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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Daughter, 23 yrs old, heard me listening to it ... "pointed out it was Sam singing".
  2. Concerned for 2 yrs and did nothing ? Wonder how frequently he purchased 2000 tabs for his personal use ... weekly ???? Guess his supplier will fill in the blanks of his purchases, weekly or monthly. 2000 tabs should hold him over for at least 1 year, 5 tabs a day ????.
  3. I usually fast forward through the long, usually annoying intro/credits to movies. Bond movies especially, as nothing to see relating to the movie. ... sorry Sam, over to YT, as curious now. Good voice range, song sucks, can't relate.
  4. Remember when looking for a rental, person showing us would mention ... "lots of farangs in are for you to talk to" ... OK, scratch that place, next.
  5. oops...quick edit & fixed Must of had penis stuck on my brain ... oh krap
  6. Yes, say Bieber to most folks over 50, and they'll roll their eyes, but that's one talented dude. Say .. Cher, Celine Dion ... and OMG, such talent. Their voice, and marketing is their only talent, as rarely if ever write their songs or play an instrument. Let alone something they did write, becomes a hit.
  7. With the new pronouns, you're guess is as good as mine. I just got this image, or a couple blokes/feminist, sitting at the pub, or hair dressers, chit chatting ... "men, can you believe it, how they treat us" Typing that, when a non-binary person uses the pronoun 'they', is it singular or plural. Guess it is all in the delivery, but if talking about people they don't know, I guess it can be both. Think I'll just stick with what I was taught, male (having penis)/he/him, female (no penis)/she/her. Less confusing. 'it' covers the rest of the alphabet. edit: him ????
  8. Just another Anti China hit piece. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. And agree, most links posted, some folks don't seem to read, and headliners is all they see.
  9. Ditto ... google/wiki, and still nothing rings a bell. Did have a chuckle reading wiki ... "Smith is the godparent of close friend and collaborator Jimmy Napes's son. They identify as a feminist." ????
  10. Night time, most drones are useless ... ... well, not mine, but not very stealth-like ????
  11. Certainly don't need a drone to be a perv, and actually not the best choice, since not exactly very stealth, or decent camera at distance.
  12. It's all voluntary, and pointed out in the 'regulations' Nobody forcing anyone to come to TH, or stay, leave & return. 200 other countries to explore ... ENJOY
  13. development has nothing to do with it. It's the mandates to force people to get an experimental drug, to attend school or work that is the issue. Vaccines effectiveness is very questionable ... IMHO Seasonal flu vaccines average <40% effective over past 15ish years (CDC stats) Covid vaccine speaks for itself, obviously does NOT prevent infection. ... I don't accept new definition of vaccine ... Chicken Pox, measles, mumps, and don't know many vaccinated that didn't at least have a case of chicken pox. Polio vaccine seemed to actually work. Here's a report the ineffectiveness of influenza vaccines, and worse, more than a few years, the morbidity rate was higher among vaccinated ???? "However, among middle school students, morbidity was not lower in the vaccinated group than in the unvaccinated group in any of the 10 seasons. In fact, morbidity was significantly higher among the vaccinated middle school students than among the unvaccinated middle school students in 8 of the 10 years." https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12879-022-07898-y#:~:text=According to the United States,–2015 season [2].
  14. Unfortunately, it's the way of the world ... the few ruined it for responsible people. Guessing they looked at the cyclists' accident/injury/death numbers, and most were going down. In that aspect, it makes sense ... to error on the side of safety, if cyclist are causing accidents to self & others. Same with everything else, hobbies & such, as drone operators all got painted with same brush also, because of the idiots. The only reason for laws, rules & regulations ... IDIOTS
  15. There is nothing in TH worth seeing or doing that I'd pay high airfares for to endure sitting in the back of the bus on any long trip.
  16. Before ICONSIAM, we always went to AsiaTique's display, and quite nice, with exception of that krap CW time. Always managed to get a hotel near AsiaTique, and easy walking distance.
  17. Went to CentralWorld 1 yr for fireworks ... terrible display. Even stayed at hotel right across the street, for convenience, and didn't make the experience any better ????
  18. Nothing wrong with MSG, for most people, and I even add it to some home cooking dishes. Oil, olive & peanut only, and pretty much cut sugar out of diet, with few exceptions. Really wasn't that much of a challenge, as didn't use much sugar to begin with. Easy enough to avoid in restaurants.
  19. Cooking isn't everyone's forte', or facilities to cook if in small condo/apt., or not a fan of doing dishes. Maybe just being minimalistic, and go bag at the ready. If good food available out the door, then we'd cook a bit less at home. As stated, when single parent, most meals out of the house, but convenient and tasty, so yea, worked then. Doesn't now.
  20. Downloaded ... I'll wait for next 3 episodes before I start. In the middle of Jack Ryan now, and got a few others. Don't like waiting for next week installments.
  21. Yes, GWM dealership at HH, in case Chevy signage nowhere to be seen. @JetsetBkk take a peek here: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Chevrolet+Phuket+by+Goodservice/@7.9381716,98.3955804,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x13cd558d29448f48!8m2!3d7.9381716!4d98.3955804
  22. SeaWalls are job security also, as the main one here/PKK has been revamped, full & partial twice in 20 yrs. Have 2 sections now that didn't fair well lately and caved in. About 1/2 km of, on the N shore of the bay caved big time, and that's been an ongoing project this year, and a much better job, materials being put in this time. Sort of like the constant resurfacing of asphalt roads & highways. Buddha forbid you'd do a proper concrete job to start, and then only do touch ups every 5 or 10 years. Saying that, locally, they have done excellent job when replacing the asphalt with concrete. We're supposed to get a new village road at the end of our stone soi, and surprisingly was told it will be replaced with concrete. Also told the wife to request a proper road for our dead end soi, which we are the only house of 8 lots on. Pros & cons, undecided as kind of like the stone, and less interesting access for others to venture down.
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