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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Actually it gets worse... "Classroom door in Uvalde school shooting was not locked, official says" "There was no evidence any law enforcement officer ever tried the classroom door to see if it was locked, McCraw said at a Texas Senate hearing into the shooting. "I don't believe based on the information we have right now that door was ever secured," McCraw said. "He (the shooter) didn't have a key ... and he couldn't lock it from the inside." https://www.reuters.com/world/us/classroom-door-uvalde-school-shooting-was-not-locked-official-says-2022-06-21/
  2. All would depend why having the pain ? Muscular (only) ? or sciatic, which you may have pain down your leg, to certain degrees. Any diagnosis ? I've had back pain, discomfort for shy of 50 yrs. Herniated discs as a youngin'. Surgery at 41 yrs old, to avoid further surgery, retired at 46. If I behave myself now, no prob. Not understanding your description (lost 80% of its strength and could "go" at any moment). Could simply be a disc problem, that you are aggravating, and why it's on & off. Which would actually be a good thing, as very manageable. Since it's presently 'on & off' Doubt if ganga would help, with any true back issue, though just relax you, and temp fix, no more or less than a couple Long Island Ice Teas, or 1 if made properly. Need a diagnosis, if not already had one. If disc problem, then NSAIDs & muscle relaxers to ease up the discomfort and allow for some mobility. Stretching & exercise plan when able to, strengthen the muscles supporting the back. NO full sit up, stomach crunches work fine. Anyone suggests full sit up, go elsewhere. Chime back in after a diagnosis.
  3. If a friend, why not ? Ignore the doom-sayer stating if in default, you'll be responsible for the debt, as that's just silly. If that was true, nobody would ever lease property. Mine get sent to my brother in USA, and he forwards them to me.
  4. It could just be, that outsider / DT, during 2016 & 2020 elections, and the silliness of the BS years of RussiaGate opened up a lot of eyes of ignorant people. If that didn't expose the whole corrupt system, then Ignorance Truly is Bliss. DT's administration deficit ... did you forget about Bush's & Obama's silly deficits. https://www.thebalance.com/deficit-by-president-what-budget-deficits-hide-3306151
  5. Not CM, but inquired at both, govt & private hosp for a surgery (hemerobiids), involving 1 night stay. Went with private, simply for the room vs private ward, or Qing for a private room at govt hospital. Apparently a long Q, and strangely, the pricing wasn't that much different. Or I might have negotiated it down to almost the same. Little sketchy on that, as I know I negotiated outpatient procedures down to the govt hospitals charge. Actually surprised they accepted the offers. Surgeon making the rounds the next day, told me he could have done the surgery at govt hosp, which I knew he worked both already. He agreed with my room choice when I pointed out the only reason I went private. Pop into your choices, and go from there.
  6. Don't know how you read into my post I support the 'dumb one', assuming DT. Even after I stated many times, I don't like any politician. Fuel prices & inflation skyrocketed during his short time there .... there's that. Can't blame that on DT, although they do try. He cancelled the pipeline, cancelled or banned new drilling leases in AK & Gulf, cancelled immigration restrictions, and if I'm reading things right, a cause of many of the complaints, from dems & reps. I'd say a good part of oil prices & inflation are his fault. He's a career politician, so yes, it IS HIS FAULT. For the record, I don't vote, and haven't for over 40 yrs, if not longer. Only voted once in a presidential election, and that was '76 or 80', I think. Aside from that, I only voted locally, district elections, for my favorite local judges ???? and very self serving. When standing in front of, it's always good to have a friend passing judgement. I like Biden being president. Got my largest ever COLA (THANK YOU) and expect an even larger one next year because of his failed policies. I hope he runs & wins again. I hope the price of fuel in the USA hits $10 a gal, and inflation is in the 10-20% range.
  7. Not sure about that, though yet to see one being cited. Have a few locally. I know golf carts & ATVs are not allowed on the road. Not sure what these 3 & 4 wheelers would need to be registered. Or if any regulation would be enforced. I know the low spec'd ticker cars can not be registered IMIOs & such, unless something changed in the last 6 months or so. Wuling & POCCO, can be. I would be surprised if anyone would care, as long as not making a nuisance of one's self, and sticking to small sois, or village areas.
  8. I'm sure the glamour of the job and prospects of early entitled retirement wears off fast. After a few months with sexpats/sextourist, I'm not surprised if they've had their fill already of that lot. I used to bartend, and drunks are simply annoying. Imagine being a woman and being mauled all night by a bunch of old, over weight, smelly CCs. Then knowing you'll be back tomorrow. That's motivation ... ????
  9. Soi dogs where I am, most of, are well fed, looked after, and have even had their rabies shots. Your experiences may differ. I've never had an issue with any soi dog. People, that's a different story. Check that, 1 incident, while walking our dog (so not applicable to most), a 'pack' of 3 ???? came charging toward us from some distance. Couldn't judge their intentions, so the lead Alpha ended up with a massive headache (via walking stick), as they retreated to safer turf. Actually broke the stick in 2, and it wasn't a thin stick. Have seen the same dog afterwards, and showing no interest in us.
  10. Would think any vendor selling tobacco products (7-11 as suggested), though will probably not be on display. Simply ask.
  11. RESPONSIBLE people (Thai or non) usually don't fear the BIB when enjoying their 'vices'. Laws are to protect us, from non responsible folks, and protect them, from themselves. Sad any laws are needed, but it is what it is, because of THEM.
