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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. And EV trolls ... I just put 'em on ignore list Dog owner, and yea, one of main reason I used PTT Parks with ICE, and now both with EV. Aside from PTTs having market/7-11 & food court, along with a KFCs usually. Hard to beat them 'wings Zap' ... Not an Amazon cafe fan. Also when having the ICE, one of the only, and usually just the new larger stations, having E85, which I preferred. As stated many times, harder to find than any CSs, which are pretty much everywhere now. With few exceptions.
  2. If I have 1 mill USD to consider for housing, anywhere, TH wouldn't make my top 3 choices. Depending on age, would consider the nomadic life. Depends why you want to live in TH, as long as clean air & seas aren't a priority. Or the ability to own a comfy home, vs a condo, though with that budget, it would be a comfy condo.
  3. That ain't right man ... me getting a chuckle is just as bad. Apologies to any family & friends seeing my reaction.
  4. If you haven't lived on Phuket (or anywhere else) long term, 1 to 2 years/seasons, then most would suggest you rent before buying in to anything. Condos are the only option, where you have complete control of ownership. Doubt if 1 mill will get you much, or close to the surf (relative) if that's your thinking. Since asking, think you need a lot more research, thus the advice to rent.
  5. Seems all those medals for doing nothing are weighing down that side.
  6. Travel insurance would be nice, unless having deep pockets or a friend to start a 'fund my stupidity' page for you. Seems to be the trend. You may consider the advice in the vid .... ... Oh wait ... you're coming to TH, not the USA, scratch that:
  7. Never the person's fault. Unless the balcony pushed her off ... simply using some common sense when near the edge of any height, would save many from accidents. Standing at the 'edge of danger' simply doesn't enter dome folks mind. Hopefully as speedy, full recovery.
  8. With a 10 minute window, that seems about fair. Just plan to be there early or on time. A work in progress. Planning is everything. Would think people against it would be those folks that don't plan, or don't follow through with their plans, or on 'Thai Time'. Ignorant & arrogant folks will always complicate things ... sadly.
  9. For me, if weather permits, always been sandals, shorts, light cotton shirt. Always dress for comfort, and leave safety to my 'defensive driving skills'. A little road rash never hurt ... thankfully, been spared. Is big bike apparel different from small bike apparel. You go down doing the speed limit, 90 kph, and I don't think size of the scooter is going to matter.
  10. Another she said ... he might chime in story. Drugged ... volunteering to take drugs, isn't being drugged. Raped ... maybe, but apparently, she doesn't even know. May have had a great time, just don't remember. I'd be surprised if police and or prosecutor touch this one, as that's one weak case to win. Hopefully lesson learned if she doesn't want a repeat night.
  11. 90% of our eating is in home, and better than most restaurant, and far from boring or monotonous. And social life ... chickies love a guy who can turn out good meals, and you're already steps from the bedroom ... win win in my world. On Topic, I think, as didn't read the other posts .. ... intermittent fasting works fine for me. Last meal/snack, before 2100 hrs, as can't sleep on empty stomach. Then first meal, usually 1100-1200 hrs, so 12-15 hr fast, almost half while sleeping, and the other half, hunger postponed by wife, large coffee, sunrise, internet, walk the dog.
  12. He's one for the Anti-EV'ers, who think they spontaneously ignite, or blow up over speed bumps ???? They suspect this idiot purposely drove his Tesla off a cliff, miraculously survived, him & 3 others (2 kids), and appears the battery pack wasn't even compromised. https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-man-intentionally-drove-tesla-off-cliff-another-adult-2-kids-car-authorities
  13. I also consistently exceed MG's range rating of 320 kms (WLTP), cruising at 60 & 90 kph, instead of WLTP's average test speed of 47 kph. Even exceed, occasionally, NEDC's rating of 403, by just a few.
  14. I'm only familiar with MG's charger, and yes, you can reserve up to 15 mins prior I believe. If someone pulls up in that time, they won't be able to plug in, or simply wait, maybe, for end of that reserve time, and it will open. Haven't read the fine print yet. Everyone we've used has been empty, so we haven't bothered trying. If someone there, there's another usually just down the road.
  15. That was easy enough. Contact my attorney about copyright infringement ????
  16. "only in TH" ... you need to get out more. USA been marketing skin & food for decades. Remember my favorite bikini/thong hot dog vendor in FL ... dogs were good also. That was 30 yrs ago. Even having bikini'd eye candy at community car washes ????
