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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Depends on which Imm office used. Udon Thani & Hua Hin, I withdrew all as soon as extension approved. That doing the lump sum, seasoned for 2 months prior to ext. That was 20 years on, most current 2019/20 ext @ HH. If doing DD + savings, the HH Imm requires you to leave 400k in all year, IF, doing DD + saving combo. Which for me was silly, as married, and can do 400k DD and use all as needed, or savings & withdraw, doing marriage ext. So if lump sum, married, take out all after approved. Now I'm on DD (2021/22), so maintaining a balance is irrelevant. Marriage ext now, to be change to Ret in Nov this year, I think.
  2. Should they ... NO, voted such expensive POS, not needed since neighbors have nothing on that threat level. Selfish thought ... hell YEA, buy everything & anything as long as it affects the exchange rate positively for ME ME ME ????
  3. I Gimage'd that, and seems to have been my preferred version of days past. Soft, pliable with slight pressure in fingers, packs and burns nice in a bowl. vs 'blonde' which was hard, not pliable, and a pain to keep lit. Though I think we called it "Afghanistan Mudpack' back then, or some silly Afghan name. Definitely the best during my snobbish 'hash only' days ... ???? Haven't smoked it since 1999, AMS/Bulldog, and a couple grams keep me stoned at night for a long weekend there. Probably hadn't smoke it 20 yrs prior to that, or since. My go to buzz between 1975-1980. Tempting to buy some just for nostalgia.
  4. Not in my house ... it's night weed ???? OK, maybe pre-sunset, but daytime, I prefer to be clear headed and active. Stimulants are for chilli' & relaxing after the day's activities, and any need to drive.
  5. Disagree, nothing beats deep fry for FF. Honest YT'ers will point that out. Cooks half the time, and no need for turning, shaking, rearranging half way through cooking.
  6. More vendors, but size apparently an optical illusion. KK 2009, that was a quick 12/13 yrs, remember when it opened. from wiki:
  7. Agree, and I left out the 'Swift, styling & hwy use in my reply ... oops
  8. Yes, that's what my present 'stash' is. ฿14 gram if buying 100gr @ ฿1400. 1/2 gram does the trick for me, and lasts 3-4 hr before I nod off, by choice. Haven't smoke it during daylight hrs, so can say how long it would last. A very nice buzz, not too harsh.
  9. Think I sorted the grid vs ESS over night. After of course, changing a few settings that 'did nothing' ???? Then simply change 1 main setting on front page, and all is beautiful. Used ~4kW overnight from grid, and matches the ESS use of previous nights. ESS-idle all night, all energy from grid. That should add a few decades of life to the ESS. Sun actually making an appearance today, hopefully all day, and will generate more than the low of 20-30 kW. All that is needed, but would like to see it's potential. The power of ....
  10. Guessing, but can only think of 2 possible ways: ... if having work permit ... borrowing from bank, using your savings as collateral 2nd being a bit silly to do, since at best, savings getting ~1% Loan surely would be more, so negative interest on your savings than you now can't withdraw. Just pay cash as they aren't expensive (50k THB), unless going big bike, larger than 125cc here.
  11. Haven't driven either ... but peeked at both, a few times. For me, the deciding factor would be highway kms, and do you plan on racking up more than a few. If for just knocking around town/city, then either one. Swift, better styling. Celerio, straight economics, both buy in & operating cost. 20 kpL ... impressive.
  12. The topic is cheap weed. If wanting to discuss the science of growing, maybe do that in the 'stain' or 'grow' thread. We all know, seeds, nutrition, soil, lighting, drying all make for a better product. This thread is not about that. Thread is about buying cheap weed, that hopefully gives you a nice buzz from simply smoking 1/2 gram. I'm very happy with my 14 baht/gr that does just that. Some are paying less with same buzz. Then some are willing to pay 700 baht a gram for the same buzz. This thread isn't for the latter.
  13. Name, looks, % are all irrelevant. There is no testing or certification of anything sold here/TH. Called marketing. Do you get a nice buzz smoking 1/2 gram ... then it's good. I've paid 140 gr / GreenLab & 14 gr / FB, and it was almost identical. One called Thai Stick, the other Green Crack. 140 vs 14 a gram. Guess which one I'll buy again ... ???? Pay more if you want, I just prefer not to ... UP2U
  14. Going to place a "House for Sale" sign on wall near meter. Let them think why little or no usage ????
  15. Yep ... but what's the THC %, how good is it ???? How good ... 1/2 gram gives me a nice buzz ... ... so it's DAMN GOOD And at 14 baht a gram or less, yea, y'all can keep that pretty stuff at 20-30-40 times what I paid, w/timely delivered for free.
