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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. No prob, we all have our moments ... guilty myself... ... too many times ????
  2. I know how to exercise, just lack motivation most times. Old house had a small pool (3X5), but I made one end 2+ meters deep, so I could tread water, along with floor exercises, push up, bar/chin ups, and just use my own weight. Never invested in bench or machine, as know I wouldn't use. When too cool to use pool, then stationary bike, or pedal bike, all no / low impact aerobic. Arms & pecs noticeable smaller from when a youngin'. In states I had a NordiTrak, that was awesome for good work out. Actually working (mixed manual & supervisory) was a good work out, though fine line between work out & aggravating my back. Now I walk a bit, with dog at the park every morning and usually surfside in the evening. Heat & humidity is brutal at times. Tuckers us out ... ????
  3. People have options, those that don't (condos/apt), it's a work in progress. Wind, solar, hydro and development of, is in the hands of the gov't. Make no mistake, controlled by oil, so a very slow process here, and sadly, most countries, until that commodity runs out. Not F everyone else, but don't imply I'm still, will be using fossil fuel to charge any EVs I have. Now 3, (not car) but E-scooter (stand up) arrived today. Add to the 2 wheel'd 'fleet' ????, motorcycle & bike. Car may be down the line, though not completely satisfied with the pricing for the range on offer now. I want a bit more for my ฿1 mill, especially since I'm quite happy with the ZS. You don't need to be rich to have an EV. Good, dependable, new, registered motorcycles starts @ 37k, w/removable battery for condo/apt dwellers.
  4. I'll be 100% solar in couple months. Signature ... solution, not the problem.
  5. Yes it was, sadly. As I chose to work the job, manual labor, heavy lifting, for a company that wouldn't schedule the OT when needed, or replace sick calls. Management getting their bonuses by not. 2 herniated discs & surgery along w/ 5 degenerative disc later, and I could easily have a great excuse to be a LPOS. Not in my nature. 73 kg was out of boot camp, 100 was my heaviest. I get knocking on 90 and I feel huge, and I'm 175cm. Below 80 and I feel really small. Working on those love handles, always a challenge. Loss some upper muscle mass, and 1 leg is noticeable thicker than the other. But all good, especially when I see someone on crutches, in a wheelchair, or with 1 or no legs.
  6. You want to be rich (I'm far from it), but if so, WORK FOR IT. I grew up in economically depressed areas, to alcoholic parents, and would be great excuses to be a useless LPOS, as I know, knew many who used it as an excuse to stay that way. If happy, fine, but don't cry about it, and say you didn't have any opportunity. Been working since 12 yrs old. Real legal salaried jobs since 16. Multiple jobs at the same time, 8-12-16 hr days. 5-6-7 day weeks. Jobs I didn't like or want, until I found something better. Learned to work smarter not harder long time ago. You can waste money, and buy 'flash' <deleted>, or build equity. Buy c r a p that depreciates, or appreciated ... that's a choice. Don't want to be fat ... EAT HEALTHY. Try exercising, even if just walking. Or just stop living life through a device and go the F outside, stop watching TV, vid games, matter fact, unplug completely. If you are fat, try, just try, choose to eat less than you burn. It's far from rocket science. Oh yea, walk that 100 meters to 7-11 instead of riding motorbike to it. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. I've been 73 kg, and I've been 100 kgs, and yea, it's a choice. Nobody forced me to eat pastry everyday and be a couch potato. Now I hang around 80 kg, I could easily use my 'bad back' as an excuse for everything. That would be an excuse. I can't jog any more, but I can walk or ride a bike. If you have time to sit around and watch hours of TV, you have time to exercise, even if just walking. Plenty of financially secure, even rich people in Thailand (Thais) that started with nothing. Plenty of healthy thin people here, not because they are starving. Plenty of healthy folks that use to be fat, because then chose to change, diet and or lifestyle. Plenty of fatties here also .... BY CHOICE. Apparently they do want to be, as not doing anything to avoid it. and the choice they made.
  7. Same as everywhere, simply offer what one is willing to pay. It's Buyer' Market, or should be.
  8. In OP situation, if knowing going to live any 1 place for at least 5-10 yrs, just buy a condo. Renting / leasing is a waste of money.