  17. That's cool ... I'd do the same, but don't think anyone would bother for a slow charge. Have 2 MG CSs, within 5 kms of house, along with 1 CS < 40 kms N of us, and 1 CS < 30 kms south of us.
  18. Seems a bit of a lightweight (5m / 25kg) compared to these numbers ... "For example, length-weight comparisons in captive Burmese pythons for individual females have shown: at 3.47 m (11 ft 5 in) length, a specimen weighed 29 kg (64 lb), a specimen of just over 4 m (13 ft) weighed 36 kg (79 lb), a specimen of 4.5 m (15 ft) weighed 40 kg (88 lb), and a specimen of 5 m (16 ft) weighed 75 kg (165 lb). In comparison, length-weight comparisons for males found: a specimen of 2.8 m (9 ft 2 in) weighed 12 kg (26 lb), 2.97 m (9 ft 9 in) weighed 14.5 kg (32 lb), a specimen of 3 m (9.8 ft) weighed 7 kg (15 lb), and a specimen of 3.05 m (10.0 ft) weighed 18.5 kg (41 lb).[8][9][10][11][12] In general, individuals over 5 m (16 ft) are rare.[13] " --- wiki
  19. If you can transfer data off to something else, then return for exchange. One of mine krapped out, and was surprised how easy the return/exchange was. This was a while back, and they tested and replaced with a better version, as mine was discontinued. Why I stick with SanDisk. No failure since, and think I have 3 larger externals. And a few small ones (32GB) for cameras
  20. I know from experience, (not sure irrelevant) as I had approval from both parents, and told not to bother. This from the person, at social services, who had power to approve it. YMMV
  21. Simply that, being an adult, not needing parental consent for anything. As a minor/dependent, their parents are responsible, whether they 'are or not', but legally have control of their children. Just wait, less than 2 yrs will go by quickly, then it really is too easy. Beware of lawyers who say they can do ... they can't.
  22. Not Patts ... but topical. Yet to find a better place to shop than Makro for most things. Like Gourmet Markets also, except their silly meat prices. No matter what province I've been to, they've consistently beat Lotus's, Big C, FoodLand, VillaMarket, to the point, I don't even peek in them anymore. Exception to western offering outside of Krung Thep & tourist/expat ghettos ???? Most of which, I don't need anyway. Our Makro carries just a bit, but not even close to what Makro/Hua Hin or Gourmet Market/Hua Hin carries. Aside from Makro, we'll get some veggies & fresh herbs/spices from local fresh market.
  23. Easier if you wait till he's 20. I tried to do the same (Udon Thani/family services), and told almost impossible. Daughter just last week, with us, put the paperwork in, and done same day, at Amphur Office. Took all of 1 hour, with wait time, and cost <100 baht, I think. She's 23, so her MIA parents weren't needed. We filed a couple wills while there also, as she's starting to acquire some assets, and wants nothing by default to go to her birth family. So if I bump her off, I not only get a new townhouse, free & clear, in Rangsit, I get 1 million baht in insurance pay out. Told her she shouldn't tell me things like that. Bumps us off, and she gets a vacation home at PKK & new EV ... bi-atch.... ... we'll be looking over our shoulders now for those full face scooter riders coming up from behind.
  24. Picked that up today also, along with pulse check/7162 second notice, along with 3 IRS letters; 1. one stating they can't do the FBAR in that office, from 2019 2. one stating they need more time to do 1040, which I told them the 2 previous times, they didn't need to do, as I'm not required to file. Got to be the 5th letter stating the same that I've received, 'need another 60 days'. 3. 1040 investigation results ????, and I don't owe any balance on any accounts, this was for tax year ending 2020 ???? The is one inefficient waste of gov't taxes office. So I made 5 copies of 7162, and will mail back, 1 a week, maybe 1 will actually be received. First time in 20+ yrs they haven't received. From the postings, seems to be a current ongoing thing.
  25. Life's choices ... with any luck, "we'll" just drop dead in our sleep. Maybe another stent or 2 ???? But open heart / bypass ... I'll pass at my age, as just a matter of time before something else kraps out. NHS ... lovely system ???? Medicare is USAs version, for retired & poor people, open to all (retired/poor) and almost free, and have to take you, without expectation of being reimbursed at public hospitals. The drug plan sucks though, and overpriced. IF I can make to the states, then I'm saved ... IF ... and IF actually wanting. As my niece has privileges at a few Philly, PA, USA hospitals. I would need a long healthy prognosis to even bother, if not ... I'll pass. I'd rather watch the sunset here with my dog, kid & wife.
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