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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. E-motorcycles (DECO) now get govt incentives: https://aseannow.com/topic/1183238-electric-motorbike-any-opinions/page/2/#comment-17784792
  2. Never could do the 'working out' thingy. Use to laugh when people asked me "where I 'worked out'." If friends heard them ask, they'd bust up laughing, knowing I'm a LPOS. Answer was "at work" ... ???? Use to work at a steel mill / foundry, so was basically lifting weights for 8 hr a day, 5 days a week. As I stated, those wt/ht charts are non-applicable to me. Want to bulk up, get a job where you are listing 100-150 lbs more than a few times every minute.
  3. Came with 2 cards, in the box I think, as wife opened and gave to installer to do his thing. Had the wall charger for 2 months, and used it 3 times.???? 1. 5kW tester, when installed 2.top up last 20%, prior to Kanchaburi O&A 3. actually this morning, as headed to Hua Hin in about an hour. Unless a last minute, or late top up, and O&A, more than 100 kms away, can't really see us using it. Hua Hin is 100 kms away, so 100% is plenty to get there & back, alone with driving around if need to. Come back with 20-25% reserve, as we did Wednesday. Gets us to Ban Krut, southward, not much more of interest till Chumpon, and too for, so would need a CS. Ban Saphans don't do much for us, though a few good restaurants about. Unfortunately, local O&A are limited, due to hills bordering Myanmar only 10 kms W, and the surf 4 kms E. N we have KuiBuri, Sam Roi Yot, Pranburi & HH. S ... only Ban Krut that interests us, unless overnight at Thung Wua Laen, Chumphon area. Decent free waterfall down that way, if in the area, not too far off Hwy #4/PhetKasem rd. Bottom of PKK province and 92 kms from us. https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/Namtok+Sai+Khu/@11.2737118,99.2329964,10.82z/data=!4m22!1m16!4m15!1m6!1m2!1s0x30fed705f5f4d4c9:0xac298c1c1995ccbe!2sNamtok+Sai+Khu!2m2!1d99.334004!2d11.248322!1m6!1m2!1s0x30fed705f5f4d4c9:0xac298c1c1995ccbe!2s68XM%2B8JC+Namtok+Sai+Khu,+Highway+1047,+Ron+Thong,+Bang+Saphan+District,+Prachuap+Khiri+Khan+77230!2m2!1d99.334004!2d11.248322!3e0!3m4!1s0x30fed705f5f4d4c9:0xac298c1c1995ccbe!8m2!3d11.248322!4d99.334004
  4. MG ZS Film ... Included free, turned down, and threw something else in. Ins ... Free Wall charger & install... Free & 2 weeks installed 3500 for reg/tags... standard for every car we purchased, I think. 8 yr / 180k kms battery warranty 5 yr everything else Delivered 1 month earlier than expected.
  5. Kind of counters the 'not enough' stories, if spares are floating around.
  6. Only 24 ... finding that hard to believe. Or only 24 reported.
  7. Yea ... what he said. Udon Thani & Nong Khai run just as efficiently & polite as HH also. Others that I read about here ... NO THANKS.
  8. Also learned Latin & French, and the French didn't take too well, but was fluent in Spanish, and don't remember much from 50 yrs ago. Barely follow along when they speak Spanish in movies. Wife & kid are fluent in 3 languages. I don't know anyone in my peer group, (USA) fluent in 2. Most don't need English here, doesn't mean they couldn't get by in an English speaking country, as I can here with my limited Thai. Unless involved with international commerce, English is useless to them and Chinese is actually more important.
  9. 840 pages of trump bashing ... no thanks, I can get that right here on AN. File that report with: 9/11 Commission Warren Commission House Committee on Un-American Activities ... endless other investigations
  10. I think a few people need to get out more, and leave the prejudice at home.
  11. I have a really hard time following foreigners with Thai channels, thinking they know the country, the food, the locations, and all those secret gems they've discovered. I find them to be at best, extremely ignorant, usually just plain stupid, without a clue. Worse, they actually think they got it right, with 1000s of followers thinking the same. Blind leading the blind. Rather embarrassing to watch.
