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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Yea, what he said ... ... the only changed in my life, is number of candles on birthday cake, and having more toys to play with ????
  2. Some had a typo and didn't proofread before posting on IMDB. I didn't want to change the 'and to as' then be called out for changing it.
  3. Keep giving money away, and you sooner or later ... you run out. Maybe all the citizens should pay their $50-60k dollars share of, what ever it is now, and free the country from debt. Could always sell all the National Parks to CH & RU, or maybe just Alaska. Wow ... USA debt free. Can you imagine. One administration later, and they'd be back in debt.
  4. Don't remember any outrage, and Ms would be a new word, I believe, not one already in use with a completely different meaning. I want to be referred to as 'everyone' now, as my preferred pronoun. Anything else and I'll/everyone will be offended. If you don't use, you'll be creating a hostile environment at work or school, you should be fired.
  5. Here's the take away, as they fear no repercussions. File all the criminal complaints you want, but if not here to testify in court ... they walk free. "Additionally, many of the affected foreigners leave the country before any legal action can be taken"
  6. What marketing genius thought of that ???? I await the aborted fetus on a soda pop can ????
  7. Title is a bit misleading, need to add 'Can'. Yes & no, if he bothers to go the legal route, and just guessing, he could file claim and ask Imm to intercede. Whether they would or not on a civil case is a bit unknown. Be a bit much, unless trying to get a sum worth the hassle, for landlord & Imm to bother. To claim damages more than 2 month rent seems quite high. What did you break ???? Hopefully lesson learned, if ever returning.
  8. Yes ... I'm continually impressed with Gmaps. Simply is amazing. Listings of anything and everything, reviews, and streetview. It really is my 1 stop research tool. Cross reference with other apps/sites, but find it more and more redundant when doing, than really helpful. Even starting to catch and list most of the EV Charging Station, which it was way behind on.
  9. When was the last time you noticed a map on sale, for any given area, having any detail. Even 1999/2000/2001 when I relied on them, there was limited supply, and they were not that informative. Especially for Krung Thep, as you didn't know what roads were one way, or where all the U-turns were. Gmaps make driving a pleasure, along with making you 'stupid', if not paying attention. Sure there's plenty of folks, that if they lose their signal, they are truly lost and haven't clue where they are. When Gmaps has an oops, again, especially Krung Thep, when you knew it said straight for another km, then all of the sudden its telling you to make 3 right turns .... yea, need to look ahead of yourself, and have a ballpark idea where the next turn is.
  10. Kudos to Cupsogue Pictures for casting and giving KS top billing, not that the rest of the cast is in his caliber to warrant top billing. Great to see him back at work.
  11. Once you input destination and get directions, make sure you download the map as advised, in case you are in a krap signal area. You'll still see 'you' on the map, but lose verbal instructions and up coming arrows to turn. GPS will still track you, usually. And yes, good to know the road #s, and with any luck, they'll be signed and still be the same #.
  12. Finally an advisory that makes sense, although, any resident living here, should know if you live near a hillside, sh!t happens. More than enough signs on highways warning the same. Marine advisory should be common sense by now, but nice to know predicted wave heights. Strangely, been windy here/PKK, and the gulf is flat. Just came back from my daily cruise. Still there, low tide, flat, and lots of boats on the bay & sand. Nobody seems concerned, which is my weather vane ... ... how many small crafts in the bay, or at protected khlongs chillin'.
  13. Really doesn't bother me, but it did take me by surprise. First time I actually read, when pronouns being improperly used, from what I was taught. And yes, it will always be an improper use of the pronoun, past, present & future. They (proper use & alphabet choice ????) should be using the 'new' ones, Xe / Xem / Xir, as it wouldn't confuse the rest of us, or the auto grammar correct, which apparently hasn't woke up yet. Use any pronoun you want, but my revised example in the OP, simply using the name, is a much easier read. Without the need for a *, advisory why they/them used. Confirms it's unusual reading for those over 20 yrs old, and not taught how to speak, write improperly in school. Just don't expect me to play along, or get offended when I don't. Your name is all I'll be using, when appropriate. Yet to have anyone I know in the alphabet club to ask to use such silliness. 1+1 still = 2 They & Them is still and always will be, a plural pronouns, in my world.
  14. So Diablo MC got a pass. I see them locally, occasionally riding with Bandido members
  15. correct, misloaded in portfolio of Swindell
  16. Sembilan Steak House & Restaurant/ร้านซัมบีลัน ???
  17. You might want to look up the definition. Actually I am ... ????
  18. Freedom of Speech doesn't seem to be allowed in this instance in a few states, (USA) as people have lost their jobs for not using someone's preferred pronoun.
  19. If heading that way, Mae Sot, may want to research Umphang Dist., Tak, especially if like 'the' waterfall, would think best in TH to see. They had a scam going, and why I never bothered. Insist you need a 4X4 to see, but can't use yours ... ???? Don't know if that's still going on or not, as was years ago when I was considering it. At the time, wife couldn't deal with another winding road in the cars we 'had'. Seems she has no problem in present car, and handled Nan with no problem, surprisingly. Mae Sot to Thi Lo Su, is 200 kms/4.5 hrs, nuff said. Thi Lo Su Waterfall Another negative, it's 1 road in, 1 road out, to & through Umphang.
  20. New ones, pronouns or words are introduced all the time, and accepted. But you really can't take established pronouns, that don't even come close to what you are trying to say. They & Them in a singular form just doesn't read or sound right. "Hey where's Bob ? " ..."They went to the bar to grab a beer" "Cool, who's with Bob ?" ... "He's alone" "huh ... ????"
  21. Well shucks, bust my buttons, reckon y'all feel cleansed now. Them there accents, they be a chick magnet in the states. ????
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