken Massaman, surfside yesterday. Something I haven't perfected cooking at home. Nice breeze coming off the bay.
  9. Depends if your lifestyle is on a P4P basis or simply a smile & conversation. If relying on P4P for sex, then it's cost of living, income disparity, being the reason, not the availability of young attractive bed partners that 'want' to be with you. Simply 'paid' to be with you. Myself, don't find things that much different here or the USA. Though I stopped being single at 50 years old, and looking 40, or so I was told, so may be different now if single. At 68, don't think I'd be attracting them 20 & low 30 yr olds back in USA ???? Non smoker, non heavy drinker, non sun worshipper, decent shape, so always looked younger for my age. Always an age gap, sometimes large in my relationships, here/TH & there/USA. Friend use to joke, that I never dated anyone 30 or over in USA.
  10. Your distain goes way deeper than that. You may want to read some of your replies. Not just here, but many of your replies on threads. As are most AN members, I find a bit anti Yank. And opinions, taste wise, are just that opinions, and usually as I stated, based on what you are raised or use to. If I was native Italian, and ate pizza in Italy for 45 years, and had a different style Yank pizza, which do you think I'd consider better ? Ever get beef burger in deep south of TH, made be a Muslim. I wouldn't even call it a beef burger, but they apparently think it's great. A double Whopper might gross them out, all that 'beef' flavor ... or ... realize what they've been missing. On Topic ... Cheese is the big killer here for pizza, and why I'd never order a cheese pizza, as use to be the standard order back in USA. Quality & quantity used here is usually very poor, why I need pepperoni if ordering here, to add some flavor to the pizza. Sometimes loaded up, meat & veggies, sometimes just pepperoni or chorizo if have, at home. I've had Tom Yum & KraPao pizza here, and damn tasty, when in the mood. But I do need a thick 'chewy' crust (not Pizza Co's), though their NY Style was excellent. Shame it was discontinued, as also the bargain meal of all time here. Large Pepperoni @ ฿399, and a pig out for 2.
  11. No 'school' teaching of religion, since public school and not allowed. Presbyterian, and got 'schooled' on bible stories at church on Sunday as a wee one. When giving the choice to attend, older brother didn't want to, so I couldn't, since not allowed to walk there alone. I actually enjoyed the stories. Now he's the Bible thumping Christian warrior, and I'm the Atheist ... go figure.
  12. Yea, city (land, house, school tax), county, state (income, sales), fed (income, sales, medicare & SS) taxes. School tax: I got the 'free' education, from my parents paying a pittance of a school tax. Enter corruption & 'school "districts", and same house and now school tax $3000 USD a year, and I never had kids ???? School went from being one of top in state, to 2nd from the bottom. When I bought house from parents, total tax was $78 all in. When got rid of house, knocking on $4k a year. To live in a house, already paid for. Main financial reason I'm in TH, basically no RE taxes. City & county: maintained the road, yea. Fed: foreign aid and defense from all those attacking forces. Corporate security forces overseas. SS: paying for my 'entitlement' that employer & I paid into the fund, that hey misappropriated/stole. ME ... getting every Tax Dollar I ever paid into, and then some, the past 23 yrs of being a blight on society. Sadly, had to sue to get that ????
  13. So you don't really know what a POA is. Yet feel the need to reply. OP asks if needs a lawyer, and in TH, the answer is NO. Asked & answered. OP didn't ask what & how to use, so assuming OP knows. It appears from the replies on AN, when similar queries ask (ex: usufruct/wills), many don't know what or how they and POAs are done & used. Then you may want to pay some lawyer 5-10 or ฿20k to hold your hand, while you & 2 witnesses sign a piece of paper. UP2U But I've saved literally 1000s of USD, doing my legal work in RE deals in the USA, instead of paying for 'title searches' & 'insurance underwriters'. Easy to do, especially now in digital world, as when I did them, you had to page thru the dockets for deed/loan/lien info. Here/TH, it's even easier, as every thing is attached to the Chanote in regard to RE. The Thai Land Office will not let anything shady happen, unless of course, they are in on it ???? A fill in the blanks POA form, I got from local RE office. There are samples on the internet if you've never done before. Forget what was preprinted, but very little. Less than what is in the sample linked. There's even some sites, that will sell you a form. That one is a bit of overkill, as mine was simple (1 page) and to the point. I've only done them here/TH, once, for said RE deal, and in USA once, for none specific use, since no longer living there, I needed someone to have POA. Only difference, a notary is required in the USA ($5 in PA,I think, used to be $2 max charge by law). Here/TH, the 2 verifying witness signatures replace the use of a notary, and is legally binding. Actually a bit scary, when you think about it. The buyer of the my property here/TH, a Yank, was skeptical of the process, and ran it by his lawyer, who approved the POA as legal & binding. Asked, since concerned about any blowback after the land transfer, and reassured it's how things are done.
  14. Mine was real life experience, OP can believe or not. Or take the advice of so many, with no experience, that recommend a lawyer for some of the simplest things to do. Lawyers are good for defending you in criminal court, and suing insurance companies. I don't need them to hold my hand to fill out simple paperwork.
  15. No Any 2 Thai people can sign a POA to verify your signature. I would make a copy of their govt IDs though, and they can't be (A don't think) beneficiary of the POA. I've done POA, with ex, and sold land/house, she wasn't there at transfer. I did have 3; 1 filled out & 2 blank. Actually needed the a bank one, as officer at Land Office didn't like the wording. Ex & 2 witnesses had already signed the blank ones, just needed to fill it out the way he wanted.
  16. Are their none that immigrated from Switzerland or Germany in France ? edit & answered: "At the beginning of the 18th century, the Amish communities once more had to face persecution ... Louis XIV decreed their expulsion from French territory."
  17. I don't and never had, but IF I did, better to have on you, than ... "hold that thought, I'll be right back"
  18. My reference to 'location' would be somewhere that I would actually live, and more than enough in USA to choose from. Although I would have a legal firearm on me, and not expect to ever need it, as in the past when living in the USA. Much the same as here, rural-ish, but close to anything wanted or needed. If you can't find that in the USA, or here, you're not looking very hard.
  19. I can definitely agree with the removal of all identifying 'labels', as the root of most issues. We're human, not nationalities, race, religion, gender or colors.
  20. Hurricane season kept me away from those. Even though at one time, I was fluent in Spanish. Same with S. FL, along with tornado alley, and those Canadian winds. Besides the 45 yrs of already being there. Quest for something different, less taxes (RE Taxes)????, and if lower COL, even better. Less PC and invasive govt. Freedom of expression, not so much, as meaningless. Women, never a issue, don't use P4P, and low priority, though do like the more accepting of age gap, though any area is tolerant to that. Especially those with wider income disparity.
  21. Not really a hat person, unless needed. Though don't think they were banned in school. Was raised not to wear a hat indoors/under cover.
  22. Knew that, but couldn't think of word that expresses anti-religion. Reading the link, do see they ban any religious identify apparel/accessory (large cross - small ?) All for complete separation of state & church.
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