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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Well it is quite an accepted contraction by possibly 10's of millions of people, whether due to location, or racial background. Myself, exposed to both, growing up on the other side of the tracks in the NE, and working in the S, so I fit right in, when moving southward from the NE. Other fine examples, besides the more familiar ones using 'will' or 'not', 'can't', 'won't', 'he'll', 'she'll':
  2. Agree. I'm still have issue with the redefining of 'vaccine' so big Pharma could avoid lawsuits. That took things to a new level. Along the same lines. BUT ... Another topic for another day/thread. Same with history being rewritten. Let's keep it on pronouns ... ... so, 2 full pages and we're all still civil ... ok, told I lied, instead of being mistaken, but probably just 'misspoke' ????
  3. See that, you didn't google. Even on appeal to federal court, I think, or high state court, and one firing was upheld. I advised you before you post, and still.
  4. I just use 'humour' instead of the proper spelling. Humour must be wrong, as it get highlighted.
  5. Just a bit of humour. Woke means different things to different folks, on different subject matter. I'm 'aware' of many things, that my parents refused to see. But there's a limit to what conformity is expected now, for some of the silliness.
  6. Actually I think they did ... Xe / Xem / Xir, but as you suggest, aren't provocative, and nobody wants to use, as it doesn't shout ... 'look at me' enough. Along with teaching everyone how to actually pronounce them. Is he 'X' silent, the 'e & i' short or hard sound ???? and do you really want to sound like and idiot or explain what the hell you just said, over & over.
  7. Agree, other things are more important in the world, like the price of beer, or rain, or the next news-blip about an MVA, where nobody was injured. Unless of course, you just lost your job, means of supporting your family, if some little snowflake gets offended because you used English the were you were taught. Just imagine being an English language teacher, and being forced to use pronouns improperly ... how ironic. How's that play out in the courtroom ???? Google before you reply and state that would never happen.
  8. Apparently the auto grammar correct is woke yet. How do you write a paper using pronouns for and alphabet folks references. That would be a hard task, and read when presented.
  9. Nothing to be sorry about. We simply perfectly a perfectly good language, now it's better ... and ... Bob's your Uncle ????
  10. I usually do, and use he/she/it quite often, when not knowing ????
  11. Nah ... nobody talks that incorrectly, as you'd truly sound like an idiot.
  12. It's a good thing you don't teach at some schools in USA, or you'd be disciplined for not using they or them, we addressing or referring to them (proper use). You can be so offensive at times, creating a hostile environment for the melting snowflakes. ???? And if you continued, they (proper use) would file suit and probably win on those grounds. The world is going nuts.
  13. Just read a bio, on IMDB, using pronouns 'incorrectly' ... IMHO Actually the first time I've actually seen them (plural for things: pronouns) used for the alphabet folks. I actually had to start over, as thought I missed something, then it clicked ???? IMDB bio: "Quintessa Swindell was born on February 8, 1997 in New York, USA. They are an actor, known for Voyagers (2021), Black Adam (2022) and Euphoria (2019). In December 2020, they were cast in the role of Cyclone in the DCEU film Black Adam, starring Dwayne Johnson in the title role.Swindell is non-binary and they use they/them and he/him pronouns." Any reason why they (folks writing bios) couldn't simply use her name instead. I notice, the auto grammar correct, correctly identified it as a plural ... followed up with 'are' & 'were'.???? Making it even sillier. Using proper English: "Quintessa Swindell was born on February 8, 1997 in New York, USA. Swindell (They are) is an actor, known for Voyagers (2021), Black Adam (2022) and Euphoria (2019). In December 2020, Swindell (They were) was cast in the role of Cyclone in the DCEU film Black Adam, starring Dwayne Johnson in the title role.Swindell is non-binary and they (correctly used now) use they/them and he/him pronouns." Mind boggling and just silly.
  14. I just expressed the same thoughts on another thread ???? In general, I avoid expats, locally and while O&A.
  15. Got to be careful what door you open with me ... ???? Must have been building up, and think I wanted to post my 1 year wrap up on solar system, before some snowflake reports me, and I get put on vacation ... again ????
  16. I was up to 8 pages of ignored folks. Gave them all a reprieve, but some are making their way back on. Starting to fill up 1 page again. Though ignore most threads now. If making my list now, you're really beyond any hope. If extreme anti EV, Solar, TH, CH, RU, exhibiting total ignorance or just plain stupid, repetitive arguing/no reading compression, have to mention or blame Trump for everything. Tell me to follow the unverified false science of masks, covid, MMGW/CC, seas rising, then they get ignored. Along with Obama & Biden are the best. Use Dem & Rep, left & right labels and I just ignore you. Bigots and Alkys ... mind boggling. I think the worse are folks that don't live here, haven't visited, or within last few years, but know everything. I'll agree to disagree with anyone, but don't tell me what I know to be facts is incorrect. Life experience vs barstool ... I win that discussion, it's over. Then there's the hypocrites, telling us we all need to save the planet, and how to, but do nothing but talk about it ???? I don't even bother opening most thread, and can speed read the titles of 12 hours of postings in about 5 mins. EVs, Solar, and O&A is all that interest me. Got the EV, so nothing I really need to know, along with solar, but still interesting at times. O&A, well, we can always learn something new. Or share on those topics. To say my time on the forum is winding down would be an understatement. Scanning a thread the other and just thought to myself ... 'this is why I don't interact with expats', locally or when out & about. A bunch of miserable ol' gits that for some reason, haven't simply committed suicide. Well ... I feel better ????
  17. We need to produced about 5.5kWh, and consumed about 4.5kWh a day, when O&A, keep 2 frigs & 1 light on. When home, we use 20-30kWh a day, depending on AC use. More if charging the EVs. Our most production/consumption day was 50kWh+ Could easily exceed that, if we exported.
  18. No negativity ... it would come to a grinding halt ???? I'm surprised the suicide rate isn't much higher.
  19. I used to know them. Catholics having more than mine (Protestant), as most friends were Catholic, and I spent as much time in their church as mine. Mine as a youngin', Sunday school, learning all the, now, silly stories, then stopped going. As adult, Catholic Church with wife & friends during holiday. Even received communion ... I'm going to hell ???? Now, I pretty much chuckle during Christion holidays, if I even notice them. Usually if mentioned in news. I equate them to voodoo magic ceremonies now ???? Boggles my mine that people follow or should say, be controlled by religion. Following the teachings of someone, learning to be a moral person is fine, if you need, but the other silliness ... nah, I'll give that a pass.
  20. One year with Solar already. Solar installed 4 August 2022 - 31 July 2023 Saved ~฿29,240 @ ฿4kWh using 7.310kWh Saved ~฿54,420 charging EV vs 38.08/liter, if driving 20k kms a year. We should hit 20k kms, with 3 more months to go. Total savings with Solar System ฿83,660 ROI - <5.5 years (5.32), with EV. I may even live that long ROI - <15 yrs (14.83) if not having EV 2022 2023 Yearly Totals We did use 325kWh of PEA Due to miscalculation of use mainly, as we really didn't need the grid at all after installed. Also topped up the EV, from 20-30%, back up to 50%, after return from O&A, JIC needed to go to Hua Hin Hosp, 100kms away, for any medical oops. 20-30%/9-14kWh takes about 2-3 hr on the grid @ 7.4kWh
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