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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Someone shows me respect, I return the same ... so foolish of me. Many of the younger generation are tired of this 'class' division they were taught. You're comparison makes not sense. By wai-ing a shy, wee little, it will help him, her not be such an introvert, and build their confidence. Adds a friendly face to counter any prejudice they are taught at home. Need to think outside the box.
  2. Another silly 'I'm better than you' rule. I wai anyone I feel deserves, including staff. Everyone is equal in my world. Especially if you're going to serve my food ???? I say thank you after every dish hits the table also. Just the way was raised.
  3. Speaking Spanish as most Americans can. Saying you're American, is as ignorant as stating you are European. If asked, I say Prachuap.
  4. Don't think so, not in my world ... Buddha helps those who help themselves. Why would I do in TH, what I wouldn't do if in USA/motherland. Don't care if they accept me ... win win if they don't, and shun me, considering some families.
  5. So RU simply righted a wrong, or thought punished enough for illegal entry. And why do we need to know he's a US Navy vet. He's was a lost tourist ... ... dumbA$$, pay attention next time. But good news, none the less, for him and loved ones. Lesson learned I hope. Might want to invest in a good GPS. Should have gotten him back for Viktor, instead of the doper ????
  6. If I had 2 mill USD, liquid, a very small lottery wins, then Thailand would be in rear view mirror, and never looking back. Not sure where I'd go, but it wouldn't here. After 20+ yrs, nothing of interest to keep me here. Love my life here, but I wouldn't pass up a financial upgrade, along with a location upgrade. Nomadic till I found a spot, or not. Might just stay nomadic ... $2 mill - 10 yr - $500+ a day. That works, so no need to settle in, or settle for, any place.
  7. Hit the PowerBall lottery, for 50-100-500 million USD ... ... I'm thinking, buy my own private island, where I would actually swim in the surf ????
  8. Why looking online? I haven't been to a local market and or chain, that isn't selling Kratom. Kave...unfamiliar with.
  9. Or realized, anything that can be registered, cost about 400-500k baht, and was hoping for something much less. Available, but not sure if can register. Actually seen a couple on the road.
  10. When soliciting money from strangers, best not to lie, as affects one credibility. Then it questions other statements ... was she seriously injured ? I had a motorcycle accident, hit the house so hard, I got knocked out & broke my wrist. Very serious ... and yet, I didn't even bother to see a doc. Next day, wrist a little stiff and swollen a bit, so friend suggested an X-ray. OK, it is 'broken' and you need a cast on it, so says the doc. "yo doc, it ain't that broke, as I can still move it" Wrapped with ace bandage and I left. Wrap came off a day later. Serious is all a bit relative.
  11. Only ever wore mask at 7-11 & Makro, when you couldn't get in without one. Mask ... IMHO ... are totally useless at stopping a virus, in most situations.
  12. If I may, what 'plug' ???? are you using, as saw too many to chose from online. Priced from 'too good to be true' to 'are you nuts'. LAZ having more than few.
  13. Might want to lead with that next time posting.
  14. OR ... could have simply popped into the local MG dealer, few kms from the house, since on the way, no detour involved, and topped up there, 45 ish % at all of about ฿175 (outrageous) in 30 mins, while snacking on krappy sugar treats, actually the Pandan & chocolate thingys aren't bad, and washed down with a few cups of coffee, in AC, using their internet, while typing the Chumphon post up, and might even be done by the time the car charging was ???? Options abound ????