  12. Trump didn't have to deport that many, because he didn't let them in. They had to stay in Mexico, until Asylum case was heard. Now, they file, get a return date, and disappear in to the USA. Nobody, who crosses the southern border of Mexico, should be allowed to apply for Asylum in USA. As they've already escaped the country they were fleeing from. They should be applying for Asylum in Mexico, for Mexico.
  13. @BigStar I wouldn't call me overweight by much, as big bone (true density) and more than average muscle mass. Even in prime condition, out of boot camp, and I was still at the max weigh, or just over for my height. That's just silly, so I don't take much stock in those charts. I do take my BP in the morning, at rest and just after exercise, once heart rate is up 50%. Bringing the sugar count down should be easy, realizing what's jacked it up. With those #s, I'm satisfied, still have excellent endurance, as wife, 22 yrs younger, kid 25 yrs younger, can't seem to keep up. Whether walking, hiking or cycling. I've cycled my whole life, and my legs probably weigh as much as my wife ???? That's not much of an exaggeration. Along with a 18 neck & 48 jacket, so I'm far from small frame, though only 175cm. Slacked off a lot though, as I am 68, today as matter of fact. Get daily walks in with the dog, and cycle enough to get the heartrate up. After that ... I'm a LPOS, and just chillin' out the retirement yrs. Squeeze out 5 or 10 more yrs, and I'll be the oldest ever in the family. Parents 69 & 74, and all their siblings passed earlier.
  14. After you pay it off, and if you are still able to get a CC ... ... DON'T ... keeping it at max and paying the min. payment, you are failing Economics 101 miserably. New rule for yourself ... if you can't pay cash, you don't need it, nor can afford it.
  15. Results, and most cholesterol #s good, trigs higher, kind of strange, since taking meds to keep low, vs 2020, and more normal, no meds. Notice a difference in what is normal <200 vs <150 now. Blood sugar a bit high, 110 vs <100 as normal, and blaming me stopping butter on most toast/breads while switching to jellies, along with a lot more fruit eating. Would easily explain that. Berries may be good for cholesterol, but a bit more moderation needed I think. Have been eating a bunch & jelly. More homemade bread also, as I don't add sugar to mine. Only sugar I add to anything, is 1 or 2 tsp with my coffee, 250ml cup. Aug 2020: Dec 2022:
  16. Even got 'vaccine' redefined ... simply amazing. Falls (vaccines) under a whole different set of laws for lawsuits. Even have there own 'vaccine court' (USA), for quick settlements they don't have to take responsibility for. Part of each sale (taxed) goes toward settlements and keeping the court operational. Mind boggling to say the least. Not that I ever did put much stock in them, but I don't trust UN, WHO, WTO, FDA, CDC, pretty much anything big pharm or govt say anymore, as there's simply too many Billions of $$$ at stake. IMHO ... the whole system is simply too corrupt. If covid didn't prove that ... that speaks volumes for the deaf, dumb & blind simply believing anything they're told. https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation "VICP is funded by a 75-cent excise tax on each dose of the 16 CDC-recommended vaccines and currently has nearly $4.3 billion on hand. Congress must also appropriate money from the fund to cover Department of Justice attorneys’ and the federal claims court’s work to process claims, in addition to the claims themselves." https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/01/vaccine-injury-compensation-programs-overwhelmed-as-congressional-reform-languishes-00033064 Some might think this was the motive to redefine vaccine. "For most drugs—actually, every type of drug other than vaccines—the manufacturer can be legally liable for harm that results from a product it sells. Vaccines are produced by privately held pharmaceutical companies, but they have a unique arrangement with the U.S. government: When a person reports harm that could feasibly be related to a vaccine, a government program—not a pharmaceutical company—pays compensation." https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2019/05/vaccine-safety-program/589354/
  17. Only watch a few, most about food, though I am starting to get bored with them, and find myself fast forwarding a lot, if watching at all; Ethan Chlebowski Food Wishes Home Pro Cooks Brian Lagerstrom 1 Thai destination vlogger: Mickey Stotch Paddy Doyle not longer in TH Only must see YT'er: Daily Dose of Internet ????