  9. I believe it's 1 year, needs to be sold / transferred to a Thai national, or legal entity allowed to own land. Researched it, but quite some time ago, though be surprised if changed.
  10. Everything is about choice, and you live or die by the ones you make, chose. Unless a medical condition, all excuses are BS.
  11. Certainly don't need to be rich to drive an EV. Some nice EVs start at less than 1 mill baht, cheaper depending what country you live in. No more, even less, than what many spend on ICEs. Same as ICEs, less if you don't need the options, or a flash ride.
  12. Not underage driving in PA, USA ... did you read this part: "Save your silly comments" Legal drinking age back then was actually 21, now it's 18. I was getting drunk and driving at 15, if need to know. Common where I grew at ???? after working a 12 hour shift ... and yea, that was illegal also. But, want to play, got to pay, means you got to work.
  13. Owner of property. Filed with their Chanote at land office. No need for lawyer. It's a fill in the blanks form, the clerk at land office fill out on the computer. Owner simply asks to have placed on Chanote, clerk types in the info, prints it out, sign / sign, attached to Chanote. Simple, easy, and think it cost about 150 baht.
  14. Most buying now, either ignorant to their past production & track record, or realize, it's in the past, and China is putting out a good, dependable product. When I first saw them here, I thought, no way, since my brother & friend struggled with their MGBs & Midget. Then realized, 'then & now', is completely different, 'brand / company', MG / SAIC. ????
  15. Haven't noticed many MG trucks on the road. Plenty of cars, and establishing a good market for them, but not the trucks. Would be great of any OWNERS chimed in, for the trucks. Almost picked up one myself, almost. Owners of the cars, ICEs & EVs (AN members), myself included, seem to be quite happy with the MG brand. No major complaints so far.
  16. Seriously ... have you tried Google ???? https://www.mgcars.com/th/Home https://www.mgcars.com/th/mg-models/new-mg-extender-gc/overview https://www.mgcars.com/th/mg-models/new-mg-extender-dc/overview If wanting to compare specs before shopping: https://www.zigwheels.co.th/en/compare-cars
  17. Think the opposite. May be more accidents, but minor fender benders, as I used to drive really slow when stoned vs when not, or only drunk. Yes, I drove drunk, days past, as we all didn't mature and be responsible at age 16. Save your silly comments.
  18. Along with nobody will be throwing away those car battery banks under 70 or 80% capacity, as will be used elsewhere until useless, which may take another decade or so. As long as they hold a charge, there will be a market for them. For those not doing over the road trips, not a concern, and it simply means you need to top up more often. If not doing over the road trips, that original bank may outlast you, depending on your age. If I bought a new MG EV car, I'm pretty sure I don't have 180k kms left in me, especially since I use the e-motorcycle, e-bike, and soon to arrive e-scooters (stand up thingy) for around town use. Yea, I'm addicted to E-toys ... ???? Where the closest EA meeting at tonight ????
  19. As long as you have paperwork to verify you support Thai national (child), then as stated, only need 400k, if that, not sure, as been a while. I used that visa until I was 50 yrs old, and kid wasn't my birth child or adopted by me. May be wrong, but I don't remember any financials being required, although it was almost 20 yrs aga. The original paperwork was done at a very friendly USA consulate (non embassy), no tea money involved. Affidavit from child's mother verifying, then when renewed in Thailand, grandparents verified at renewal, since mother was MIA. Since mother is available, in your case, should be easier.
  20. Most sites use 68-69+million, and more believable, IMO Surprised about the 1 m non Thais, though not sure what they are using. Before Imm stated 1/2 mill on long term visas, and would have thought they'd have the accurate # for obvious reason.
  21. No, not at the time registered. Finally married couple years after the 2nd one. Lease ... do you really want to commit yourself for a long lease. Or you'll have a 'either party can void' clause, which makes it useless. And short leases, many don't want to file, as they get taxes for the full length of the lease when filed. Just not a fan of. If married, lease is completely useless, as 1 yr after divorce, spouse can cancel the lease, unless that's changed.
  22. I believe it's 1000+ country wide now, so shouldn't really be a problem finding one.
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