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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. They got their work cut out for them, as that's a pretty high bar to get close to.
  2. Depends, 50 states, 50 sets of rule, along with county rules. Virginia unfortunately, does not require. But does have laws in place to punish 'parents', anyone that allows children to gain access. (info may be dated) https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/firearms-and-children-legislation/?currentTimeframe=0&selectedRows={"states":{"virginia":{}}}&sortModel={"colId":"Location","sort":"asc"}
  3. Fitting for an overrated 'beach' holiday destination. Soon it will have a massive under utilized RR station.
  4. 84% of the students live below the poverty level and qualify for free lunch program. Guessing the parents aren't holding high end incomes with the Ph'd degrees: https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/schoolsearch/school_detail.asp?Search=1&ID=510264001071
  5. hmm ... https://changdiving.com/dive-sites/htms-chang-wreck/ https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40023755
  6. Some people have a martini for breakfast, others like myself, rarely drink alcohol at all. You fall off a balcony, as an adult, there's pretty much only 1 reason ????
  7. @NumbNut https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/ร้านขายเครื่องดนตรี+BEATSPOT+X+CT+MUSIC/@12.59977,99.9493928,3a,75y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMZJrpkfZdxcKpW2iYTFMeKztpJ4EOEAhdoCT43!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMZJrpkfZdxcKpW2iYTFMeKztpJ4EOEAhdoCT43%3Dw203-h169-k-no!7i4167!8i3472!4m16!1m10!4m9!1m0!1m6!1m2!1s0x30fdabbb3f70987d:0xd80c41f502c04f1f!2zOCDguKPguYnguLLguJnguILguLLguKLguYDguITguKPguLfguYjguK3guIfguJTguJnguJXguKPguLUgQkVBVFNQT1QgWCBDVCBNVVNJQywgNyBIdWEgSGluIDI2IEFsbGV5LCBIdWEgSGluLCBIdWEgSGluIERpc3RyaWN0LCBQcmFjaHVhcCBLaGlyaSBLaGFuIDc3MTEw!2m2!1d99.9494057!2d12.5997176!3e0!3m4!1s0x30fdabbb3f70987d:0xd80c41f502c04f1f!8m2!3d12.5997176!4d99.9494057
  8. HH airport has always been a dead zone. Even before 2019. Why the surprise ? Seems every route fails to make a profit, and soon discontinues service. Any wonder nobody is lining up to take on new routes.
  9. Someone didn't think so ... ... or worse, just a random shooting/mugging attempt. That's a bit scary.
  10. Pretty even considering RU & UA conx. Draft dodger ... shameful. As a Yank, I was proud to sign up for the draft, right after the Nam Peace Agreement was signed ... ???? Brother enlisted in AF, as 18 months older than me, and wasn't takin any chance of being a grunt. Worked out good for him, Nam GI Bill, paid for most of college & home interest. Me, dummy, actually enlisted, just after the Nam GI Bill expired ????
  11. Hoping they enforce it myself, but surely many will not want any restrictions, as it is now. Becoming policy is doubtful. Even if so, expect a flip flop back to no restrictions after the outcry...and cancelled reservations. Does make planning a holiday in TH a bit difficult. Only the vax'd happy folks on booster # 10 will be prepared ???? ... IF it becomes policy.
  12. I find it hard to believe, only 2 people actually know the answer.
  13. Probably about the same time the 'others' will ... ... never
  14. Since I haven't done my 1st, 2nd or 3rd there, in the last 6 years, I'm pretty sure I don't have to. YMMV
  15. Haven't noticed myself. If anything, I prefer a low balcony barrier, so when I'm sitting on, I can actually see what's out there, instead of the need to stand. Which is usually the case. The photo of the balcony would be the type I prefer, if not clear tempered glass. Or simply open railing type. Hate when concrete wall or can't see through. Am I missing the news-blips of locals / Thais falling off balconies ? Considering the millions more here, I'd expect a lot more of them falling, if the balcony was a contributory cause ???? Just a thought ... maybe it's not the balcony's fault.
  16. Yes I did, well, registered, and much improved. Previously I don't think I ever got pass first page, if that even opened before crashing.
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if you got hit with a heavy duty, or they refused to forward it, after point of arrival. As you're not allowed to mail LiPo batteries. If just a back up, buy a new phone here (Xiaomi fan myself), then you have the best of both worlds, IOS & Android.
  18. I reckon the hotels must have done that for me, as pretty sure I've done 90 day reports while out & about. May have to try online again, as that has never worked for me.
  19. I'm sure it's just me, but this is about the only news-blip I opened in a long time, and didn't regret it ... ????
  20. Cool weather overnight, so might not get to much use out of a pool. Getting a scooter shouldn't be much of a problem. Can't help with hotel, been long time since I stayed there.
  21. I've never done a 90 day extension at the IO that I extend at, in the past 6 yrs, except when doing the extension itself. Other three 90 day pulse checks are done elsewhere.
  22. Indeed ... ... for the EV trolls, take a peek here, and you'll realize how silly you sound when repeating the same spew of BS, over & over. It's not good look ???? https://aseannow.com/topic/1279914-ev-charging-stations-cs/#comment-17797581
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