  18. Yea, I'm not giving up cheese, though will stick to Mozzarella & Parmesan mostly, as 2 healthier choices. Definitely not giving up pizza, though probably won't have pepperoni on it. Dough, tomatoes ????, and nutrient rich cheese ... top with some veggies, and what's not to like. Can't say I ate a lot of cheese anyway, but they are nutrient rich, along with fat. Exercised a good bit of moderation with my cheese intake. Can't say that about other dairy products. CheeseCake was more of an issue, and got that down to maybe 1 a week, or 2 a month. Swensen's a couple times a month for 2 scoops. Those 2, alone with 1 glass of whole milk a day, instead of 1 liter are probably my most drastic diet changes, and actually easy to do. Accounted for majority of my high fat (and nutrient) intake. Nutrients I can find elsewhere, fat I can do without. Did a 'check up' yesterday, all blood work, and waiting for results, the cholesterol results mainly. Sometime today, and will compare to last check up. Adjusted diet w/meds from 31st Oct, so that should be interesting. Prescribed 14 different 'meds', cut 5 immediately as unnecessary. Cut 1 when I ran out, as now unnecessary, as BP no longer in the 140+/90+ range. Now 120/70 ish range. Will keep the the Rosuvastatin, Aspirin & Prasugrel, and half dose 4 others till I run out, in 10 or 14 days. If BP doesn't change much, then I'm done with those 4.
  19. Probably why smoking in public is illegal and most civilizations.
  20. If it wasn't so profitable people would actually learn and respect history. Every conquering force from the outside, every regime change from the outside, has ended in disaster and the indigenous folks always regain their independence in the end ... unless of course, you annihilate them completely.
  21. Can it get more dangerous than the possibility of respiratory or heart/circulatory disease ? You know the risk, you roll the dice, is it a hobby or a lifestyle? Will it be the cause, a contributory cause or no cause at all, of your demise ?
  22. They redefined the meaning of a man and a woman.... along with redefining the meaning of vaccine. Feel free to trust the snake oil salesperson if you want ... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_pharmaceutical_settlements
  23. How hard to simply follow the laws you agreed to. Do the crime, do the time. No sympathy for criminals. What other laws has he broken?
  24. Yes, sometimes the numbers conflict with each other, a wee bit. I think the ODO kms, start/used/left is more accurate. Though the difference is only a few % off from each other. 360/350/338. When we got back home, end of day: 2705 - 2466 = 239 w/ 93 (to go) = 332 But wife & daughter were at the Amphur office, while I sat in the car with AC on for almost an hour. Same when in HH, at Doc's office, for at least a half hour, and the dog was in the car w/AC on. Don't think AC uses that much though. Just ball park numbers, but better than WLTP's 320 kms, and at speed on the highway. So, definitely happy about that. As really didn't expect to get near 300 kms at speed. Gives me a real number to work with between CSs when O&A. Though at present, I'm a wimp, for now, and try to keep 100+ kms in reserve, then top up, or whatever is needed to get to destination. After 250 kms / 3 ish hrs, I want a break anyway.
  25. What to expect ... MG ZS ... consistently better range than WLTP rating of 320 kms. In ECO mode, ZS is estimating 360 @ 100%. Popped up to Hua Hin, 99.1 kms away. Again mixed driving w/AC on, and still showing 250 kms to go. So 350 ish, and has been pretty consistent. Consider the WLTP rating is done at average of 47 kms, in probably prime condition, and possible no AC on. Our driving is < 60 kph to/from Hwy #4. 60 kph when possible, and 90 kph on Hwy # 4. 60 & 90 using cruise control, and occasionally faster, passing when needed. Caught myself doing 100+ while passing today.
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