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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Actually you're on my ignore list, but still beating that dead horse, as you do, and why on list. California is a sanctuary state, means they ignore federal laws if they don't agree with them. Pretty simple to understand even for you. They allow criminals to enter the state, and won't turn them over to federal authorities if they don't want to. Does that qualify as Anti-Fed ??? Take your time, don't hurt yourself. And you really have to stop blaming everything on Trump. Ineffective president for 4 years, and the country has had 235 ish years to get to the state it's in today. It's not his fault.
  2. And yet, I have no problem eating healthy, when I want, no matter where I visit. Agree, it can be a challenge, but far from impossible. Simply choose wisely, and you can ask them, not to add sugar or MSG, if you have negative effects from them. Think you need better research before ordering. Who adds ketchup to Pad Thai. Maybe a bit of siracha/chili sauce, but usually served on the side.
  3. Order healthy food, you get healthy food.
  4. Self defense, yet tourist was slashed from behind.
  5. Looking more comfy than the VN guest house that I suggested.
  6. Who didn't see that eventually happening. Santos been caught and admitting lying so many times, impossible to defend himself. That's an easy win & payday. In a way, kind of hope it's true and not just a money grab, though don't know which is a better scenario ... ????
  7. Just the usual divisive news-blips ... distraction by the puppeteers ????
  8. Yea, didn't let my 12/13 yr old daughter out of my sight, let along go somewhere with a perfect stranger ... ????
  9. Only if you participate with the tourist traps. I quite love the area, and anxious to revisit. @grain If you decide on VN GH, Train station, War Cemetery (if interest), and more than a few restaurants are within 500 meters +/-. It is basic, but checks your boxes for relaxing riverside, and their restaurant was rather good when we were there, quite some years ago.
  10. Guess he wasn't on the 'trail' then. The area isn't that big, how do you get lost, besides having his phone/GPS with him ... ... that's embarrassing. Didn't know people actual bought phones for the 'phoning' feature.
  11. Nice ... obviously a typo to your advantage ????
  12. Madame Phatehh ... For brekkie/lunch, chicken/pork curry pate sandwiches & stew ... excellent https://www.google.com/maps/place/Madame+Phatehh+2515+(Tumruaj)/@17.4076404,102.788838,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPSiNCco415vL6LwCA8BwM6bUo5w1Pn9nuWRSzK!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPSiNCco415vL6LwCA8BwM6bUo5w1Pn9nuWRSzK%3Dw203-h253-k-no!7i1440!8i1799!4m6!3m5!1s0x31239d71fd478089:0x2432222306bdcf33!8m2!3d17.4076318!4d102.7888715!16s%2Fg%2F11b6_8zcfr MaeYa was always consistently good. Nice Beef Massaman & Panaeng. Along with Spicy Glass Noodle Salads https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/Maeya/@17.4039606,102.7880241,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x31239dabd4e6628d:0x50eac5ad0a2e69d7!2sMaeya!8m2!3d17.4039606!4d102.7902128!16s%2Fg%2F1tfxd49b!3m5!1s0x31239dabd4e6628d:0x50eac5ad0a2e69d7!8m2!3d17.4039606!4d102.7902128!16s%2Fg%2F1tfxd49b The Zixgar Club ... IF OPEN https://www.google.com/maps/place/The+Zixgar+Club/@17.3976825,102.7864975,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x31239dc21e547963:0x5b50a5d6b7103e9f!8m2!3d17.3976825!4d102.7864975!16s%2Fg%2F11bwf8skhn
  13. Didn't know there was a prostitution license ... ????
  14. Yes, most Yanks get very little vacation time, 1 or 2 weeks. I was fortunate with last company worked for, got 3rd after 5 yrs, 4th after 10 yrs, and some max'd out at 8 weeks ???? Why they stay close to the Americas, and a few hrs away to holiday destinations. East coast USA to Phuket, allow 5 days travel time, usually, when I was going back & forth, to Phuket or Udon Thani. Plane came in BKK too late so an overnight was required to onward. Then worst, it departed to return to USA, @ 0600 hrs, so repeat overnight to return to east coast. With that in mind, it's going to be higher end tourist coming to Thailand. Florida, 2+ hours away, Mexico/Caribbean 3-4-5 hrs away, and much cheaper airfare ... ... nuff said EU ... 8 - 12 hrs, depending where and non-stop flight or not.