  16. I did just send a head's up email to the lead Assoc Prof at Uni, letting them know 'photo' being used in sales promo.
  17. Might want to email these folks, ask them for the 'sales' link, or let them know their photo is being used ???? https://libmode.mju.ac.th/pr/?p=15271
  18. Do let us know how that is ... that's some nice looking 'brick' ... ???? And the white coats confirm the best 'pharmaceutical' grade available ????
  19. I did state vendors, though I also included Makro and 7-Eleven. Just imagine being at McDonald's or Burger King or the only one I go to is KFC (restaurants) for spicy wings and that Zinger sandwich, while there's already a Q ordering food, so I can't wait until they start going cashless and the queue just seems to be so much longer than three people in front of you, now fumbling for their phone and waiting for that slow A$$ app to load. Best to avoid vendors on those two days a month that Thai employees get paid as they'll be using their Bank app and that's got to be really slow and congested with everyone checking their accounts and withdrawing money. Patience is a virtue I don't possess.
  20. So some people think Facebook should not turn over evidence of a murder and disposal of a body when the police request evidence with a court order ... hmm
  21. Thanks Was looking at 1 vid (deye YT), and did show to hit 'arrow' to open another page w/battery & grid info. Didn't really finish or try as was about to snooze. Yes, meter is spinning backward as soon as battery is done topping up. Took off about 35kW already. Last reading was 161, now at about 200 from 234. Started 145 on 25July (meter installed), read 28July, solar installed on 4 Aug. So I got a good 10 days+ to toy with it, till next reading. Sales/troubleshooter is still in the UK. Installers are still here/TH, and busy. Crew chief speaks decent English and going to send me a vid. Though if I actually read manual in get into it, should be able to sort it out. Can only be a couple settings to checked off.
  22. The everyday 15 hr fast is the key ... every day. Before that, I'd eat as soon as I wake, and before sleep. Meaning body has constant supply in, so no need to burn excess fat accumulated everyday, as I'm fairly sedentary. Wouldn't call my walks exercise, and my pedal bike is now an ebike. The fasting has made a huge difference with ease of weight control.
  23. Thanks, and yea ... Lovin' it Local installer, and just sent him a email. Next time in area, pop in for chit chat, beer, and show me how to change settings ???? Manual not exactly 'me friendly' or YT vids. Though may give it another try. Don't want to screw up, as may mean no juice till sorted. Doesn't seem difficult, just don't want to have an oops, from me pushing the wrong buttons. Inverter seems to have enough safety features, that it will shut down, if I do, but prefer not to test them, or more so, not have any juice to he can come and adjust. Have it set now, for off grid, which I changed a bit, to back spin meter. But not sure how to set up for grid to use over night. Configuration on the inverter panel itself and almost easy enough. I should have paid better attention to installer. Use app on phone, just to look at performance.
  24. Usual intermittent fasting schedule goes something like this; wake about sunrise or before 8 am. Have large cup coffee, and catch up on internet, FB/family, news, research whatever. 1st meal, noon-ish, after taking dog to the park or surfside everyday, is usually lite, just a bowl of cereal. Burn some fat / energy before that 1st meal. 2nd meal when hungry, lite or heavy. Try to keep busy, errands, torrents, shopping, everyday BS. 3rd, last & heavy meal, before sunset 5 or 6 ish, depending time of year. Feed dog, then off to surfside for her evening walk. 7 ish pm, torrent watching, till sleep. Internet after, catch up on anything. Snack before 9pm, very lite, as can't sleep on empty stomach. Usually sleep midnight-ish. So half of those fasting hours (6-9hrs) are while I'm laying in bed or actually sleeping. Wife pretty much same schedule, separate hobbies, but try to keep busy, tending to the house and what not. So always at least 12 hour fast, (9pm till noon) usually 15 hours. Lost 10+ kgs over couple months with no effort, and ate pretty much what ever, and as much as I liked. Kind of surprising actually. I enjoy my breads, dough, pizza & pastries, with some moderation. Eat a lot of sandwiches though. Lower blood pressure and blood sugar was a plus. More in the normal range. Weight stays constant now. Really couldn't, wouldn't want to lose much more than 5 kg more. That would put me down to lean weight as when I got out of basic training in Army.
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