  12. Marijuana infused 'anything' set to be all the rage countrywide. Most not doing anything. Trend followers will follow the pack, no matter what. You can't fix stupid
  13. As if he would need a PP to travel. Or if every billionaire doesn't have a few million stashed somewhere for 'emergencies' More than a few countries he could hop a private jet to, with no extradition w/ USA. Or keep things tied up in court on appeals for 10 ish years. He is 77, so I don't think he's worried about anything.
  14. Personally, I think that's actually good advice. Although, could have added, if you have health issues, or self medicating your stress, trials & tribulations with some other stimulant (alcohol) you may want to give ganga a try ... ???? As an alternative
  15. Agree, it's a service, for convenience & hopefully quality control. If you can use, fine, if not, fine also. Maybe you can buy same for less, but is it delivered for free, and 10 % off. If I was buying said product, I'd probably go with them, PrikPot, as limited availability where I am, and would cost about the same, or much more if I had to actually 'go' shopping. Petrol costing more than the buds, since closest 'shop' is 100 kms away, and price at 500-600 anyway.
  16. Does state 'model' prisoners, so suspect they are all 'volunteers' and nobody being forced to do anything. Spin as you might with silly comparisons to slave labor, that may or may not exist elsewhere, depending what MSM outlet you believe. Personally I feel all prisoners, if not a risk to society, should be on some sort of 'chain gang', without the chains, and doing public works. Prison is punishment, not holiday. And it may give them a skill, and actually some minor sort of rehabilitation. If the labor part sucks, then more motivation not to be a repeat resident. A win win all around.
  17. If the NY law / restriction is ruled invalid, it will only affect NY. As that is what they will be ruling on. They may add some opinions along with their ruling, which may or may not give an indication of how any future appeals will be ruled by the SCOTUS. USA being a Republic, and states having the right of self rule, as long as it doesn't go against the Constitution. Fine line between 'right to bear' and what restriction can be placed on that right. If that line is erased, in NY, then folks in other states may feel the urge to follow suit, and sue for any local or state restrictions to be invalidated, IF, they even have those restrictions. Most do not. I didn't research or read the exact appeal they are ruling on, but suspect it is about the "premise residence" permits on Statin Is for handguns. If so, then the ruling will probably consider that restriction invalid, as technically, it restricts the 'right to bear arms' or, they could rule 'suck it up, and buy a shotgun', as you still can bear arms, just not a handgun without a permit. I would suspect, if that is what will be ruled on, they'll invalidate the restriction, as a bit silly really. A firearm is a firearm, does is really matter whether handgun or long gun.
  18. Shared, small, dirty, unsanitary, toilets gross, and insufficient numbers for number of occupants. Daughter was grossed out by a couple, and she's pretty tolerant. Cheaper, but not much of a value, compared to sharing off campus, which is actually walking distance to campus at most Unis. Very basic accommodations, most no cooking allowed. Condo having or allowing everything one needs. If not in condo, then on site, each floor, such as clothes washing machines, large frig, kitchenette. Much better security and parking if owning a car. For small amount of extra monthly cost, simply makes everyday living less hassle and more enjoyable.
  19. Not sure about that, as they seemed to come out of most situations, unscathed, if comparing to their immediate neighbors, and so many other countries of the world. Most importantly, it's a county that can feed itself, and really has no outside threats. Not many countries can state that. I think aligning with China is much more favorable than the USA. All the USA wants to do is make everything more expensive here. Use Thai's airbases if and when starting trouble in the region, which would put a giant target on Thailand's populous around said airbases. China is a win win. USA is a lose lose. When has the USA ever stuck around once the going got tough.
  20. I don't think it is wrong, for anywhere, for any citation. Gov't or workplace. As long as they are qualified, or can learn the job, task at hand quickly, why not hire someone you know & trust.
  21. Unless out of metro areas, I'd suspect very few, as they have spot checks, way too often. Unlike the USA, where I was rarely insured or had vehicle legally inspected, here I do as expected, legally. Here, I've had all new cars, keeping less than 7 yrs, so very road worthy, where back in the mother land, drove a few POS that wouldn't pass inspection, mostly tire wise. Got the 'legal' inspections there, back door wise, simply for convenience, not because cars were unsafe. Oddly, in a country where I could easily get away with being 'illegal', I follow the laws more than I ever did in the USA. OK, I will drive against traffic on the scooter occasionally, along with that speed limit. 30 or 60 kph, that's just ridiculously slow.
  22. I'll be law abiding in the future, as been very lucky the past couple years, since they announced the 120 kph speed limit. Not reading the fine print, when road safe enough, I cruised 100+ to 115 ish. Never received a camera citation. In the future I'll be maxing out at 90 ish. Not for any legal reason, just EV's range is better at lower speeds. Beside last couple trips up to Krung Thep, with a few exceptions, not many stretches I could exceed 90 kph anyway. Slower, by a bit, but safer and more relaxing ride at lower speeds. Reality, on 300 kms trip, if half is at 90 instead of 115, it will only take .36 hrs longer, if all things equal. Last week took 4 hrs, so 4.5 in the future. If that saves me the need for a 30 minute stop to top up the battery, then nothing lost.
  23. Yep ... put that one right next to the threat of if not paying, your vehicle registration won't be renewed. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30356768
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