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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Depends where you live, and your access to cheese. Unless lots of expats in the area, choice may be limited. Can always find cheese 'products' (Kraft singles or version of) at 7-11, but most would prefer something better, if wanting real cheese.
  2. Thankfully CP Group doesn't copy western malls, and been building them better since the 1990s. And simply do it better ... IMHO With one exception (having a blues bar in it, the only good thing), yet to be in a western mall better than CP Group's versions of malls. On topic ... I don't think NK can support a Central Plaza ... not yet. They don't even have a Robinson dept store there...nuff said
  3. Excellent car (having the D model) and nice price ???? Good luck with sale. Sold ours a few months back, upgrading to the EV version, since loving it that much. Gent who bought ours, actually sent us a msg, with a question, & thanking us again, as he is really enjoying it.
  4. Harris leading anything is a joke, except her way to the door after 2024 election. Wonder if he'll even keep her as running mate, if he gets the nod. One would hope not, as really good likelihood, his VP could be the P ???? She's a total disaster, and only there IMHO, for 2 reasons; female & mixed race.
  5. Quite the opposite where we are, PKK, and no rain yet, or forecast in the immediate future. Aside from the 'scattered thunderstorms' in the daily forecast, yet to materialize in our area. This certainly isn't very optimistic for the next 2 months: "The rain will pause this year between June and July before returning at a rate of 60 to 80 per cent in August and September. The rain will stop in mid-October." https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2023/06/01/drought-effectsl-the-national-park-has-closed-to-tourists/
  6. I've taken most of the rail lines, when opened, as a nice way to sightsee areas from above. And a damn inexpensive tour, if not free during trial runs. Most pass through residential and non tourist areas, though if researching, may find a great munch or coffee/sweet tooth shop, worth exploring. If just playing tourist, you can do a round trip, within a certain amount of time, and simply get off where you got on, or a station or tow prior or after, for minimal fare, if really a CC. Some stations even have food & shopping without leaving the rail system. At max fare in the ฿50 range, it won't be breaking anyone's wallet, and cheaper than a short taxi ride anywhere. Rode some lines between 1000 - 1400 hrs and the carriages were near empty, so taking snaps of anything interesting is easy.
  7. The high risk, for an experienced doper, comes from buying an unknown product, from a total stranger, if that was the case ... IMHO
  8. Make sure your name is on the birth certificate. To ensure she agree to that, point out that the child will receive Soc Sec benefits till the age of 18 or 22 if in Uni, if you die prematurely. Should be all the motivation she needs to ensure your name is on the BC. See below. Then while in TH, look over your shoulder for that unregistered scooter rider with a dark shield, full face helmet. With birth certificate, and notarized (I think) statement from her, that you support her and or child financially, you'll qualify for 'support of Thai national' visa. I took in a youngin, not birth father, not married to mother, and got the visa, just using an affidavit stating my financial support of child. Extended for couple years till I turned 50. Can be quite the tidy sum, for a Thai: "Within a family, a child can receive up to half of the parent's full retirement or disability benefits. If a child receives survivors benefits, they can get up to 75% of the deceased parent's basic Social Security benefit. There is a limit, however, to the amount of money we can pay to a family." https://www.ssa.gov/pubs/EN-05-10085.pdf
  9. What a waste of money .... millions, if not billions of $$$ on taking photos of stuff we don't need to see, and doesn't help humans' plight on this rock. I got better photos of the moon for much less ????
  10. You can't fix stupid. Maybe they should put up shark or box jellies signs ... may help. Unless an excellent swimmer, heed the red flags. If not too rough, I'll go in when red flagged, but I'm a good swimmer, or better, can float almost indefinitely if not too rough. Have even stepped into a rip once, and took more energy than I'd like to admit to get back to sand. At 68, I'll be heeding the signs next week, as surely they'll be out. Pool time ????
  11. Banning the teaching of history and watching the evening news should follow, as way to violent. Along with action & war movies, and Buddha forbid, kids watching the nature channel ????
  12. Not an ageist, so all ages are in my 'peer' group ... ... "The menopausal transition most often begins between ages 45 and 55" I was 45 when I left the USA, and I'm 68 now, and TBH, well frankly, men bore the hell out of me. I enjoy and prefer conversation with women ... nuff said.
  13. OP, that's not cheese, just a cheese product. Legally has to state that on package.
  14. Do you really need more ... ???? ... or was that sarcasm
  15. I used to frequent one in Clearwater, FL, plus the original was nearby, I think. Simply a family restaurant, with OK pub grub, and as you, didn't over think it. Though always in a relationship. Plenty of specials (food) to get you in. For the waitresses, it's just a job, and single guys will probably tip too much if the bat their eyes at them. Haven't bothered with the ones here, since in tourist areas. Hooter w/hooter was a plus, OK eye candy. Here ... padded bras just don't do it.
  16. Been spooked a few times myself. In the future, when it happens, I'll have my phone/camera at the ready ... cha ching
  17. He's 78 ... I should be so lucky, and doubtful I'll be here in 10 more years. Last movie with him, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, the movie sucked, but he seemed fine, small part. Got 3 more projects in the works. Produced and acted in some of my favorites.
  18. Basically a swing, looks boring. Only peeked at 10 sec/1st two in vid. Bungee is more of rush ????
  19. A couple of those 'girls' might be a stretch of the word.
  20. I'll address 2 statements, why out of control ... ... open border, for drug cartels = drug wars, mass shootings ... failed justice system, revolving prison doors, no deterrents If you don't have a gun ... you can't protect yourself from the criminals that do, if that's your choice. In some neighborhoods, a firearm is almost mandatory for protection ???? Not everyone gets to choose where they live.
  21. We can use up to 8kWh of ESS during non-producing hrs, 14hrs +/-. Why we added a 2nd 10kWh ESS to our system, keeping reserve @ 60+%, for longevity purposes. https://aseannow.com/topic/1268214-solar-8kw-hybrid-inverter-w10kwh-upgraded-to-20kwh-in-sept-2022-essbattery-not-diy/ We don't need the grid at all, and have only used sparingly, by choice, not a necessity, so far any way. First half of rainy season hasn't kicked in yet. Second half, last year, Aug/Sept/Oct, and no issues, being conservative with use, as ACs not really needed.
  22. He is 80, and actually surprised he hasn't broken anything, as does tend to have more than a few spills. If he keeps it up, he may want to opt for a set of wheels. That aside, when he goes off script, and can't seem to put his thoughts together, or form proper sentences when talking, or completely confused on the subject he is talking about ... ... yea, he's not fit for office. That's now, and he's running again ???? Surely the can find a better puppet than him for 2024.
  23. I don't go by studies or polls, as I didn't asked the questions. I go by what women told me. Most enjoying the relaxed, now worry free feeling, and getting their freak on, is way may enjoyable.
  24. Agree, 10,000AU$ = ฿228,070 is a silly price to pay for 10kWh ESS Mine only cost 3946AU$ = ฿90,000 installed, and some would consider that expensive, as cheaper is available and being used by the DIY folks on AN forum. Yes, I do need AC all day & night ????
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