  15. How far can you go ? For our MG ZS (50.3kWh; ... NEDC rating is 403 kms, have only exceeded that twice, I think ... WLTP rating is 320 kms, and we exceed that consistently, and usually get what the car predicts in 'eco' mode, or more, which is 360 kms per charge, and 342 is driving in 'normal' mode, which we don't. Here's another vid for MG4, and range achieved, exceeding WLTP's rating @ 80 kph +/- and he was driving in 'normal' vs 'eco' mode. Summary at 24:45 of vid
  16. They joking right ... ... with the Poseidon Entertainment Complex right around the corner ????
  17. Definitely agree with that, as my one & only EU holiday was damn expensive, even though a guesthouse, but primo location. Was totally ignorant of the other options, hostels & such, as again. all I needed was a bed, since out doing the museums all day. Hopefully today, they're not as ignorant as I was back then, about 25 yrs ago, and no real internet to enlighten me.
  18. Technically, yes, but I don't think they care, as a bit nit pickng, iMO, and apparently theirs. Actually was probably done at Nong Khai, as don't think UT had an IO then. If familiar with that office, Mr Happy actually liked me, and I liked him doing my ext, where others dreaded getting him, as he'd pick your financials apart, or so reported on local forum. Of course, depends on IO. Again, why one should ask. YMMV You see to keep missing that part of my reply.
  19. Hence why suggested to ask at local IO, and if willing to do, make sure to sit in front of that person when doing ... ????
  20. @Yodarapper How often do you have to charge? ... obviously that's not going to be the same for everyone, depending on usage and driving habits. Myself & wife retired, and markets within 5 kms of house, so our mandatory driving is very little. Could actually get away with once every 2 weeks, though boring. My usual is 12-15 kms a day, as the dog takes me to the park for my morning walk, then we cruise by surfside, to make sure it's still there. That's a 12 kms round trip. Makro & market is actually on the way, so 15 at most daily. With the EV (car) , one should get about 225 kms, with a 25-30% battery reserve, just knocking around town or even on the highway. That's what we get with MG ZS. If using car everyday for our daily runs, that would require charging up about ever 2 weeks, if taking it down to 25-30%. Using the Wall Charger @ 7.4kWh, overnight, and you'd be topped up with no problems, and ready to go the next day if needed. If one does about 30 kms a day, you'd be topping back up about once a week +/-, if keeping a very battery healthy reserve of about 30% or more. I usually charge up, at 75-80% and back to 100%, so usually once a week is needed. That takes all day since using the granny charger @ 2.3kWh. We, dog & myself, actually use the E-MB for our morning runs. Of late, using the car, as getting a new road, and it's dusty as all hell. We explore locally a bit, or we really wouldn't need to top up but once a month. Everything being so close to house, we really don't need to drive much at all. If not for O&A (out & abouts), we wouldn't put many kms on the clock. 2 yrs with the MG ZS ICE, we only put on 39k kms, and way more than half, were O&A overnight, weekly, monthly exploring.
  21. I would ask at your local IO, without informing them of the pending divorce. I've changed 'mid extension' BUT was at the IOs that I mentioned; UT & HH. If said extension has financial requirements, they need to be in place beforehand.
  22. Title of that vid tells me I don't need to watch ... Muslims ????
  23. I've changed when divorced, to support of Thai child, and not on same day or even close to it. I've also changed between support to retirement to marriage to retirement again, simply doing the extension at 'years' end of. Simply changing reason for long stay, from marriage to retirement on TM7. They've never question when (divorce/support) at Udon Thani, or retirement/marriage/retirement, both at Udon Thani & Hua Hin. YMMV
  24. Why isolated, do you think they never venture outside the resort or few tours they take. That vs the millions who don't leave soi 4/bkk, soi 6/patts, bangla rd/phuket. Generalizations using misrepresent, and simply show prejudice. As I don't know any Yanks that fit your description.
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