  15. To add to the above post ... ... a day (or 3) in the life of your BEV battery ... ???? Using Solar, not the grid, and on granny charger, 2.3kW hr vs 7.4kW for wall charger on grid. On return home from Chumphon, arrive 1300 ish hrs, let things cool down a bit while unpacking (3 night trip turned into 1), along with quick munch. Plug in, Day 1, before 2pm. Start off around 38% end at 43% if memory serves ... BUT, out for dinner and a drive. Use a few kW s, so almost back to square one. Wake up, Day 2, at sunrise, just before actually, check ESSs, plug in, before any solar production. Unplug after a bit, wait for production to surpass consumption, or close enough, plug back in. Unplug, go run some chores, heavy overcast & high temps, cook dinner (electric oven) & ACs. Weather iffy tomorrow, so wait & see. Wake up, Day 3, all good, looks like partly sunny day, plug in at sunrise, again, just before. Unplug, wife off to market, return, solar production more than consumption, plug back in, and take it up to 87%, more than my usual 80% top up, as know we're going out to dinner later, and wife to morning market tomorrow. Besides, sun not cooperating, and still want to bake bread. Production barely matching consumption in late afternoon. After dinner & tomorrow's (today) market run, and we'll be over 80% till next plug in, at around 60%, which won't be for a few days, as now the weekend, and we don't do weekends. If so, we'll take the scooter, maybe to surfside, weekend night market, as no parking for cars if not very early. Wife already went to morning market again, today. Using solar ... of course I could not be a CC, and simply plug in the wall charger/grid. But that would mean giving PEA all of ฿100 and defeat the whole purpose of having solar. Besides, faster charging is more stress on EV batteries. Take care of them, and they will take care of you. If sun in full cooperation, and not going anywhere, could top up 40-80% in 1 day, as 40% = 20kW = 8.72 hrs @ 2.3kW per hr, (2.7hr @ 7.4kW). Quite easy, though we usual stay in 60-80% range, unless I know we're going to use right away.
  16. You're original reservations ARE correct. YOU CAN'T OWN LAND. Condo is the only thing you & wife can own. Simply accept that fact, and go from there. Keep in mind 'corruption rules', and can work for you OR against you. If somebody wants what you illegally, technically, have, they will take it, legally. Your choice, but do have a PLAN B when going down that road. Invest only what you can afford to lose. When someone offers you what you know they can't legally offer you ... that's pause to think real hard about moving forward. UP2U
  17. Didn't read the thread, but why would you need a 'service' It way too easy to DIY. https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/passports/adult-passport-renew/#:~:text=Qualifying adult passport renewal applicants,only to U.S. Embassy Bangkok.
  18. When lived in Udon Thani, local forum had an excellent monthly meet up. Met a few very nice people, and developed a few friendships. Along with more than a few others, who's true colors were exposed when a couple issues arose. Sort of like extreme rep/dem, vax'd/unvax'd demographics and lines were drawn. Thought that was really weird. Afterward, I avoided new 'friendships'. Realized my 'gauge' for friendships ... If I had you over to the house, or I invited to your house. Meant very few real friends, no matter where I lived. Also noticed the 'look the other way' farangs, if eye contact made. I'll at least give a head nod, though rarely go out of my way to chit chat it up with strangers, especially if I'm actually doing something. Will strike up, even initiate a conversation if seems appropriate. Do purposely avoid groups/gathering, as there seems to be one locally, surfside. Same folks sipping (smoking ???? cigs) chit chatting it up weekly if not nightly. Fine and I get it, but not for me. Always been a bit solitary and down right anti social, and UT experience reinforced that mindset. Enjoy being by myself, winning most argument with the dog is plus. In my mind anyway. On Topic .... Thailand is what you bring with you, or leave behind. It's simply a location, you make a dream or a nightmare.
  19. I live the dream no matter where I'm at. Think I got to my 'final' Shangri-La. Unless I hit the lottery ... then I'll move forward again to a better Shangri-La. No gas bill, no car payment, and rain water is free ... ????
  20. @Pink7 As is ours, though as B is, we're still conx to PEA. I think this month will have -0- use, or maybe 1 kW/unit, as wouldn't want them to think it's broke and replace it. Though they may screw up and give us a 'spinning' meter. That would be nice. Past couple months, our PEA bill was about 20 units and around the 100 baht mark. As we have an EV, and new wall charger (7.4kW) for that, which is on the grid. Did test and use a couple times, hence the past couple usage bills from PEA. Unless needing a fast top up for the EV, we won't be using the EV wall charger, or the grid at all in the future.
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